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Add Language translation text in magento2

I have added the new field in Customer navigation section near the Sign In, For that new field I need to fr_FR translation where I need to add the translation text? Those translation files are working ...
Jeeva Chezhiyan's user avatar
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Translate Shipping and handling, grandtotal, subtotal for PDF invoice, from backend in Magento 2

How can I translate the "Shipping & Handling", "Subtotal", "Grand Total" from the PDF invoice that is generated after you press the button PRINT in the backend. The invoice needs to be translated. ...
Raluca Albu's user avatar
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Magento 1.9 Where is the translation file defined?

In my Magento folder, under locale/ I have a list of folders with translation files, and I have configured different Magento stores in Admin. But some stores don't use the correct translation file. ...
Magento Learner's user avatar
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Magento 2 - Translate Cancel Button

The Javascript translation in Magento 2 is buggy as hell. And I just can't get the cancel button for the minicart dialogue translated. The one when you try to delete a product from the cart. I even ...
alobeejay's user avatar
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translation of customized pdfs doesn't work

I created a module called phil/pdfs to customize the pdf of magento_sales module. Everything works fine but the translation. Collecting the phrases with i18n tool returns all phrases I want to ...
Phil Kay's user avatar
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How to install a language pack for 3 or more languages in Magento 2?

I have 3 languages in my site English, Danish and Swedish.I have created i18n folder in Magento_root/app path and I have language.xml, composer.json, da_DK.csv and registration.php files inside da_DK ...
saravana's user avatar
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How to define default language behind selected one for backend

I've selected Spanish language for the back end and the translation is not completed. I understand that, but there is a problem: if translation is not available, the text is shown in German. I can't ...
Mario M.'s user avatar
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Magento 2 : How to override translation file module wise?

I need to update translation file only for checkout page , so how can I do that . I don't want to use translation file which is use in theme folder.
Dhaval Vaghela's user avatar
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Translate for specific customer group - Magento 1.9

Pretty straight forward really, obviously I can do translations via the following file: app/design/frontend/theme/default/locale/en_GB/translate.csv But this will do it across the whole site, for ...
andy jones's user avatar
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Add and edit words to Magento 2 language dictionary

In Magento2 - I have installed language pack from MagePlaza. Most of the words got translated, I need to edit the untranslated words. I edit in this file app/i18n/mageplaza/da_DK.csv and deployed ...
hln's user avatar
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M1.9 Translation string with link in csv

In my login.phtml I have a custom string containing a link and I do not succeed to translate it with the translate.csv of my custom theme. 'If you are private customer please visit our <a href="...
Th. Schott's user avatar
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Javascript translation doesn't work

I've got problem with default translation built in magento 2. A made static content deploy, file js-transation.json generated properly but strings didn't translated. Site: Version magento ...
Marek Woźniak's user avatar
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How to translate module with i18n

I met a problem that how to translate the module's phrase into other languages(eg. Japanese). For example, some code may like this: app/code/My_vendor/My_module/Controller/i18n/jp_JP.csv "test","...
toshinou's user avatar
2 votes
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Magento2. Knockout. Translation doesn't work

Please advice is there any pre-requirements to translate in *.html files Works: <button type="submit" class="action primary"><span>Send link to a Friend</span></button> Don'...
zhartaunik's user avatar
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On mobile submenu 'All %categoryname' is not translated - Magento 2

I can't translate the string 'All' from the subcategory on mobile menu. The file where the string appears is menu.js located on public/lib/web/mage/ And it looks like this: .text($.mage.__('All ') + ...
Raluca Albu's user avatar
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In Magento1, how do you establish where the translations csv file is to be uploaded?

I have my translate.csv file ready to upload into a Magento setup. So we are changing words from Magento default like Tax to be VAT instead. I understand different setups will have this file uploaded ...
MagentoMac's user avatar
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Magento 2: Validate error from review form on product page does not translate

The message 'Please select one of each of the ratings above.' is not translating, when you try to add a review without choosing the stars. The form is located in the file form.phtml vendor/magento/...
Raluca Albu's user avatar
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How to translate PHTML text including html markup

I'm familiar with how to translate strings including variables such as <?php echo sprintf(__('Hello %s'), $yourVariable) ?> So what's the cleanest way to translate this example in a PHTML ...
Ben Crook's user avatar
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Magento2 : Update translation using API response

I want to know how to update some translation through Magento 2.1.9 REST API. For example, when I add a configurable product in the cart thanks to the Magento 2.1.9 REST API, if the user do not ...
Franck Garnier's user avatar
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Translation of Magento (Frontend) v1.9.2.4 to Serbian

I have to translate Magento frontend to Serbian. How can I do that and where can I find the translation files? I am guessing I have to just put them in locale/sr_SR.csv, but not really sure. Neko zna ...
Vladimir Despotovic's user avatar
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php date always displayed in Dutch [duplicate]

I currently use the following code to display some date inside my Magento store: setlocale(LC_TIME, 'nl_NL'); $today = new Zend_Date($_product->getData('delivery_eta'), 'MM-dd-yyyy'); $date = ...
JGeer's user avatar
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Translating "Please enter your email below and we'll send you confirmation link for it."

I'm trying to translate the string "Please enter your email below and we'll send you confirmation link for it." I've read the article here and adding "\" to confirmation.phtml works indeed. <?php ...
kiltro's user avatar
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Translate Filter button layered nav sidebar Magento 1.9

could anyone tell me how can I translate the value "FILTER" for button price in layered navigation? I have a multilingual site all translated except that label, always appear in English as you can ...
DanMar's user avatar
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String translation missing

I've translated the string "Account confirmation is required. Please, check your email for the confirmation link. To resend the confirmation email please click here." in app/locale/it_IT Mage_Customer....
kiltro's user avatar
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Magento2: List translation strings from a module

In order to build this CSV app/code/Vendor/Module/i18n/en_US.csv, I want to get an array from my module with all the translation-ready strings from all files types (.php, .phtml, .js, .xml). .php &...
St3phan's user avatar
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Translating custom strings into theme knockout templates

I know that this issue has been dealt with several times in this forum Magento2 localisation Javascript Magento 2 - translating problem in JS templates Magento2 translating Javascript (KO) template ...
nuovecode's user avatar
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Magento 2 : Translate string in function in knockout template

In a Magento Knockout template I find a function like so: <element data-bind="something: function() { return 'some string'; }" /> How can I translate this string? I tried following, but it ...
steros's user avatar
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Back in stock alert email isn't translated (Magento 2)

In a new Magento 2 setup I'm testing the back in stock alert email, but the text in the email isn't translated. I'm using the dutch translation package of magento2translations, this contains the text ...
mikesteeghs's user avatar
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Translations not working, Magento_Checkout

I'm facing the problems with Finnish translations (Magento ver. 2.1.7). The main pages are translated but all the Magento_Checkout translations are in English. It seems that this is bug in the ...
user57360's user avatar
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Converting a locale date to YYYY-MM-DD

I have a datepicker in my site which formats the time in the current locale. So the time gets sent to the server in d/MM/yy-format. The locale on the frontend is determined by Magento\Framework\...
Giel Berkers's user avatar
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Inline translation: slowing magento down and other pros and cons?

I like to do my custom translations using the inline translation tool in M2.1. My questions are: What, in general, are the downsides of this method? Are there any pros (apart from that the method is ...
Els den Iep's user avatar
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Magento 2 - How to Overwrite Default Translation Core en_US Dictionary Package

I want to change the word "Magento" to "Magento 2 CE" for the Default Translation Core en_US Dictionary Package. How to achieve this without overwrite Magento's core functionality directly at vendor/...
rubenromao's user avatar
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Identify translation string and disadvantages of inline translation

I have successfully translated Magento 2 by following this video: The translation pack that I downloaded was not perfect but a good start and I have added ...
Kaki Sami's user avatar
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Magento2 phrases in some specific modules are not translated

I have installed arabic lang pack. But phrases from Magento_Checkout module are not being translated. these are the i18n files in my installation: ./app/i18n/Burooj/ar_SA/ar_SA.csv ./app/code/Burooj/...
Shanavas M's user avatar
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checkout page not working on multi-lingual website

I am building on bilingual Magento website Magento version 2.1.7 CE I just realized the checkout page on page on our french website is not working :( on the ...
claude Martinet's user avatar
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Magento2 - Removing inline translations does not revert to original string

I have a web site that was originally translated using inline translation. I am in the process of moving the translations to a .csv file. However when i remove the translations from the inline ...
c2aFrederick's user avatar
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How to change default language to French

I am working with Magento 2.1.7 and I want to set up a website that will completely display in French. I did install the community version, 2.1.7 of it and it works well. But I am trying to change ...
Georges Amos's user avatar
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Magento Translation ver.

I am trying to Translate this phrase: Search entire store here... that appears in the default Search Form. So far I have tried adding it here: staging/app/design/frontend/default/mytemplate/locale/...
user2531490's user avatar
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Switch language on front page not working

I have installed a language pack for my magento 2 site. wget php bin/magento i18n:pack -m replace sv_SE.csv sv_SE php ...
Pacman12's user avatar
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Where can I find the file for product view translation?

Does anyone know where to find the translation file for this line "Buy 2 for $84.60..." ? I am trying to change the default Chinese text in the 2nd pic. I am using Magento ver.
Jovi's user avatar
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Why the translation isn't working from XML file?

I'm using below code in my XML and translate it using translate.csv. But it isn't working can anyone please help me? <checkout_cart_index translate="label"> <reference name="...
MageLerner's user avatar
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translating a string with html elements in it

I'm having trouble translating this string in M2. It has '' element in it, I have tried all possible string splitting options but none of them seems to work. Is there some kind of a trick that I don't ...
raouaoul's user avatar
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Magento 2: Translate input placeholder attribute string in Knockout html template

I can translate strings in Knockout html templates like this: <!-- ko i18n: 'Email' --><!-- /ko --> <span data-bind="i18n: 'Email'"></span> And the translations come from pub/...
user2759013's user avatar
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Localized dutch date format

I'm using "AW blog" in Magento On the homepage I've got the recently added blogs with the date, the date is now showing: 29 May 2017. How can I change that into Dutch like; 29 Mei 2017? I've ...
n00bly's user avatar
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In Magento 2, what does `translate="true"` really do in XML?

When I add translate="true" to my XML declarations of my own custom module, will Magento translate them automagically (given that I have the proper i18n CSV files for this)? Or is it only served as a ...
Giel Berkers's user avatar
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Transactional email not translated for programmatically created invoice, shipping

Order emails are correct, but my invoice and shipping emails are not fully translated. Some fields are correct: billing/shipping address titles payment method title But some get not translated: ...
sv3n's user avatar
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How use in Magento2 inline translations with chosen locale in code? How select locale for inline translations in Magento2?

We need to have ability in code use inline translations with translated strings from csv files with selected locale, which is different from store. For example, user select english language in ...
yehor test's user avatar
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change "We can't find products matching the selection" massage in magento 2.1

I'd like to change this message to 'We can't find products matching the selection' and 'You don't subscribe to our newsletter' default massages. Can anyone suggest how this can be done in Magento 2....
ss222's user avatar
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Magento 2:i18n folder to custom theme

I want to edit .csv file in module-wishlist to my custom theme. I have copied the the file from module-wishlist and copied to app/design/frontend/vendor/theme/Magento_Wishlist/i18n/en_US.csv. ...
Vindhuja's user avatar
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Magento 1.9: Missing translation of the minicart "remove item" pop-up buttons?

The pop-up window which is shown when clicking "Remove item" in the mini-cart ("Are you sure you would like to remove this item from the shopping cart?") shows two buttons "OK" and "Cancel". In my ...
Aron's user avatar
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