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29 votes
3 answers

How to implement translations in design template package CSV's? How does echo $this->__('Text') work?

I have a design package setup like so: design/frontend/package_name/theme_name/locale/ under which I have de_DE, en_GB etc, under which I have corresponding translate.csv files with the various ...
waffl's user avatar
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27 votes
4 answers

Why do classes use a helper for translation instead of $this?

In core modules and sometimes templates, I see helper classes being used for translation: Mage::helper('someModule')->__('translate me'); Why is this preferable to: $this->__('translate me');
Brendan Falkowski's user avatar
25 votes
4 answers

how to create multilingual static block

I need to create multilingual static block. So far I have created static block with id 'delivery_returns'. I'm calling it in catalog\product\view.phtml like this: $deliveryBlock = Mage::getModel('...
ruuter's user avatar
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24 votes
4 answers

How to add translations for new words in Magento?

I'm using English, Spanish and German as three store views for my site. What is the easiest way to add translations for new words? Even if I add new words with the translations it doesn't show in the ...
Sukeshini's user avatar
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23 votes
5 answers

Managing Magento csv Translation Files

As time has passed, the Magento core team has added more and more default language packs to the app/locale folder. Is there a canon way to manage your own translation files such that they don't ...
Alana Storm's user avatar
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19 votes
3 answers

Magento Adding a new Language?

I've looked at several pages regarding adding another language support to the Magento cart, however, there seems to be something missing. The usual is to download translation through the admin ...
Karlson's user avatar
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18 votes
5 answers

Magento Displaying appropriate localisation based on Location

I'd like to configure the Magento site to be able to recognize the default language and location of the user and display the site in that language and with appropriate localization. For example: A ...
Karlson's user avatar
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17 votes
4 answers

Magento2 localisation Javascript

A similar question was already asked here: Magento 2 javascript text translations, but Magento updated this translation technique in the beta version. How can I add or update translations used by ...
Silvan's user avatar
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16 votes
5 answers

Why does my translate.csv and the translation files not work?

I'm trying out a new theme and it seems to not get the translations properly. If I search for the English phrase in my files, I can find: "You have no items to compare.","Sie haben keine Artikel ...
Chris's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

Make magento core template use my module's translation file

In an extension I'm working on, I have a layout XML added via module's config.xml. This layout has some modifications to the frontend. Some of these blocks, however, belong to Magento core modules. ...
Mridul Aggarwal's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

magento 2: 'i18n:collect-phrases' command creates different csv files

php bin\magento i18n:collect-phrases -o "C:\xampp\htdocs\magento\app\design\i18n\xx_YY.csv" -m collects all phrases in the magento application and outputs a csv file with 4 columns: php bin\magento ...
Blackpanther0001's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Magento 2: what does i18n mean?

When I started working with Magento 2, that was the first time I came accross this abbreviation so I have no idea what does that word/abbreviation mean ?
Raphael at Digital Pianism's user avatar
12 votes
6 answers

Magento 2 Translations not working

I'm trying to translate some text in the checkout page: "Provided Zip/Postal Code seems to be invalid." However, when I add the following to frontend/..theme../Magento_Checkout/i18n/en_US.csv and ...
Cake's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Translate Maintenance mode per website in multiwebsite-multidomain setup

Translate Maintenance mode per website in multi website-multi domain setup What is the proper way of translating (localisation) Maintenance page in a multi-website and multi-domain environment? ...
versedi's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

How to handle translations with translation bureaus?

I'm wondering what's the best way to realise translations with translation bureaus. Basically I see two ways of doing this: Send them the CSV files. Give them access to a Magento installation for ...
Matthias Zeis's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

How to override translate csv files in magento2

Suppose, I want to translate Shop By to Shop in my custom theme using translation file en_US.csv What is the method or procedure to achieve it in Magento2?
Anshu Mishra's user avatar
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10 votes
6 answers

Title tag in layout is not translated

I don't know if this a bug, but title tag in layout is not translated. For example, <page xmlns:xsi="" layout="1column" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="...
jstuardo's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

how can change magento calendar?

As you know Gregorian is default calendar in Magento, but in some countries like China, Japan, India, Iran and Arabian countries there are different calendars. I searched Magento backend and I didn’t ...
mir.moezi's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Translation doesn't work on breadcrumbs added by xml

I'm building a custom page. I add breadcrumbs like this (and it works well). <brand_brand_index translate="label"> <reference name="breadcrumbs"> <action method="...
Tran Dinh Khanh's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Magento 1: Use of <![CDATA in the system configuration XML

I've noticed that some comments in the native Magento 1 system.xml files are enclosed by <![CDATA[ / ]]> tags and some are not. For example in app/code/core/Mage/Captcha/etc/system.xml we have: ...
Raphael at Digital Pianism's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Change the scope of a attribute

A extension created a extra tab in my category menu. With this code: $setup->addAttribute('catalog_category', 'menutopdescription1', array( 'group' => 'General', 'input' ...
Ronny's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

How to know which translation csv file(s) are used in the current phtml file

Is there a method to know which translation CSV file(s) are used in the current phtml template file?
Bizboss's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Can I change my default language from English to German?

Can you provide a guide for changing store language from English to German? Module i18n only has en_Us file. I have learned a user guide, but cannot understand that. Any solution for that?
Khushbu Mehta's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Translating custom strings into theme knockout templates

I know that this issue has been dealt with several times in this forum Magento2 localisation Javascript Magento 2 - translating problem in JS templates Magento2 translating Javascript (KO) template ...
nuovecode's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

"Interface Locale" admin language problem

In my admin page, the "Interface Locale" dropdown is not working. I already switched the default language to German, but is still shows English. The same with Chinese. How can I solve this problem?
Tien Zam's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Inline translate Chrome Bug?

Maybe it's just me, but in Chrome browser inline translate does not work. The red boxes are shown and if I hover the mouse the book icon appears but if I click it nothing happens. I had the same ...
PiTheNumber's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How does translation scope work in Magento 2?

In Magento 1 different modules could provide different translations for the same string and the various __() methods in helpers and blocks always passed a module scope to the translator model, to ...
Fabian Schmengler's user avatar
7 votes
5 answers

How to add a new language - Magento 2.0.1

I am trying to create a new store view for the Tamil Language, but the language does not get listed while choosing the language from admin. short description of what I have done 1) I have ...
Bilal Usean's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Magento 2 javascript text translations

[EDIT] This is outdated. The translation is not done anymore as described below [/EDIT] In Magento 1 the translatable texts needed in javascript were added in the jstranslate.xml file in the etc ...
Marius's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Magento 2.3 translations (translate label) in the admin panel (backend)

In Magento 1 I just added a translate.csv for my admin area. How can I achieve this in Magento 2? I just want to change the translations of a few things and add some missing translations. Can't I put ...
Scotti's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Magento 2 Translate modules separately?

Is it possible to keep different translate files for different modules? I have a large file with all translation in: app/i18n/magento/sv_se/sv_SE.csv This doesn't work: app/i18n/"vendor_module"/...
ineluki's user avatar
  • 189
6 votes
2 answers

Magento 2: Change Text On Checkout Page

I'm using Magento 2 CE Version 2.1.2 I would like to change Shipping Address to Shipping/Billing Address. I have already below, but it's not working for me. Magento 2: Sorry, no quotes are ...
Jackson's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Update customer gender translations

I would like to translate the gender options for a customer. At first I thought that I could simply use a translation file for this, but looking into the template app/design/frontend/base/default/...
David Manners's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Translation function with multiple variables doesn't work

I have a problem using translate function. This works: $this->__("You can contact %s by calling %s.", $name, $phone); But this doesn't: $this->__("You can contact %1$s by calling %2$s.", $...
Alan's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Merge different language csv to determine which phrases missing a translation

Currently we have our shop only in English language and want to add an Italian one. So we have collected all phrases with bin/magento i18n:collect-phrases --magento --output="en_EN.csv". We installed ...
Daniel's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Magento 2 - translating problem with JS strings

I'm trying to translate my website content. Everything worked fine expect the validation messages which come from mage/validation.js, and the minicart content translation is not showing on the ...
user37566's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How do you add translation for extensions in Magento2?

I installed IWC's One Page Checkout (OPC) extension and even though it works properly, we just can't translate it into Spanish. We have a language pack es_MX.csv (Spanish/Mexico) with translations ...
AlexL's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

How to debug vsprintf() "Too few arguments" error in my log files?

I keep seeing the following report in my system.log file: 2015-10-20T12:34:07+00:00 DEBUG (7): Array ( [type] => 2 [message] => vsprintf(): Too few arguments [file] => app\code\...
Ronen Ness's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Magento 2 translate the "You added ... to your shopping cart." line

I'm trying to translate the "You added ... to your shopping cart." line in my Magento 2 installation. I have already a .csv file in: "app/design/themevendor/themename/i18n/" with all the lines ...
alexcr's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

What is the proper way to add theme-specific translations of new strings?

We are creating a new template and have some new text which are not yet defined anywhere. If they would be defined before we would add some "Mage_TheModule::Foo";"Fuh" to the translate.csv in the ...
Alex's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Magento 2:i18n folder to custom theme

I want to edit .csv file in module-wishlist to my custom theme. I have copied the the file from module-wishlist and copied to app/design/frontend/vendor/theme/Magento_Wishlist/i18n/en_US.csv. ...
Vindhuja's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How are Order States/Statuses translated?

Suppose I have a website with English and German store views. I only see a single global mapping of states to statuses at /admin/sales_order_status, so it's not clear how I would have an order state ...
kojiro's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

What is the best way to translate Magento?

I am trying to have my Magento work in french. Should I use a module for this or id there another better way? This is the module I am looking at:
jnbdz's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Translations of layout handle label

During the creation of a layout handle you specify a node <label> which is some text to describe the layout handle. For example the layout handle catalog_category_default has the following ...
David Manners's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

translation of Mr. and Mrs. prefix options

So I have to set a translation for the Mr. and Mrs. prefix options in the one-page checkout form, where a customer fills his name, address, etc. All the translations so far I have done through the ....
Syspect's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Correct usage of jstranslator.xml

I'm attempting to translate the error messages returned by the Postcode Anywhere module. They're displayed in browser alerts, so are created in JavaScript. I managed to translate one using the inline ...
Mark Weston's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Pirate Language Pack

I'm looking for a Magento language pack, like Facebook's Pirate Language option, that is humorous. My Google-fu is failing me. Pirate is preferable. Update A pirate language pack been created and ...
philwinkle's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Magento 2 : How to concat a string variable to option value in knockout template which already bind to i18n string?

I've knockout template which contains the following line: <option value='industrial' data-bind="i18n: 'Industrial'"></option> anyone knows how to add variable to 'Industrial' eg. <...
hkguile's user avatar
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5 votes
0 answers

Magento2 : Get translation for multiple languages

I have a Magento 2 with a multiple website/store/storeview setup. Now I want to create a list of links with the text "Continue on [store_name] store". The problem is that I want to translate it in the ...
Arno Vande Cappelle's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

"Special Price" is not translated

I am using the latest Magento DE version ( and while everything else works fine (like "Regular price") "Special price" is not translated. I've tried changing the "Mage_Catalog.csv" in the "...
Bernie's user avatar
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