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Shared Packages Issue on marketplace

I have an issue while submitting a theme on marketplace. My theme has 3 modules. I have uploaded those modules in shared package because those modules depends on theme package. I have created a simple ...
Mehreen's user avatar
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create Magento package in packagist

I am trying to require my package newly setup in packagist and github in a magento local projet when I run command. composer require anasstouaticoder/magento2-module-instantconfigurationcopy but I am ...
lazy_coder's user avatar
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Cannot Load External JS File on HTML file

Decided to use echarts.js for a specific page in my site. Tried to download the package file on my server and then I tried to include it using a script tag. However, when I open the page I get a ...
Eddysanoli's user avatar
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Why package depencies error is coming in Magento 1.9. please explain

I am working on my eCommerce website called My magento version is 1.9.4. I am not able to install any extensions from Magento Connect & Mage terminal both. I don't know how to fix ...
Salman Dalal's user avatar
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Inconsistent package.xml - Magento 1

I tried finding a Slack or Discord server for Magento before coming here. I am trying to submit a Magento 1 extension for technical review @ marketplace and the package.xml won't pass marketplace ...
Ravenous's user avatar
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Magento 2 : Expected HIT on the second page load after product price update

I have submitted an extension to Magento Marketplace but they reported below error: Expected HIT on the second page load. Expected HIT on the second page load after product price update. {"...
John Puthusery's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to use Composer to update just the Magento 2 core packages?

I would like to use the composer update feature to update all the core packages, not the third-party packages together. Do you have some idea?
Rafael Corrêa Gomes's user avatar
2 votes
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Package Magento2 extension with custom theme?

I have the following structure: app/code/Vendor/Module/.... app/design/adminhtml/Vendor/mythemename/... In my composer.json I put something like this: { "name": "vendor/module", "description": ...
Iunia's user avatar
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Undefined offset: 1 in /vendor/magento/framework/App/Language/Dictionary.php

i'm trying to extend a package language that already exists. My custom text override the texts of the package. When i try to access my site after run the follow commands: php bin/magento setup:...
Matheus Silva Itep's user avatar
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Marketplace Release - Extension Using External Composer Packages

I'm using some composer packages (like microsoft/application-insights) in the extension I've developed and now that I'm trying to submit the extension for technical review I've got a lot of errors for ...
user58541's user avatar
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Magento 2 - How to Overwrite Default Translation Core en_US Dictionary Package

I want to change the word "Magento" to "Magento 2 CE" for the Default Translation Core en_US Dictionary Package. How to achieve this without overwrite Magento's core functionality directly at vendor/...
rubenromao's user avatar
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2 answers

Package extension not working: Magento

I have a module in Magento that I am creating a package extension. I am able to create a package extension successfully which is stored in [magento]/var/connect folder. I have the package.xml,...
coderunner's user avatar
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Getting error on Module submission on Magento 2

I have submitted my module in magento 2 marketplace. My module got rejected on technical review and shown below error: Environment: Operating System - Centos 7, PHP Version - 5.6.30, Magento ...
Gaurav Agrawal's user avatar
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Publishing extension to Marketplace

I'm trying to publish extension to the magento marketplace. I receive an error when i press submit button on magento's web from: Can't connect to package repository i have added my GitHub ...
Maxim Kitsenko's user avatar
2 votes
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Change package.xml of extension and generate tgz file

I need to edit a package.xml file of a extension. There is a php restriction to that module and I need to increase it, so that I can install it on my store. I know it works well with that php version....
JGeer's user avatar
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Add a custom new language package Magento 2.1.3

I'm trying to create a new language package for Magento 2.1.3. I've been following this guide but without success. I tried the following steps without success: 1) Collect phrases from your module ...
Persson's user avatar
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How to publish Magento 2 paid module

I have developed one module for old magento versions and now I have developed the same module for Magento 2. Now, I want to upload this magento 2 module in magento community. I have prepared the ...
Gaurav Agrawal's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

magento 2: 'i18n:collect-phrases' command creates different csv files

php bin\magento i18n:collect-phrases -o "C:\xampp\htdocs\magento\app\design\i18n\xx_YY.csv" -m collects all phrases in the magento application and outputs a csv file with 4 columns: php bin\magento ...
Blackpanther0001's user avatar
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Desktop theme is loading in both mobile and desktop

I want to set two different themes for desktop view and mobile view. After all configuration also the mobile theme is not coming in mobile view , instead its loading the desktop theme. My mobile ...
Pattnaik's user avatar
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How to sell a complete product package, without the customer can select just one

I need sell product package, but I need that client won't be able to select just one, the default method is like this image below: I need only show to client what products are available on package ...
rafaelfndev's user avatar
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Copy a Magento package

i'm new to Magento and i'd like to copy a complete Magento Storeview (full package incl. the theme) to another server. The Data doesnt matter nor the options just the design. I already copied the ...
Wynnchel D's user avatar
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Beginner Query - Magento Theme Not Falling Back?

I'm attempting to build a custom package and theme using the Magento guide at: One of the fundamental points it makes at the beginning is that ...
user avatar
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Magento 2 : Why the Extensions installation process from admin is not same as in Magento 1?

This may be a small question but I am curious, why is the extension installation process from admin in Magento 2.x not same as in Magento 1.x (viz. Paste extension key to install) ? To be brief: In ...
Krishna ijjada's user avatar
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I cannot install Matrix Rates Package on my Magento website

I keep getting Cannot find command package-prepare when I click install I am running 1.9.2
user41985's user avatar
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What are the footprints a magento module can leave in the magento system?

I installed a module/extension but it does not work well for our needs. I want to completely delete the module with all its footprints. I removed the following: code pool - deleted the folder ...
manokarthick karthick's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Magento 2: "" file could not be downloaded

I keep getting this warning when I run composer update in my Magento 2 install. Loading composer repositories with package information Your configuration does not allow connections to http://packages....
Raphael at Digital Pianism's user avatar
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Customer able to select Package of product

How to give a option to customer, to select package option? Options like Normal Package Extra Package [5% of product price]
maniramav's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Can the NPM fiasco happen to Magento 2?

As some of you may know, a huge fiasco happened a month ago with NPM As of now, Magento 2 composer.json file includes a lot of external resources (details on the Magento 2 GitHub) What if one of ...
Raphael at Digital Pianism's user avatar
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2 answers

Magento 2 composer.json require field

I built an extension for Magento 2 and now I want to package it using the following guide: There is a sample ...
tester's user avatar
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magento 2 - Invalid credentials for '', aborting [duplicate]

Trying to install magento 2 on localhost. I am getting this message Invalid credentials for '', aborting. Initially, I had created a secure key by navigating to ...
Sandhya Nair's user avatar
1 vote
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How to create package extension with dependencies package?

I have created Package1_Module1 extension.Now I Want to create another extension Package1_Module2 so it is dependent on Package1_Module1 so it is add-on Package1_Module1. what I have to write in ...
Niraj Patel's user avatar
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I want to use same observer in extension both module what I do?

I have created package1 and its 2 modules for example module1,module2.Now situation is I want to use both observer in both modules,I want to run first module1 observer then call or run second module ...
Niraj Patel's user avatar
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can I reupload my magento package extension in magento connect after 2 days of submitted?

I submitted(2 days ago) my package extension in magento connect website for review.Now I realized that I added wrong PHP version while creating package extension.I created package extension using ...
Niraj Patel's user avatar
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Which package extension file upload in magentocommerce?

I have created package extension in magento 1.9. So following three file created. [My_Extension_Name].xml [My_Extension_Name]-1.0.0.tgz package.xml When I login in my account on which ...
Niraj Patel's user avatar
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After rejection magento extension version

I have created package extension for magento.My extension was rejected and also uploaded my_extension_name with version 1.0.0. Now I have solved all issue created proper guideline.Should I have upload ...
Niraj Patel's user avatar
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How to encryption file in extension?

I have created package in magento and I want to upload extension in magento marketplace for free but how to encryption file of extension and when I can encryption a file of extension ? Guide me
Niraj Patel's user avatar
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3 answers

Get default theme name

I have my Magento package/theme structure configured like this: In Configuration -> General -> Design: In the package section the text "default". In the themes section I have all the inputs empty ...
sh4's user avatar
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Execute only second package observer

I have two packages installed in magento. First,Package1_Test1 second,Package2_Test2. I have created one observer in Package1_Test1 path: community/Package1/Test1/etc/config.xml <...
Niraj Patel's user avatar
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2 answers

Configurable package in magento

Is it possible to create product page like this Please guide me or suggest any extension
Rajan V's user avatar
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Magento downloader upgrade conflict >

I'm trying to update Magento from version to Unfortunately, there is a conflict error during installation/updating. For example when I try to upgrade a package I get the following ...
Dneiz's user avatar
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What is Package.xml in magento

In various extension, I saw package.xml file but I did not use that. I want to know that should I use that or not ? Basically what is the need of package.xml in magento. I always found that it is ...
Deepak Rai's user avatar
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is there a way to get all template names and all package names?

I am curious to know if there is any function to get all themes and all package names of magento? I know about how to get the current one, wanted to show user all the packages and all the templates. ...
Nickool's user avatar
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Packing a extension for connect with an CI

Trying to build my extensions more automatically and without magentos GUI. I've wrote a little script, based on a blog post by Sven Varkel, it pulls a vanilla magento source base and my extension, ...
Marvin Oßwald's user avatar
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Corrupted name of installation script-file in custom extension [duplicate]

I've created custom extension(Magento, Ubuntu 14.04), made a package and trying to install it. Everything seems to be ok. But instead of file sql/mycompany_thenameofdevelopedmodule/install-3....
Serge's user avatar
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Fatal error: Class 'Mage_Quotes_Helper_Data' not found in app/Mage.php

I've upgraded my Magento installation from ~1.4 to 1.8 and am having trouble with a package that I am using called Mage Quotes. I had to manually install the files and am getting the following error ...
Sam Heck's user avatar
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Is there an updates checker extension for commercial extensions?

I was wondering if there are any extension stores which allow small developers to sign up (like does) and publish their own work, but also have a ready made version checker which contacts ...
clockworkgeek's user avatar
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Display bundle product's child item's images like normal product images

Is there a way to show bundle product's child item's product images as the images of the main bundle product? We are using bundle products to sell products as product packages or kits (with small ...
Webninja's user avatar
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What's the relationship between vendor, package, module and namespaces?

Let's take the Contacts module inside my Magento 1.7 installation. $ pwd /var/www/vhosts/myproject/magento- I know Contacts is the module, but is Mage the package, ...
dayuloli's user avatar
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Where to place edited/new templates

I'm developing my first Magento extension for which I have overwritten a few default templates and created some new ones. At the moment, they reside in frondend/default/default and adminhtml/default/...
Vincent's user avatar
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How do I correctly package my extension for compatible Community Editions

Lately I have been having an exceedingly difficult time getting my extension approved for Magento Connect. I am packaging using 1.7, and I have followed all the instructions in the Packing Extension ...
Kyril's user avatar
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