Take a look at:
Magento\Framework\Translate::loadData($area = null, $forceReload = false)
if (!$forceReload) {
$this->_data = $this->_loadCache();
if ($this->_data !== false) {
return $this;
$this->_data = [];
if (!$forceReload) {
As we can see, the $this->_loadDbTranslation()
translate inline will be loaded at the last. It will be overridden all. So, your Magento will be slow down.
Inline translation: slowing Magento down
However, Magento will load the translation from cache, so, the inline translation will make your Magento is slow at the first time. I think that helps Magento translation is faster for all cases.
Why doesn't inline translation encourage?
[Need to check more cases]