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Magento New Order Email Payment Method Address Alignment

M2 sales related transactional emails Magento use variable {{var payment_html|raw}} to add information and this information is added using HTML tag <dl><dt><dd></dd></dt>...
ishaq's user avatar
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How to use Mandrill templates for transactional emails in Magento 2?

I am working in magneto 2 and want to use Mandrill templates for transactional emails. So emails sent through Mandrill use the templates I have set up in my Mandrill account instead of magento ...
Xabby's user avatar
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Customer name missing in transaction mail in 2.4.6?

After updating to Magento 2.4.6, the customer name is missing in the order confirmation mail. This is the code I have in the mail template: {{trans "%customer_name," customer_name=$order....
user4095519's user avatar
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How to set reply-to-email-address for transactional emails in Magento 2.4?

We would like to use a custom mailbox for all transactional emails sent by the store. Sometimes a customer replies to f.e. an order confirmation email and this email then also is sent to this mailbox. ...
user3631648's user avatar
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Use Multiple Email Footer Magento 1

I want to Add Different footers for the different emails from the Admin.
Rana Zain's user avatar
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New Order Email Template for Specific Product Type / Sku in Magento 2

We are looking for a solution whereby if a customer orders a specific product or product type, they will receive a different order confirmation (new order) email. The standard confirmation emails ...
James's user avatar
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Customer name not displayed in confirmation mail in Magento 2.4?

After updating to Magento 2.4.4 the customer name is not displayed in my confirmation mail. I tried all variations I could find: {{var customer.firstname}} {{trans "%customer_name " ...
user4095519's user avatar
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How to add html tag inside trans directive?

I am trying to add html <a> tag inside {{trans''}} but, I am getting the wrong output. Below is how I am trying to do it. <div class="register-button"> {{trans'<a href=&...
LosMos's user avatar
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Where do I find the text and links used for Transactional emails?

I've configured our Magento 2 transactional emails, they are sending correctly and content is mostly correct. We use Royal Mail for most shipping and the Magento order shipment is automatically ...
Sparko's user avatar
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How to add a custom email variable to magento 2 credit memo email?

I need to add a custom variable based on payment method to credit memo email. I captured the event email_creditmemo_set_template_vars_before in my custom module, Which was dispatched on Magento\Sales\...
Mujahidh's user avatar
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sales mailing without store logo doesnt show

the store logo does not appear in the transactional emails, and if the image exists but it does not show it
geracros's user avatar
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Translate custom transactional email variable

I used this observer: email_shipment_set_template_vars_before to add a custom transactional email variable. This is the code from the observer: $transport = $observer->getData('transportObject'); $...
Attila Naghi's user avatar
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Magento 2: Credit Memo refund amount in transactional email

So, I have a custom email setup for credit memo and I am using {{var creditmemo.grand_total}} variable to display refunded amount in my transactional email. Everything is fine except I want to show ...
Shivani Singh's user avatar
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Magento2: Invoice and shipment emails are not going to the customer

I am using Magento2.3.1. I have installed mageplaza SMTP extension and configured it with Send Grid details. I have completed all configuration and able to sent test email successfully. After that I ...
Purushotam Sharma's user avatar
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Magento 2 - How to include custom e-mail template?

I added a custom .html email template at THEME\Magento_Email\email\usp_block.html (i also tried THEME\Magento_Email\view\frontend\email\usp_block.html). Then I added the file THEME/etc/email_templates....
Black's user avatar
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Get custom attribute to transasctional email

I am trying to retrieve a customer attribute in a transactional mail. In my editor at the back-office, I put {{var request.getCustomAttribute ()}, but it doesn't work. What is the method to retrieve ...
Mikishilia's user avatar
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Use custom mail address when sending transaction mails?

Magento 1.9 This is my code: $mailTemplate->setDesignConfig(array('area' => 'frontend')) ->setReplyTo($post['email']) ->sendTransactional( ...
EOB's user avatar
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How would it be possible to change the color for a url that is a Custom Variable inserted in a transactional e-mail?

Here is the custom variable: <a href="https://customer-support-page">CUSTOMER SUPPORT</a> It gets a default color: #aaa; and I cannot manage to find where is that color set from ...
Doina's user avatar
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cron schedule table is empty after truncate

in my website send mail is not working so I truncated the cron_schedule table (before there are entries about sales order emails), the reason I truncated because the admin panel wasn't loading its ...
Maksood's user avatar
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Add custom block in transnational email

I am using Magneto 2.3.5-p1, I want to add some custom values in my New Order Transactional email template using block, for that, I have created a custom template from Marketing->Eamil Template and ...
ishaq's user avatar
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Hide price in transnational email

I am using Magento 2.3.5-p I have managed to hide price using CSS from the frontend, now I want to hide price and order total from transaction email like when a new order email is sent. How to do that,...
ishaq's user avatar
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Magento 2: Transnational email custom variables

There is zero documentation on how to create a variable and attach it to $order or anything of the sort. In my case, I need to multiply a product variables and quantity variable and display them as ...
lostnconfused's user avatar
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Send transictional email of backend programmatically in Magento 2

I'm trying to send programmatically transitional emails that I created in the backend. I did some research and saw many examples of sending emails programmatically only for those in html format. How ...
Jackom's user avatar
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Less CSS inlining error

I am using Magento 2.3.5-p1 with claue theme. I am getting below error in transactional email, how to fix it? Compilation from source: LESS file is empty: frontend/Mgs/claue/en_US/css/email-inline....
ishaq's user avatar
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Magento 2 - Transactional E-Mail Template location

I need to change the code of a transactional E-Mail template. Where can I find them in the magento project so I can change them?
Black's user avatar
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How to set customer first name email template after creating new account in Magento 2

I want to set customer first name on transactions email after create new customer account in magento2 I tried this line but that did not work {{trans "Dear %name," name=$Firstname}}
Gagan's user avatar
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Magento 2.3 - Transactional email remove time from order date

How can we remove the time in the order created date inside the transactional email? We now load it like this; {{var created_at_formatted}} and displayed as: 9 apr. 2020 11:17:59 We want to remove ...
JGeer's user avatar
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Magento 2.3 - Customer Firstname in Email

How can we load the customer first name in transactional emails in Magento 2.3? We tried this, but that does not work; {{trans "%name," name=$order.getBillingAddress().getFirstName()}}
JGeer's user avatar
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Magento 2.3: My layout handle is not working in email template

I had created the custom email template in that I declared the layout handle email template it is not working what can I do for it. I passed the data from the controller but the email is not coming ...
Sabareesh's user avatar
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Magento 2 : create newsletter subscription CMS page

do you have any reference that can share, how to create a CMS page that has a newsletter subscription form in it? I don't need an extra column for the data. Once the user subscribes there, it will ...
Paul Fan's user avatar
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magento getURL path always add "admin"

I try to generate a link, by using getURL, but some how it keep adding "admin" behind my hostname, what should I do? getURL cannot use in this case? It use to send out transnational email, if ...
Paul Fan's user avatar
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Magento 2.3.3 Transactional Emails issue with the logo link

I have uploaded the Transactional Emails Logo image using the Content->Design->Configuration uploaded successfully but in the email does not show the proper link with the link Of logo : https://ci5....
Rasik Miyani's user avatar
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Error filtering template: The product that was requested doesn't exist. Verify the product and try again

When sending transaction test mails like "New Pickup Order" we get the following error in the mail: Error filtering template: The product that was requested doesn't exist. Verify the product and try ...
ab_lu's user avatar
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Add transactional email template programmatically

I'm looking to add an email template to make it available in the transactional emails templates list in back office. I'm a newbie to magento 2 and a huge newbie to magento 1. My project is under V1....
Minirock's user avatar
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How define total amounts showed in transactions mails

We have all the prices setup including VAT. Right now in the transactional Mails we get the following output: Subtotal USD 50.00 Shipping & Handling USD 5.00 Total (exkl. VAT) USD ...
ab_lu's user avatar
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Display Customer Email, Customer Phone, Product Name, Product SKU in email template in magento 1.9

I need to display Customer Email, Customer Phone, Product Name, Product SKU in order email. {{template config_path="design/email/header"}} {{inlinecss file="email-inline.css"}} <p><...
BathiyaD's user avatar
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Magento2 - Add customer email address in order email

I'm trying to add customer email address under the billing section of transactional email. For transactional email I tried this solution but it is not working. I also tried to add whith no success ...
domfitty's user avatar
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How to print field in order email?

I want print a custom file in order transactional emails. Here is my Setup file: namespace xxx\xxxx\Setup; $quote = $setup->getTable('quote'); $salesOrder = $setup->getTable('...
Nitesh Kumar  Singh's user avatar
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Why my Magento just send order emails using the Send Email button?

I have my cron configured, but my order emails are sent just when I click on the Send Email button. How could I have my emails send via schedule?
Rafael Corrêa Gomes's user avatar
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How to schedule a transactional email locally?

I want to test any transactional email by a schedule in my local environment. How could I do that in my local?
Rafael Corrêa Gomes's user avatar
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Which emails are send by schedule?

I'm having some emails been sent by my Magento 2, and others not, I'm suspecting that the Magento has sent just the transactional emails sent immediately, not the emails by cron schedule, even with my ...
Rafael Corrêa Gomes's user avatar
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Order status changes to Processing after completed PayPal payment - but doesn't send New Order email

I was having an issue with capturing PayPal IPN messages, but I have fixed that and the Complete message is getting picked up by my store and changes the status of the order to Processing. At this ...
anothershrubery's user avatar
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How do I use email variables in phtml in Magento 2.2.x

I need to get the value of an email variable in a phtml file so I can test the value. In transactional emails I would use, as an exmaple <td>"Delivery Date" : {{var deliveryDate}}</td> ...
wjp_bill's user avatar
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In Magento2.3.2 :Mail send settings :- Is it work through localhost or Not?

In Magento2.3.2 :Mail send settings :-what are the possible ways for mail-send(like need for order,shipping,delivery). I check store->configuration->Advance->system->mail sending settings... I need ...
manoji's user avatar
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Convert third party extension shipping delivery date transactional variable format from YYYY/MM/DD to DD/MM/YYYY in Magento 2

This question isn't about how to change the Magento data/time format. I use a third-party shipping platform that stores delivery date as part of the order and the delivery date is order specific. It ...
wjp_bill's user avatar
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Getting data from order works in template, but not in transaction mail?

I am running this code in my Template file: echo($_order->getDeliverydate()); It echo a date, doing that in my transaction mail, it stays empty: {{var order.getDeliverydate()}} Any ideas what I ...
Arnie's user avatar
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How to send sales transaction emails?

I like to send emails for my sales order. If the order is placed status as "Processing". (email send automatically) it's okay Processing to "Dispatch" (not having the option to set dispatch) Dispatch ...
Priya's user avatar
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Magento2 order email date formatting

I'm trying to edit email template and format created date. The date in the email is written using this variable {{var order.created_at}} And I think that It is created using the following function ...
domfitty's user avatar
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magento 1.9 Add video in email templates

Does anyone know how to add video in email template I am working on transactional email template in Magento. I want to add video in my email template. I have added using an iframe. But it's not ...
Smita Kagwade's user avatar
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variable from CREDIT MEMO transactional email

Credit Memo # {{var creditmemo.increment_id}} for Order # {{var order.increment_id}} Does someone know what file do these variables come from? I need to add functions and variables but I don't ...
dragon25's user avatar

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