In Magento 1 I just added a translate.csv for my admin area.
How can I achieve this in Magento 2? I just want to change the translations of a few things and add some missing translations. Can't I put a de_De.csv for the adminhtml area somewhere?

How to handle translations for the admin panel (backend).

  • I tried your solution on Magento 2.2.9 but seems not working I need to add fr_FR.csv translation for some extensions who are under /vendor/amasty/extension_name so I had created directory structure under /app/code/Amasty/Extension_name/i18n and uploaded fr_FR.csv file inside ... but translation doesn't work ! N.B : if i upload fr_FR.csv file under the /vendor/...../i18n it works but in this case each time I update the extension, it erease the translation file. Does someone find a solution for module translation ? Thanks a lot
    – ANGEL
    Commented Jul 16, 2019 at 15:04

4 Answers 4


With your custom module, you can create an i18n folder and place your translation file inside. The path should look like this:

which in your case is de_De.csv


You can download code from here

Edit/Add CSV as per your Locale. app/design/adminhtml/Shah/default/i18n

Admin Text Translated


In Magento 2, translations file is saved in /vendor/magento/<module-modulename>/i18n folder.

For example, if you want to modify translation for word related to checkout module, it could be saved in /vendor/magento/module-checkout/i18n/<locale-folder> folder.

You can copy locale's csv file from /vendor/magento/module-checkout/i18n folder to app/code/Magento/module-checkout/i18n directory.


put translate file under theme not working for backend.

Need create a custom module, add in module.xml, then add translation file under i18n folder (vendor/VENDOR/MODULE/i18n/en_NZ.csv, or app/code/.../i18n/en_NZ.csv).

Double-check your account interface Locale set properly. e.g. en_NZ.csv work for English(New Zealand).

above solution not working for en_US, if need support this, then just create admin theme, follow magento docs https://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.4/frontend-dev-guide/themes/admin_theme_create.html and https://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.4/frontend-dev-guide/themes/admin_theme_apply.html

then add en_NZ.csv/en_US.csv under admin theme i18n folder.

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