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Magento 2 nginx 404 error permission denied on setup

I have problem with setting up project the nginx is working fine and it is setup correctly, but it gives me 404 Not Found page when I try to access the url. The log: 2022/12/06 19:01:26 [crit] 285154#...
Kristijan Isajloski's user avatar
2 votes
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styles.css not found 404 after executing setup:static-content:deploy

I'm trying to setup the project locally and after executing php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f es_ES only sass directory is showing up but no css directory. As you can see it is trying to ...
Kristijan Isajloski's user avatar
2 votes
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Following products with requested skus were not found:

I'm using Magento 2.4.3 and have sold an item, but when I go to ship it, I get this error "Following products with requested skus were not found: Prod-P1234". The product exists with that ...
Chris's user avatar
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How I Fix error Magento 2 ‘Requested Store Is Not Found’?

I get this message "Requested store is not found" when I want to fix it. The requested Store Is Not Found situation come up while migrating Magento 2 store to the latest version of Magento.
Tarang Methaniya's user avatar
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Refused to apply style from '<URL>' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not a supported stylesheet MIME type, and strict MIME checking is enabled

If there is mime or css or js issue then there is chances that in side pub/static .htaccess could be missing. Refused to apply style "because its MIME type ('text/html') is not a ...
Abid Karim's user avatar
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Table catalog_category_product_index_store0 doesn't exist on renaming store

In my magento 2 store we have a store that was disabled for future use, now we want to use it but decided to renamed it to something else. In Admin panel under Stores > Al stores I renamed the ...
dreid's user avatar
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Magento 2 Admin Url or any other URL you are requesting not found on server 404

I tried all possible solutions on the internet but the still issue persists. Solutions that tried 1. ( Many solutions suggest changes in apache in following files ) /etc/apache2/apache2.conf Enabling ...
Abid Karim's user avatar
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6 answers

Magento 2.4.2 Window10 localhost Xampp 404 not found

I just installed Magento 2, it shown the success page result however the homepage and admin is not found. 404 Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) OpenSSL/1....
Angelo's user avatar
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2 answers

/index.php/rest/V1/modules File not found after upgrading to magento 2.4.2

after upgrading to 2.4.2 there is a problem with rest api the url /index.php/rest/V1/modules responds with "File not found" the url /rest/V1/modules works well https://magento-560832-1812590....
user94951's user avatar
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Magento 2.3 requirejs-config.js is empty on production mode

After setting Magento 2 to production mode, Magento generated all the static files in pub/static/frontend/Vendor/theme/en_US except for the requirejs-config.min.js file, the file exists but its empty ...
Med-KG's user avatar
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Magento2 Requested store not found error while registration

I am getting requested store not found error while registration does anyone have idea about this ?
Sanjay Shiyal's user avatar
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After cpanel backup restore magento 2 I do not get it work

Picture 1: After the backup restore at cpanel of my mangento 2 webshop because I changed hosting provider, now shows usually normal like this. Picture 2: But when I hit any link on ...
Alain Stout's user avatar
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Class Dotdigitalgroup\Email\Model\ResourceModel\Catalog\CollectionFactory does not exist

I just finished a clean installation of Magento 2.2.4. When I try to add a product, it throws an error saying 'Class Dotdigitalgroup\Email\Model\ResourceModel\Catalog\CollectionFactory does not exist' ...
Uche_Ia's user avatar
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Magento 1.8 - Class 'Mage_Helloworld_Helper_Data' not found

I can't access System -> Configuration in the backend anymore. I get the message Class 'Mage_Helloworld_Helper_Data' not found. How can I debug this, I am new to magento. I found a Module named "...
Black's user avatar
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after installing magento 2.2.2 theme my front-end and admin panel is not loading properly! how can i solve this? [duplicate]

after installing magento 2.2.2 theme my front-end and admin panel is not loading properly! how can i solve this? enter image description here
mehedi hasan's user avatar
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Getting 404 - Page Not Found after upgrading to

I have to upgrade Magento from to and in that case I cloned the live system to an sub-domain of the live Domain. I always fixed the multi conflict with issue and getting upgraded I ...
Inoworker's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Fatal error: Class Helper_Data' not found in app\Mage.php

Please help me guys to fix it : Fatal error: Class 'Mage_Parcelamento_Helper_Data' not found in C:\wamp64\www\magento\app\Mage.php on line 547 Error log Warning: include(Mage\Parcelamento\...
Guilherme Pereira's user avatar
4 votes
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Magento 2: "404 Not Found" when calling a controller

I created a simple module, it is registered and shows up in Stores -> Configuration -> Advanced -> Advanced, then I created routes.xml and Display.php. app\code\Jurgis\Twilio_settings\etc\...
Metal Mathematician's user avatar
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How can I redirect 404 page to home page?

Can anyone let me know how can I redirect 404 page to the homepage? I want to redirect any not found page to home page.
Nadir Hussain's user avatar
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Product Page Not Found Error after adding new or updating existing products

I have been trying to fix this issue for the past 4 days and but I am not able to get to the root cause of the issue. Magento version: I have also run system requirements for Magento tool ...
Kevin S's user avatar
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Magento 2 error - Product with Sku: prodotto not found in the catalog. - and the product exists

I have only one product in the catalog with sku "prodotto". The product is in the default category, it is also visible on frontend (I can see it and browse to it on frontend), it is in stock, it has ...
Vladimir Despotovic's user avatar
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Magento 404 error but all pages work fine

Magento version linux server I've been having trouble getting my google to crawl my site. When I run a check on my http header it returns a 404 not found, but I can clearly navigate to the ...
Random_Guy_a's user avatar
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Nginx Error Logs - 'No such file or directory' for an url that seems to load correctly?

In the course of trying to discover the cause of a sudden slow down on my Magento 1.9 hosted at Cloudways, I started examining the error logs and can't understand why there are so many 'No such file ...
Linda Wilson Wall's user avatar
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A fresh install magento2.1, error 404 not found

A fresh install Magento2.1, but there is "404 not found" error on every page except index.php and in backend. Beside index.php page's layout is a mess. Any advice would be appreciated.
bestshop24h's user avatar
2 votes
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Another Helper Data not found

I'm getting the following error: Warning: include(Mage/Afe/Custmail/Helper/Data.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory I've been searching for the cause of this error for hours. ...
Freejoy's user avatar
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Magento EE 1.11 doesn't show Auto Generated Specific Coupon Codes section?

On the Admin menu, select System > Configuration. Then in the panel on the left under Customers, select Promotions. But I can't see any Auto Generated Specific Coupon Codes section there as described ...
Sukeshini's user avatar
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Magento - Many unique 404 requests crashes php-fpm / server

One of my Magento servers crashed the other day and I had to restart php-fpm before it would recover. Looking into the problem, I noticed a lot of HTTP requests (around 40) for random file names (tar, ...
dmulligan's user avatar
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Simple products are not showing on magento site: Magento

I have recently created the new Product category and a simple product in it and shows it on front end using block but it giving this error "There are no products matching the selection." as the ...
Xabby's user avatar
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Template file not found after upgrade magento and theme

I've successfull update a magento from 1.7.2 to 1.9.2 and all work fine. Then I've upgrade the theme and now not working fine, in homepage the error is: CRIT (2): Not valid template file: ...
Antonio S.'s user avatar
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Images not served over symlinks

I managed to create multiple store by using the subdirectory + symlinking method. Everything works fine except that images are not found! I made sure that I created a symlink for the media folder, and ...
borislemke's user avatar
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Sample Data error

I'm trying to install Magento CE on Ubuntu 14. Everything is fine but when I go in the frontend I can't see the Sample images in the right way and when I try to click on links a Not Found error ...
Jacopo's user avatar
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Front End / Sample Data Incomplete?

Decided to check out Magento, so I downloaded the sample data and Magento CE. I installed the sample data and CE locally using WAMP. Everything went smoothly, but when I go to view the frontend, it ...
George's user avatar
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