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1 answer

magento community extension update problem

I created a paid community extension with version 1.0.0, and in this moment I have an upgrade for it with version 1.0.1. I add this version in Magento Store at
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1 answer

Is it possible to use npm packages in Magento 2?

I see a post here from 2017 that gives an idea of how it's done, but I would want to use something like this that would allow people to sign their names on forms. I know how to create html/js ...
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1 answer

reinstalling a module which don't rebuild the database

I installed a module which will build a table in database, then i manually drop that table, then i uninstall the module, after that, i reinstall the module but the table don't rebuild, how can i fix ...
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1 answer

How can i merge 4 module having almost same functionalities except their same collection with different filters as well as little bit design changes [closed]

I have developed four modules. In that All the modules having almost same functionality of showing list from sales_flat_order table with different filters. It has some changes in design like on extra ...
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1 answer

Deploy magento package design view in user's theme

I created a module on magento connect and I have a question about it. How to do to tell magento connect to deploy my module'views (phtml files) into my user's magento folder? Maybe it's a stupid ...
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3 answers

Can I dynamically change Layouts?

On the view.phtml is it possible to write php to change the layout depending on what item is displayed on that page? Using code similar to this: $this->loadLayout() ->...
2 votes
1 answer

is there an official doc planning how to create a module

I've spent several hours reading magento 2's official documentation, and I haven't found how to create a module : The documentation explain the structure of the filesystem, list the files that we can ...
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1 answer

Where do you place code that effects ALL Products or Customers in the backend?

Hey everyone I know the title is vague so I will clarify here. I have code that updates Customer attributes and Product attributes. Unfortunately you guys are all going to frown upon me because I run ...
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1 answer

Is it possible to load data from the server using a HTTP POST request within a Magento Module js file?

Is it possible to load data from the server using an HTTP POST request within a Magento Module js file? File located in app/code/MyVendor/myCustomModule/view/frontend/web/js/mycustom.js Example ...
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1 answer

How to do product listing in custom module page? [closed]

How to do product listing on custom module page? I have tried but it prints array.
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1 answer

Multiple Where Statements

I have the following line of code $select = $read->select() ->from($batchTable,array('id','batch','strength','flavor','brand')) ->where('status', 1) ->...
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1 answer

Adding default address(shipping) to when customer signup

I'm new to Magento 2, no e-commerce experience before. So I'm working on making this module that should 'add default shipping address to customer when they sign up'. During some research and ...
2 votes
3 answers

What are the only needed files for custom module?

I've seen a lot of tutorials on how to create a custom module in Magento. But all of them are mostly those helloworld examples. I'm wondering what files do we actually have to create in order to ...
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2 answers

luma-theme .phtml file override in Custom Module

i want to override this file magento_dir/vendor/magento/module-theme/view/frontend/templates/html/collapsible.phtml And do not want to make custom theme like app\design\frontend\Magento_Theme\...
2 votes
1 answer

Where to put custom model function

I created a module and I have a collection model class(under Model/Mysql4/MyModule/Collection.php), resource class (Model/Mysql4/MyModule.php), abstract model class (Model/MyModule.php) and a setup ...
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0 answers

ERROR in bin/magento dev:urn-catalog:generate .idea/misc.xml

I am getting File ".idea/misc.xml" cannot be opened Warning!fopen(.idea/misc.xml): failed to open stream: No such file or directory while trying to generate urn AND YES the folder ./idea ...
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1 answer

Standard module version numbers

Is there any convention for version numbers and community modules? I see a varied combination of the following as starting numbers: 1.0.0 0.1.0 0.0.1 I always tend to use the last one: 0.0.1 but ...
1 vote
3 answers

Can't access the admin panel "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file

newbie here with not much knowledge in coding. Through Magentoconnect downloader, I tried to update the modules with new stable versions. something happened and the thing crashed and i had to dig here ...
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2 answers

How create Custom Pdf in magento 2 Like invoice , Shipment [duplicate]

I want to create custom pdf with custom text or media can anyone suggestion me any best link or some help Thanks
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0 answers

Is there an API to work with CartaSì, in order to make a Magento module to work with CartaSi?

I need to somehow develop and install CartaSi module for payment, integrated with Magento, so a module that collaborates with CartaSi. Any suggestions on how to do this? I have found only couple of ...
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1 answer

Magento Module - Linux Vs Windows?

What are the things we should note , if the Development of Magento modules in WAMP environment and the Production is LAMP environment, Whenever i deploy the modules in linux , i got the problems ...
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0 answers

Implimenting Custom Controller with payment option issues [closed]

I'm hoping someone can contribute to my complex issue. We have implemented a custom registration form with the aim of enrolling 'consultants'. Part of this enrollment is to order a special starter ...
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0 answers

Product feed with 2 Facebook Page

I have the Facebook Ads extension plugin with Magento. I already have it configured with one Facebook Page with the product feed. Is it possible to add another page and a second product feed? The two ...
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2 answers

Badly coded module - how to explain this to other stakeholders [closed]

A client wants to integrate with a 3rd party that already have a freely available module. The only issue is the code in the module is pretty bad so I don't want to integrate it but the other ...
3 votes
1 answer

Admin module with as many image slots as user needs?

Something I use a fair deal in wordpress is allowing users to duplicate a field, so i provide one image slot and they can click a [+] button and get another image slot. I'm trying to make a quick ...
3 votes
3 answers

How to deal with site configuration when building new site

What is the best way to deal with site configurations when building a site? I am currently religiously using upgrade and install scripts for everything, meaning a zero configuration state when moving ...
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0 answers

Allow Another Free Payment Method Magento 2.1.0 [closed]

I create a payment module for Magento 2.1.0. My module works very well. But I need to give another free paid method with the same module... This is possible? Thanks for all.
2 votes
2 answers

No region found within the locale 'en' while running UpgradeData.php

I'm trying to set up 2 stores I created using InstallData script, but When I run php bin/magento setup:upgrade, I'm getting an error No region found within the locale 'en' and the process stops. What ...
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0 answers

Creating custom 2FA provider

I'd like to enable the 2FA extension but I'd like to write my own provider (e.g. not Authy or Google Authenticator). Anybody who can point me in the right direction? I have been working with ...
2 votes
1 answer

Remove / Disable extension from Magento Connect

I have my developer account in Magento Connect. I have two extensions uploaded and now I want one of them to be disabled or removed from my developer listing. In the Versions tab, I try changing the ...
2 votes
1 answer

Order per product unit or per box

This is what I'm trying to achieve: I have 2 radiobuttons: 1. Order per item 2. Order per box (6) Under those radiobuttons, theres a textbox. People need to fill the amount in that field. When I ...
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1 answer

Do I need to make a module or not?

I need a specific equation on some parts of my website, the question is: is it better to create a module, or put all the code in phtml files?
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2 answers

Custom Translation of Backend in Magento 2 - path of the translate.csv?

I am familiar with translations in Magento 1 and found out also how translations in M2 work for the frontend. My questions is where to do my translation for my own custom module for the backend. Is ...
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1 answer

How to handle dynamic data in a script tag in head section for every page

I am absolutely new to Magento 2 (1 week in). I am trying to develop a Magento module that lets the admin specify a string (token) and when the admin saves the module I would like the token to ...
2 votes
1 answer

static files deleted after php bin/magento setup:upgrade

While setting up new module and after running php bin/magento setup:upgrade it started to clean cache and file and deleted all front end css and adminhtml css and all visual files. How Can I prevent ...
2 votes
3 answers

Magento cron - question about timings

If my main crontab runs the magento cron.php every 30 mins and i have a cron job set in a modules config.xml to run every 15 mins. Will that mean the modules cron gets run: Once every 30 mins Twice ...
2 votes
1 answer

Need help passing form values from checkout to a redirect page that goes to an external payment gateway

I need help in developing an external payment method module. I have so far already managed to get the method to appear correctly on the admin, and on the checkout page. The next step is to send some ...
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5 answers

Magento 2: Convert HTML code into PDF file and Download?

In my custom module, I have HTML code and I want to convert HTML code into PDF and after conversion download PDF. Please suggest me Magento-2 default functions or classes for Create PDF and Download.
3 votes
1 answer

Where to store config passwords

I want to have a custom database connection with a module I am creating. I am following this tutorial which will work well:
2 votes
1 answer

Magento uninstall extension custom script php

I've created my own module and generated a package mymodule.tgz. When I install extension in MagentoConnect (by Direct package file upload) everything works fine. The problem occurs when I want to ...
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3 answers

Error (Version not found) when uploading package to Magento Connect

I am facing a problem to upload version in magento connect extension. When I am trying to upload the package file for the extension, it's giving the following error. An error occurred during upload ...
3 votes
1 answer

what folders and files in module is reason for creating tables in database?

I saw one module folders and files in magento connect. in that only etc, Helper, & Module folder is present. but there is no sql folder. but still that module created a text box in backend , so ...
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3 answers

Installation issue in magento marketplace 'page doesn't contain HIT in cache header.'

I have developed customer module in magento. When i am trying to submit in marketplace its keep giving the same error even after trying so many solutions. Installation issue:
3 votes
1 answer

Examples of well written modules

Can anyone point me in the direction (github or magento connect) of any well written modules in terms of code/architecture and not functionality? Preferably also using unit tests or magespec. It ...
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2 answers

Build Magento module from the command line

looking at the output of mage shell script it seems that it is possible to build a module via the command line. Does anyone have and idea how i can do it? Connect commands available: =================...
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1 answer

Magento : url structure

Please explain what is the meaning of this statement in Magento $this->_redirect('*/*/');
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4 answers

Translating an Extension

Are there any tools for generating a csv file for translations of a module? I.e. detecting calls to __() within a module and outputting the information into a csv ready to be used as a translation ...
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1 answer

How to add JS messages from custom module?

How do I add messages using Magento 2 Ui messages to page via javascript from a custom module? I have found a file in Magento/Ui/view/frontend/web/js/view/messages.js that appears to be responsible ...
2 votes
1 answer

Check If JQuery Is Already Included In Head

I want to check if jQuery is already included on the page. I have seen several methods and finally settled on the following: if ( (typeof jQuery === 'undefined') || !window.jQuery ) { document....
4 votes
1 answer

Admin field type with arbitrary number of subfields

I'm making some custom module for magento and need backend settings for my custom entity. So far all was ok, I made a section through xml, made general CRUD actions and some settings that are ...

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