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Stripe payment button not loaded when enable the bundling, merge_files for js

After enabling the merge_files and js_bundling options in Magento, the Stripe Express Checkout button no longer appears. Additionally, the debugger is not being triggered, and the ...
Arul's user avatar
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RecursiveDirectoryIterator - Failed to open directory: No such file or directory

I got this error while running setup:di:compile and tried this, but in my case the module is required. Such directory does exists and isn't empty, but if I delete the files contained there, di:compile ...
André Aguiar Villela's user avatar
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alternative way of exit and die in magento

i want to stop further executions of magento but without using exit, this is a PHP CS issue, how can i? i used return but execution did not stop, public function aroundOnThreeDSRequired( \P3\...
Uzair Masood's user avatar
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keep getting funds in paypal but no orders convertig from it

my store front-end is on vue.js and backend on magento2, my problem is that i am getting payments in paypal but no order information related to this payment in magento, i want to debug this issue but ...
Uzair Masood's user avatar
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"Cannot place order because a payment method was not provided" when using Stripe to programmatically place an order

I recently upgraded Magento from 2.3.4 to 2.4.6 and as a result updated stripe/stripe-payments from 2.9.5 to 3.4.0. Previously I was able to set up a quote to place an order programmatically as ...
Sara Fuerst's user avatar
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WorldPay Payment method REST API for Transaction/Payment details in Magento 2.4.7

Has anyone worked with the WorldPay Payment Method API? I've successfully installed the WorldPay Payment Method, but I'm struggling to find the API for retrieving transaction or payment details. ...
Ronak Rathod's user avatar
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Where are Credit Card Authorizations Stored in Magento 2?

We are currently looking at setting up a Magento store for our business. We have an existing ERP system which we currently use for capturing funds for authorized amounts, and would prefer to be able ...
Daniel Black's user avatar
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How can I add Apple Pay and Google Pay buttons to the product details page and the shopping cart page?

I need to add Apple Pay and Google Pay options to every product details page and shopping cart page (Using stripe payment).
Arul's user avatar
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2.4.5 - Duplicate Orders are observed for few Orders

We are facing issue with capturing payment for few orders as Transaction ID is missing for payflow credit card payment. It is an intermittent issue and we observed this issue as few orders are ...
Sheshadri Ahankari's user avatar
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How to add paypal pay button in every product page

I set the following option to true in the admin portal: Store -> Configuration -> Sales -> Payment Methods -> PayPal -> Display on Product Details Page After this, the pay button did ...
Arul's user avatar
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Paypal buy button not appeared after payment method config(Display on Product Details Page) set true

Paypal buy button not appeared after payment method config(Display on Product Details Page) is set true in admin panel
Arul's user avatar
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How to add Gpay,apple pay button in every product details page and checkout page using paypal braintree?

I have the Braintree option enabled for payments, and I can see the Apple Pay and Google Pay buttons available. How do I enable these buttons on the following pages: Product details page Mini cart ...
Arul's user avatar
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How to Hold Charge at Checkout and Confirm Stock Availability in Magento 2 Using Stripe

How can I achieve the following requirements in Magento 2? Hold the charge for the product at checkout using Stripe. After the order is placed, send an email to the customer with the message: "...
Mohammed Ashraf's user avatar
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Payment Gateway redirect/iframe to/from payment provider

I'm developing a payment gateway extension and it "works" in the sense of I can show it in the backend and frontend and have my "Place Order" button. But that's where I despair.. I ...
kAYd9iN's user avatar
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Magento 2 Your payment could not be taken. Please try again or use a different payment method. Declined Trace:

Preconditions and environment Upgrade Magento version from 2.4.5-p1 to 2.4.6-p3 Magento version 2.4.6-p3 Steps to reproduce 1 - In production environment Place order with braintree creditcard or ...
sumeet bajaj's user avatar
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Failed to load the "Vendor_ModuleName/payment/mypay-form" template requested by "checkout.steps.billing-step.payment.payments-list.mypay"

Magento 2.4.6-p2 When trying to add my custom payment I've got an error in console when going to checkout/#payment page. Something like that: [ERROR] Failed to load the "Alex_Mypay/payment/mypay-...
Alex  Bachynskyi's user avatar
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Adobe Payment Service - 3d Secure card is not working

I have configured Sandbox Adobe payment service successfully. Normal card are working fine but when I enabled 3d secure from configuration then for 3d authentication cards popup is coming and then it ...
Yogesh Karodiya's user avatar
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Magento 2 how to update requirejs-config.js

We are using the Magento 2.3.5 version we want to update the version from 3.79.1 to 3.97.0 in requirejs-config.js file-path - vendor/gene/module-braintree/view/base/requirejs-config.js when we are ...
sumeet bajaj's user avatar
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Custom Payment Method issue in Magento 2.4.5

Create a Custom Payment Method in Magento 2 but face this issue on the checkout page. { "message": "Please enter a valid credit card expiration date.", "trace": "#...
Ravindrasinh Zala's user avatar
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Magento2 how to convert city and state name in arabic language on checkout payment page

I want to convert the city and state name into the Arabic language on the checkout/#payment page. Here I attached an image where I want to convert the city and state names.
Ekta's user avatar
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Why are my PayPal payments in Magento 2 showing as "pending"?

We are facing Paypal pending payment issues. These issues are not occurring for all the orders. 50% of orders are going pending and 50% of orders are going to successful payment by Paypal.
Bhavesh Jalondhara's user avatar
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Set a purchase order to processing without invoicing / payment

We have a Magento 2.4.5 site and would like to change the default behavior for orders that are paid for via purchase order, by default Magento sets them to PENDING (makes sense) but we use a 3rd party ...
Tony Ryan's user avatar
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Payment webhooks stops working in Magento Cloud 2 with PWA frontend

In Magento Cloud 2.4.4 with Luma I had NO problems with the Conekta Webhooks Conekta is a payment processing platform, like PayPal or Stripe After the frontend changed to PWA, the payment webhooks ...
brjupo's user avatar
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Custom payment method not visible in checkout

I have a magento 2.4.5-p1 installed. I am trying to install a custom payment module, but I don't see it in checkout. (I updated the namespaces to make it work in admin). I went through StackOverflow ...
rasevp's user avatar
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Magento 2: Klarna payment is not visible on checkout page

I have installed Klarna Payments on Magento 2.4.5-p1 Installed Klarna module using the command: composer require klarna/m2-klarna I have the correct testing credentials and enabled module from the ...
Arun Sharma's user avatar
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Hot to create plugin for savePaymentInformationAndPlaceOrder method

This method is calling at checkout step but with plugin using after method it's not calling, core method is calling. etc/di.xml <type name="Magento\Checkout\Model\PaymentInformationManagement&...
Jimit Bhavsar's user avatar
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module custom payment doesnt show at checkout

I have Magento 2.4.3 with theme wolf and many stores and countries, well I tried to up a new module payment method (pagoEfectivo), I took the folder, put at app/code, I executed bin/magento set:up, ...
Jose Valdivia's user avatar
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Intercept payment method change

I am working on a custom extension where I need to call an observer when any payment method is selected from the available payment method list on the frontend checkout page. Unfortunately, I didn't ...
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Magento2 how to get quote order id

in my authorization request builder as apart of my payment method facade, I need to fetch the quote or order id to pass it to the client.... class AuthorizationRequestBuilder implements ...
X3R0's user avatar
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Your payment could not be taken, please try again or use a different payment method. Processor Declined

I can't place an order on the checkout page. It says "Your payment could not be taken, please try again or use a different payment method. Processor Declined." Is there anyone help me?
Aaron Wang's user avatar
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How to fix error in checkout page after upgrading Magento2.4.3-p3

I got this error so checkout is not working. = UPDATE = = UPDATE = And I got error like this. Uncaught TypeError: Unable to process binding "afterRender: function(){return renderReCaptcha() }&...
Bohdan V.'s user avatar
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Warning: Array to string conversion in /app/vendor/magento/framework/DB/Adapter/Pdo/Mysql.php while saving the payment information

Warning: Array to string conversion in /app/vendor/magento/framework/DB/Adapter/Pdo/Mysql.php while saving the payment information on rest/default/V1/carts/mine/payment-information in checkout page ...
Mohamed Abbas's user avatar
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Authentication Required Payment Failure

We are getting an increasing number of payment failures through our ecommerce website due to "Authentication Required" Our customers' banks say the issue is not on their end and that the ...
Marta Nino-Marcos's user avatar
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Magento2: How to check it a card was declined?(Stripe)

Is there a way to check and stop order being placed if the card is declined/not authorized?
mechanic's user avatar
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Unexpected developer error, please try again later Google pay

Im facing this issue when I try to use google pay. Note: It's working in sandbox environment.
Muhammad Hamza's user avatar
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Load payment provider on top

let me explain what my issue is. I load magento into an iFrame to integrate the store into a webpage. This works like charm until it comes to amazon pay or unzer for example. Due to the iFrame, the ...
Jeireff's user avatar
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Magento 2.3 empties cart after a failed payment

Firstly, this is the environment we're working in: Magento 2.3.0 (PHP 7.2.34, MySQL 8.0.30) Cogito - Clean, Minimal Magento 2 Theme Mageplaza Magento Instagram Feed Plugin Barclaycard integration ...
Ryan Kimber's user avatar
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Magento 2 Braintree Apply pay not working

We are using Magento 2.4 version We are using Braintree with Apply Pay. Apply Pay radio button is showing properly on checkout also customer able to do placed orders, We also received customer amount ...
sumeet bajaj's user avatar
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setAdditionalInformation not working (Magento 2)

Hello while placing an order using paysafe payment method. Below error appears. Error: Call to a member function getAdditionalInformation() on null in /app/code/Paysafe/Payment/Controller/CC/Redirect....
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Magento checkout payment page add custom field

I need to add custom fields in the payment step of the checkout page in Magento 2 and also data should be saved in needed tables. I want to add a payment comment note before-place-order. how to do it ...
mohit vamja's user avatar
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Magento 2: How to make PO number optional using custom module?

I have to make the PO number as non required field using custom module and not in the theme level as we are running our website as a hybrid model. When I refer for solution, I am getting to make the ...
MagentoDev's user avatar
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Magento 2 graphql integration with Hosted(Redirect) Payment method

i want to create graphql api for custom Hosted(Redirect) payment method. can anyone elaborate step how can i create that for payment method?
Jigs Parmar's user avatar
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Order confirmation email is in english for custom payment method in Magento 2

I have an m2 website in the Norwegian language when an order is placed with COD then the order confirmation email is Norwegian but when I use my custom payment method the order confirmation email is ...
Surjan Raghuwanshi's user avatar
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Magento 2 checkout: Get payment method form from API?

I am looking to implement the checkout using the API as documented here: I can do the whole checkout using the API if I ...
Louis B.'s user avatar
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Is there any way to prevent stolen credit cards on my website Magento 2.4. I use for cards payment, I had received a $400 payment for my products to ship in the USA. But after I shipped ...
Ameer Hamza's user avatar
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Partial-Payment:Is there anyway we can create Payment and Transaction without creating invoice?

I am trying to implement Partial Payment in the Magento. I kind of implementing it, in a way by creating multiple invoices (the idea is creating invoice quantity based on the amount paid). But, the ...
Dipu R's user avatar
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Magento 2 - store bank payment data

We have a debit payment method where the user has to enter some data like his name, IBAN, BIC and the name of the bank. I need to store these pieces of information in our database and automatically ...
Black's user avatar
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Offline payment empty observer

Im trying to do an offline payment where my customer wants to "payonbill". All works fine and i added this snippet: <config xmlns:xsi=""...
Dirkos's user avatar
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Magento2: Retrieve the payment last 4 digits and expiry date in the order email

I am trying to add payment-related information in the Order email on Magento 2. ( Last 4 digits of the card, expiry date of the card ).
Mohamedmusammil S's user avatar
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Magento2 how to get payment method using jquery or knockout

Magento 2 how to get payment method using jquery or knockout when customer click on payment method,need to get selected payment method code. requirejs-config.js var config = { map: { '*': {...
sumeet bajaj's user avatar
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