I am absolutely new to Magento 2 (1 week in). I am trying to develop a Magento module that lets the admin specify a string (token) and when the admin saves the module I would like the token to inserted together with a <script> tag into the <head> section of each page.
If the admin changes the token and saves the config, it would be nice if it can update the same <script> tag. Or even remove it if no token is specified.
The module UI is no problem and also the saving works fine and intercepting the token value (with PHP), but I got stuck on how exactly to control the that gets inserted.
I experimented with view/frontend/layout/default.xml and can influence the header, but this seems to be very static.
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<page xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:View/Layout/etc/page_configuration.xsd">
<script src="https://some-external-website.com/external-script.js"
So basically I would like to change the value in data-token ("token_value") when the admin saves the config from the module, which I do from a Plugin\Config file:
public function aroundSave(\Magento\Config\Model\Config $subject, callable $proceed) {
// your custom logic
$section = $subject->getSection();
$returnValue = $proceed();
$newConfigs = $this->scopeConfig->getValue($section);
$token = $newConfigs["general"]["token_value"];
// +++ here would like to write value of $token to the <script> tag +++
return $returnValue;
Any help appreciated!