On the view.phtml is it possible to write php to change the layout depending on what item is displayed on that page?

Using code similar to this:


3 Answers 3



Templates belong to blocks, blocks belong to layouts and are loaded and generated by them. Therefore you can't change the layout from inside itself.

You can/should only change layout templates from a controller.


You can do this at product level from admin.

  1. Create a custom view.phtml in template/catalog/product/my_view.phtml
  2. Navigate in the admin to Product->Design->Custom Layout Update

Add this block:

<reference name="product.info">
    <action method="setTemplate"><template>catalog/product/my_view.phtml</template></action>

Yes Zou can do That But Before that You have load a new layout handle by adding plugin to Magento\Framework\View\Result\Layout

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