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Questions tagged [importexport]

Questions about the Import/Export core feature of Magento (`Mage_ImportExport`)

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duplicate rows in the magento 2 products export file

When exporting the Magento products file it gives me the duplicate Skus. As you can check Please if any have a solution to remove the duplicate please let me know.
Rana Zain's user avatar
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Delete the Short description through CSV

We want to delete the Short description through CSV - Import. We are using below format. Issue : But the Short description is not deleting. But if i keep any other text below the short_description, ...
Baby in Magento's user avatar
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Magento2: Product import is not working (Static attribute)

I'm trying to update some products using the import file. I Realized that one attribute is not updating. I noticed this attributes is backend_type = static. This is related to the problem or can be ...
Camilo Torres's user avatar
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Magento 2: The newly added column does not appear in the product export csv file

When we export Magento products, in the CSV there is one column related_skus. I have added one column with the same name, accessories_skus. But when I export to the staging server on the live server, &...
Nikhil Ajani's user avatar
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Import not working in magento 2.4.6 and category product disappeared

When i am importing a csv file in magento 2.4.6. It is giving me this error again and again Additional data: <div class="messages"><div class="message message-error error"&...
Tisha Jhanwar's user avatar
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Import Order from Magento 1 to Magento 2

I need to import orders from m1 to m2 and available orders in m1 are a minimum of 2 lakh on the m1 website. So I thought we were going with SQL and importing orders using SQL. if anyone has created an ...
Viral Patel's user avatar
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How to export all product's images using Magento 2 built-in export feature?

I'm managing a Magento ver. 2.4.3-p1 ecommerce. I tried exporting all our products using the built-in export feature and I noticed that the resulting .CSV only contains each product's base_image and ...
Peach1200's user avatar
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Import products 2.4.6-p1 error SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key

We did an upgrade from version 2.4.3 to the version 2.4.6-p1 and we started to have a problem on cloud environments (production and staging, but mostly on production) but not locally. So, the steps to ...
Pedro H Lima's user avatar
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Import Process in Magento 2.4.6 Interfering with Each Other (Magento 2.4.6 )

When two import processes are initiated simultaneously in Magento 2.4.6, a severe bug arises. In my case, during the customer composite import and product import occurring concurrently, an error ...
Mohammad Bharmal's user avatar
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How to move orders from Magento 1.9.4 to Magento 2.4.5-p1?

How on Earth am I meant to move orders from Magento 1.9.4 to Magento 2.4.5-p1? Someone suggested the 'Improved Import & Export for Magento 2': I'...
Allysin's user avatar
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Using magento's default Import Export Product . Is there way to make the attributes mandatory for import

I want to make the categories attribute column mandatory when importing the product csv.Any help will be appreciated
Asssd's user avatar
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How to transfer orders from Magento 2.4.2-p1 to Magento ver. 2.4.5-p1?

Magento 2.4.2-p1 Smartwave Porto theme 13 Amasty extensions I have a production Magento 2.4.2-p1 website with 2 stores. We are having lots of problems with this site which I truly believe might be a ...
Allysin's user avatar
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Magento 2: Product images are not generated in media cache on importing products

Facing weird issue for 2-3 days. Images are not showing on frontend Whenever I import new products using firebear module or default importer. I tried php bin/magento catalog:image:resize, ...
Sameer Bhayani's user avatar
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Magento create customer and force customer id

I have magento 2.4.3. I need to do a customer migration and I should force the entity_id but I get this error No such entity with customerId = 40 I tried this code: $customer = $this->...
MarioProject's user avatar
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Magento 2 Slow import when 900 attribute options

We have a store with 35000 sku and there are 950 attribute options - We find that when making any updates to products like price or qty or any other changes it is very very slow - like 5 mins if ...
nem3943's user avatar
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Import: Value for 'country_of_manufacture' attribute contains incorrect value but I just exported it... sanity check for 2.4.4

I am confident I am not going crazy - but has anyone else experienced odd behaviour with the Magento 2 imports? I am importing data sheets and it is flagging up country_of_manufacture as having ...
UrbanwarfareStudios's user avatar
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Is that possible to customize "files export path"?

System - Data Transfer - Export The files export is in /magento/var/export/. Can we custom this path? And if we can custom. How to?
GGame's user avatar
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How to transfer products from Magento 2.4.2-p1 to Magento 2.4.4 which give Errors during export and then import?

We have a live production Magento ver. 2.4.2-p1 with 2224 products but have a lot of problems which stem from me using the official Magento Migration Tool to migrate from Magento 1.x. Because of this, ...
Allysin's user avatar
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Duplicate records found in Advanced Pricing Export Report in Magento 2.3

I am using magento 2.3.0, while exporting Advance Pricing report, I am getting duplicates for some of the rows.. There are no duplicates in the table.All looks fine. I am not able to figure out the ...
Thulya's user avatar
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Importing products. 3rd party or native?

I'm wondering if the magento 2 import is worth using. Back in M1 this process was just horrible and I remember only a couple thousand products taking over a half hour and then timing out partway ...
ZenMasta's user avatar
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Can I update order statuses via CSV?

Is it possible to update order status using CSV? If so, what would be the obligatory data and columns?
hopicuzo's user avatar
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How to add custom attributes to Customer Export? (from the import/export admin page -> Customers Main File)

I need to add custom attributes to the Customers Main File export (from the Import / Export admin page), but I can't seem to find a way to do it. I believe I can create a preference to override \...
Tokipudi's user avatar
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No Import/Export Section under System->Data Transfer

In the Admin-Panel there should a "Import/Export" option under System->Data Transfer. This option is missing for me. I have already checked Admin-Resources and the admin-user has access ...
Hurrpadurr's user avatar
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How to read and validate csv input and the rows

public function execute() { $data = []; $file = $this->getRequest()->getFiles('refundcsv'); print_r($file);//display the input file name if (!isset($file)) { ...
Mythili's user avatar
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Export single or limit the no of products for export Magento2.4

In Magento, export functionality is there a way to export only a single product or limit the product export to 5 or 10. As I have more than 30,000 products as of now in my Magento. But I only need ...
Afreen Sheikh's user avatar
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How to get columns header of csv in custom import module

Hi I created custom module for import data by helping module ( In this case I need to get csv header names. I tried several ...
Singhe's user avatar
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Import with custom behavior

I want to create an import entity that will have a custom behavior. All the examples I have seen about custom imports merely mention importing data into a table using the related Model, and that's it. ...
Noob Doob's user avatar
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Unable to download the exported files

When I try to download the export file following errors throw up: The webpage at
Yogesh Ghaturle's user avatar
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Magento 2.4: Create Order Programatically with custom Order ID

Please Note - I am able to create order programatically , just i want new created order to have specific order ID instead of auto generated order id Below is code to create order Programatically , ...
user1799722's user avatar
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Getting issue while importing product data in Magento 2.4.1

We are looking for solution in Magento 2.4.1 which can resolve our issue in data import In our case the category name are like Available Brands Migrated/Kitchen, Storage & Furniture/Cookware/...
dipanshu's user avatar
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Display Products Attributes label is exported CSV file

I want to display product attributes label in exported csv file from backend file.Currently it display product attributes code in exported csv file. Thanks
Chitrang Patel's user avatar
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Magento 2 : Prevent stopping import execution in Magento 2

I am not able to find the code which is responsible for breaking import csv execution from magento import tool in backend. I do not want to terminate csv execution, even if error occur. Any thoughts ...
devhs's user avatar
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Please enter a valid region error for regions with special characters

I'm trying to import customer addresses. If the region has a name with accents, Magento v2.3.6 won't recognize it. Example: Country code 'RO', region 'Timiș' - doesn't work Country code 'RO', region '...
Georgian's user avatar
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Magento 2 : Add custom error message after csv import

i am trying to display custom text message after import csv is done in On the Admin sidebar, go to System > Data Transfer > Import. The messages appears but on reload page. Any thoughts how can ...
devhs's user avatar
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I want to add custom entity type export in system -> export

I want to create custom entity export which export data from inventory_source with custom product attribute like color, size I have referred this and this link and created my export model file and its ...
Amitkumar solanki's user avatar
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Export attribute set and the attributes that are assigned to it

our attribute sets have become messy, things are assigned to them that shouldnt be and some things that should be havent. Is it possible for me to export to CSV the attribute set name and a list of ...
Lewis's user avatar
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Can't change Custom Attribute when Importing Products

I have a custom attribute for my products called Designer_name. I'm trying to import products and change a Designer_name's value in the additional_attributes column, but it doesn't work. The attribute ...
rcmenoni's user avatar
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how to migrate order , customer data mysql from one environment to another

need table detail which we need export order , customer attribute from same version of magneto but different server need table name . any admin import /export method.
hetesh mohan's user avatar
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how to custom value which will be exported?

I have a grid and buttons for exporting like this. There is field status in my grid. The value is 1 or 0. After exporting the grid, the value of this status is 1 or 0 in the CSV file. How can I make ...
Friska Sianturi's user avatar
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Magento2.4: Getting error while importing the product custom option

We have created the product custom options by uploading the csv file but its showing the error and the uploaded custom option is not showing in the frontend. Getting the below error: Integrity ...
MagentoDev's user avatar
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Import Product Programmatically

For product import, I used to create a CSV file from the text file (from customer) via programming. Then I place it in var/import folder Now, For Magento 1.9 My code was : $profile = Mage::getModel('...
divyang asodiya's user avatar
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magento 2 enterprice stock source export not working

Hi i am using magento enterprice when i tried to export stock source it below message showing Message is added to queue, wait to get your file soon but after consumer run getting error bin/magento ...
Pawankumar's user avatar
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Import related_skus in magento 2.3.5 problem

After upgrading Magento from 2.1.7 to 2.3.5, when making a manual products import through the admin, the related products are not attaching to the products, no errors are being shown. I've tried ...
Kobi's user avatar
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I want to import csv file into multiple tables in magento 2.4.please advice

I am new to magento. I want to import csv file into multiple tables. I created a import.xml, CustomImport.php, RowValidatorInterface.php. After that i created a module, and registraion.php. Even ...
SaravananNatarajan's user avatar
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Magento 2 Products Base Image Missing on Frontend after Import

We've been having an issue with importing images via CSV spreadsheet into Magento 2. I'm able to import product images into the Magento admin via the columns Base Image, Small Image, Thumbnail and ...
Earthwarrior's user avatar
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Magento2 import stock sources successful but no changes made and not showing in import history

Preconditions (*) Magento ver. 2.3.4 About 10000 skus, this process has worked many times previously, suddenly stops working. No new modules or configurations have been done since last time the ...
Christopher Liddell's user avatar
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Add Product Name to Advanced Pricing Export

I'm attempting to add the "Product Name" attribute export the Advanced Price List in Magento 2.3.4 but I cannot seem to get it to work. I am attempting to modify the AdvancedPricing.php ...
CJNotts's user avatar
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4 answers


HELP..!! I am on Magento 2.4 trying to export products but EXPORT FILE STUCK IN QUEUE.... it never appears.. what can i do? Thanks in advance!
CesarionJS's user avatar
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Import/Export cannot be used with directory

We recently upgraded our website to Magento 2.4, but we have run into an issue with trying to import products using the import tool. When we upload a csv that has errors in it, we want to download the ...
Michael DeRuscio's user avatar
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Magento2.3 - Can't Import product CSV file

I can't import CSV file. Got error Data validation failed. Please fix the following errors and upload the file again. Number of columns does not correspond to the number of rows ...
Sharafiddin Nosirov's user avatar

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