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Import products 2.4.6-p1 error SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key

We did an upgrade from version 2.4.3 to the version 2.4.6-p1 and we started to have a problem on cloud environments (production and staging, but mostly on production) but not locally. So, the steps to ...
Pedro H Lima's user avatar
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1 answer

Can I update order statuses via CSV?

Is it possible to update order status using CSV? If so, what would be the obligatory data and columns?
hopicuzo's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How to read and validate csv input and the rows

public function execute() { $data = []; $file = $this->getRequest()->getFiles('refundcsv'); print_r($file);//display the input file name if (!isset($file)) { ...
Mythili's user avatar
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How to get columns header of csv in custom import module

Hi I created custom module for import data by helping module ( In this case I need to get csv header names. I tried several ...
Singhe's user avatar
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Magento 2 : Add custom error message after csv import

i am trying to display custom text message after import csv is done in On the Admin sidebar, go to System > Data Transfer > Import. The messages appears but on reload page. Any thoughts how can ...
devhs's user avatar
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Export attribute set and the attributes that are assigned to it

our attribute sets have become messy, things are assigned to them that shouldnt be and some things that should be havent. Is it possible for me to export to CSV the attribute set name and a list of ...
Lewis's user avatar
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I want to import csv file into multiple tables in magento 2.4.please advice

I am new to magento. I want to import csv file into multiple tables. I created a import.xml, CustomImport.php, RowValidatorInterface.php. After that i created a module, and registraion.php. Even ...
SaravananNatarajan's user avatar
5 votes
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Magento2 import stock sources successful but no changes made and not showing in import history

Preconditions (*) Magento ver. 2.3.4 About 10000 skus, this process has worked many times previously, suddenly stops working. No new modules or configurations have been done since last time the ...
Christopher Liddell's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers


HELP..!! I am on Magento 2.4 trying to export products but EXPORT FILE STUCK IN QUEUE.... it never appears.. what can i do? Thanks in advance!
CesarionJS's user avatar
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Import add and update products with their attributes in a CSV file and cron job Magento2

I am using Magento 2.3.3 and wants to import products using cron and csv. I have google Sheet which contains all products data and sheet's data changes continuously. So I have to run a cron every day ...
saurabh garg's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Import new and update products and their attributes with a CSV file and cron job Magento2

I am using Magento 2.3.3 and wants to import products using cron and csv. I have google Sheet which contains all products data and sheet's data changes continuously. So I have to run a cron every day ...
SharmaV's user avatar
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Bulk Export Magneto 2 product PSV

I'm using Magento 2.3.3 on Ubuntu 18.04. I'm having 141 000 products that I want to export to a CSV file. Nothing happens when I try to export. It just says Message is added to the queue, wait to get ...
Nicklas Gilbertsson's user avatar
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Magento2 how to access CSV file exists in var folder with website URL?

I am working with Magento 2.3.3 my instance is on the AWS server. On Magento2 how to access CSV file exists in var folder with website URL. i.e. I have one file resides on var/export/test.csv now I ...
Utsav Gupta's user avatar
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Magento 2 how to import custom link type products

We have created custom link types like consumable, recommended, cross-sells, upsells, related. Now we would like to implement the import functionality for these custom types. We have written ...
Nagaraju Kasa's user avatar
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Import products via command line using Magento\ImportExport\Model\ImportFactory in Magento 2.3

I want to import products from .csv file using command line. Referring to this link: everything is working fine, except ...
SebastianT's user avatar
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Set Order Of Imported Product Images Using CSV Magento 2.2

Does anyone know if there is a way to set the order of the images being imported in the additional_images column when running a CSV import? It's worth noting that 3 of the 5 product images already ...
Ryan Copeland's user avatar
2 votes
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Magento 2: How to import export Categories in csv via backend using Entity Type catalog_category

I have to need import export categories in csv same as product, in Magento 2 provided same thing for product. I have tried below code but facing issue in Model file path Vendor/CategoryImportExport/...
Kirti Nariya's user avatar
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How to collect admin phrases?

I am using i18n:collect-phrases command but seems that it collects only frontend phrases. I need to collect only admin panel phrases! For example, I have downloaded some language pack, but it does ...
Rufus's user avatar
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Magento2: How to Import and export CSV file from admin panel?

How to import and export custom CSV file from admin panel demo? I want to add the custom shipping price state and zip code wise in the database from the admin panel. Then I will apply extra the ...
Masud Shaikh's user avatar
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CSV Validation In magento 2

I am working on Magento 2.2.5, need to validate CSV file for import. How to skip row? like I don't want to save any data of row 2, then how to skip that row. I am using only one attribute set, so I ...
sam's user avatar
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Magento 2: Missing entity types in CSV import

I have a fresh instance of Magento 2.2. In the Import tab, there are only "Products" entity types. Should I enable anywhere rest? Like e.g "advanced pricing"? Edit. SOLVED -> Module "...
K. Maliszewski's user avatar
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import parent and sub category with csv magento 1.9

I am uploading a CSV in Magento 1.9, and what i need is to import both categories and sub-categories, but now it is currently importing only sub-categories. Here is an example of how I the categories ...
Anuradha's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

Read input csv file and convert it to array

I have an input file form in phtml to import data from csv file type like this: <div class="import-shipping"> <div class="header"> <h4>CSV File:</h4> </div> &...
simple guy's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Magento 2 csv product import : How to escape commas in category name

I would like to import a product csv into Magento 2 through the standard admin UI. The category name contains commas Default Category/Grocery/Snacks/Fruit, Nuts, Seeds. The (abbreviated) csv looks ...
Richard's user avatar
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images not imported through csv in magento 1.9

I tried to import products through import/export, everything gets imported but not image. What I did was: Flushed cache and re-index Media folder provided permissions to 777 Place all images in var/...
sagar sapkota's user avatar
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Products import success but products not imported

I am trying to import products using the system>import in Magento 2. The system say: CSV file has no errors. Import works fine. But still no products are created from the given data. Also ...
Shishir Pandey's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Is there any tool to Convert magento 1 Product import csv file to magento 2

I have Magento 1 Product Import CSV file, I need to convert Magento 2 Product Import CSV Format. Is there any tool out there?. If not there means, Suggest me How to Convert it. Because ...
Rajkumar .E's user avatar
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How to skip some column to write csv data

I would like to skip some column to write data in CSV when it generate. Here is my code to generate CSV in magento. it would be start writing from column no 20 for first row only then continue with ...
Pradip Garchar's user avatar
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How to change the product image position using CSV?

I'm trying to update Product's image position using CSV file. I've already uploaded images in Products. So how to change already inserted product image position using CSV file?
Darshan Patel's user avatar
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MAGMI_RUN unable to find .CSV file

MAGMI has been successfully set up on my Magento environment (and Magento was set up via MS's web platform installer and is kicked off via MS's Webmatrix), and I can use it quite happily to import ...
Err1's user avatar
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How to change the CSV column position

Due to some reason client asked me to change the position of csv columns. They need necessary fields at starting of csv and blank fields(mostly) at end of csv so that they can easily fill the csv ...
inrsaurabh's user avatar
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programatically import csv - magento 2

I have a bpmn tool, it will generate CSV, that CSV contains single product. I need to import that csv file programatically. Already magento admin have that feature. please can anyone point key code ...
Bilal Usean's user avatar
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Write to CSV file in chunks at a time

I am trying to write product data to a CSV file in order to export to a third party. I need to break the operation down into chunks in order to prevent timeouts when writing large amounts of data. ...
user1704524's user avatar
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Magento community 2.1.2 schedule product csv upload from ftp

I want to import product csv file automatically from ftp. I am using magento community 2.1.2 edition. There is no schedule import/export option available in this edition. Please suggest me a good ...
user47016's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

I'm Looking for a sample CSV product file to import into test store

I have my first Magento test site running and I'm looking for a sample CSV product file to import for testing. Does anybody know where I can download one? Ideally I'd like the file to contain lots of ...
Eric B's user avatar
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how to read nth number of row in csv magento

yesterday i was working read data from csv in magento. I know that i can read date from csv in magento using this function. Varien_File_Csv() but what i want to know is how to read a fix number of ...
rahul chaurasia's user avatar
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Export group prices - CSV vs. Dataflow

We want to be able to export specific product data in MS XML Format using Dataflow. I realized it does not export group prices, whereas the CSV standard export does this. I couldn't see any option to ...
Awinad's user avatar
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How to export CMS Page data in Magento 2

I have added a custom attribute to CMS Page in magento 2. Can anyone please guide me How can I Export the value of that attribute of each CMS page through Custom Module? Thanks
Magento Team's user avatar
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update qty per store view with csv file

actually in our website we have a cron function scheduled (every morning) to update the qty of all products of our catalog and works good. Following the code we are using now: <?php define('...
Alberto's user avatar
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How to export/import orders in Magento?

I am moving companies website from old installation 1.7.1 to fresh installation of Magento 1.9.3. I have moved now all the Product and Customer data easily - how do I export/import orders? I have ...
pasujemito's user avatar
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Export CSV NOT showing ALL Prods - using Magento

I'm using Magento When I do a Product Export CSV, NOT all the Products are exported to CSV. However, when use the Data Profile > Export All Products, the output CSV is correct. I prefer ...
Mave's user avatar
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How to import images through csv? [duplicate]

I have uploaded 2000 simple products through csv just now. But i didnt include images. How we can upload images at a time through csv?
Teja Bhagavan Kollepara's user avatar
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CSV Import: editing configurable childs not working

I want to change the price of associated simple product for a configurable product. I want to do it by CSV import. this is my csv file. sku,price,_super_products_sku,_super_attribute_code,...
Alireza Amiri's user avatar
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Truncating old log tables giving error

we bought magento extension for uploading the products through excel sheet. we are uploading Products using csv file. now uploading speed is too much less. I am trying this query to increase upload ...
user avatar
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Export configurable products with associated simples in one csv

I'm not quite sure how this is done. I want to export a csv with configurable products along with the associated products. Then I would like to import them over on another magento install. How is this ...
dinogy's user avatar
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Problem importing images from a CSV file - Magento ver.

Magento ver. I've been working on this issue for several days and have read numerous articles. I have uncovered a few clues but can't tell where the hang up is. Here is a link to a test CSV ...
user1861582's user avatar
16 votes
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Import & Export all categories using csv file (without extension)

I want to import all the categories in magento using CSV file, I tried to do using extension it works but i want to do it using ...
Swetha's user avatar
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How to import customers in magento-2 using csv?

Currently i am working on magento-2 .I have imported products successfully. Now i want to be import customers . I dont have any demo csv for import customers .
Aman Dhiman's user avatar
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Product CSV special character issue

I have created a Category with Special character called "Home Décor" Now when I trying to import the products under this category, I got "Category does not exists ...
Vick's user avatar
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Import of product via CSV (need to update, not replace, not append)

I'm having this situation where I need to import around 300 products with different attributes and 4-8 pictures for every products. I have created a valid csv file, within my ERP program (accounting ...
user15151's user avatar
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