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Magento 1.7 Import: "Invalid image file type."

For the past couple year we've uploaded our configurable product images to the parent product. We're implementing some new procedures that require specific images to be uploaded to each child product ...
blockletter's user avatar
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Unable To Save Or Run Import/Export Dataflow Profiles

I have recently started experiencing issues when saving or running any dataflow profiles in Magento. When trying to do so I get the following error message: Please set available and/or protected ...
Ryan Copeland's user avatar
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trying to export products give 500 internal server error

Trying to export All products but it gives me 500 Internal server error. i have set max execution time and max input time to 9000 also input memory 256MB on my cpanel and htaccess file. everything is ...
Adnan Kashif Joyia's user avatar
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Import/Export-Module: how can I import images to a custom attribute?

In the backend I created my own product attribute, named custom_image. I know how to create a csv file in order to import products to magento. But it doesn't seem to work with custom image attributes....
C. S.'s user avatar
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Imported products from magento 1.7 site are not visible on magento 1.8 site

I imported all products from magento 1.7 site to freshly installed 1.8 site. both are different sites. but products are same. after "run Profile" , i got message on screen "import successfull". ...
Baby in Magento's user avatar
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dataflow advanced profiles export with custom decimal separator

I need to change dot to comma on product price when I export using dataflown advanced profile. I tried this way: ... <action type="dataflow/convert_parser_csv" method="parse"> <var name=...
Eduardo's user avatar
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Add custom table model to valid entity types when extending import functionality

How do I add my table model to the list of valid entity types when extending Magento's Import functionality? I have created a custom module which integrates into the admin panel and stores data in a ...
Richard Parnaby-King's user avatar
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what is the maximum length for meta_keyword, meta_description and meta_title

While Uploading CSV, There are some constraints that we have to follow, Like lengths of the attributes : Please Provide the length of following attributes: "meta_keyword" "meta_title" "...
LuFFy's user avatar
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When importing products via csv I get: Entity adapter object must be an instance of Mage_ImportExport_Model_Import_Entity_Abstract [closed]

I was having trouble with Magento assigning the first QTY amount in the CSV to every single product and ignoring the assigned qty for that product. So, I tried this fix and now am getting the ...
tylersDisplayName's user avatar
3 votes
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Adding the same product image path to multiple products through csv import issue

I am trying to add products by duplicating them in a CSV file. It seems to work fine but when I update the product image path with the same path to multiple products it doesn't seem to update. When ...
EZPA55's user avatar
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Create an option value for product attribute when importing a product [closed]

I am importing products with the help of avs-fastsimeplimport. The way I do it is I create an array with keys - the name of the attribute, and values - the corresponding value for that attribute that ...
Syspect's user avatar
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Importing customer with names in Japanese - Required attribute 'firstname' has an empty value for all rows

I am trying to Import customers with their names in Japanese(katakana). It shows following error in validation results (On linux machine) Required attribute 'firstname' has an empty value in rows: 1,...
Rakesh Shewale's user avatar
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import images with product

It seems like I am the only one who cannot make use of addImageToGallery(), as I found many solutions of importing images to/with a product through this function. First of all, I cannot use directly ...
Syspect's user avatar
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