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Import Order from Magento 1 to Magento 2

I need to import orders from m1 to m2 and available orders in m1 are a minimum of 2 lakh on the m1 website. So I thought we were going with SQL and importing orders using SQL. if anyone has created an ...
Viral Patel's user avatar
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Magento 2 Slow import when 900 attribute options

We have a store with 35000 sku and there are 950 attribute options - We find that when making any updates to products like price or qty or any other changes it is very very slow - like 5 mins if ...
nem3943's user avatar
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how to migrate order , customer data mysql from one environment to another

need table detail which we need export order , customer attribute from same version of magneto but different server need table name . any admin import /export method.
hetesh mohan's user avatar
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2 answers

delete export record from which table?

for some reason, I have to delete this record from the table, (it is stuck, cannot download or delete) anyone know this record belongs to which table? so I can delete it by sql query Thanks
Paul Fan's user avatar
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2 answers

MySQL Query for an export of all products?

Is there any way to find out a MySQL query that would give the same results as exporting all shop products? The reason I need this. When trying to export, I get the error Message is added to ...
Conk1's user avatar
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How to manually import/migrate orders & customers from Magento1 to Magento 2 database tables?

What is the best way to manually move the orders and customers to Magento 2.2.6 from Magento 1.8.1 without any third part extensions? there are around 100 records only. I was able to migrated all ...
Mage Explorer's user avatar
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Magento product export import not working?

So I exported all my products by using the magento exporter under System -> Import-Export -> Dataflow Profile -> Export all products and then on the other magento installation: System -&...
Black's user avatar
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How to change base_url of other stores?

I exported a live database from a magento installation with 2 websites and 3 different stores and imported it on another magento installation. I already changed the base_url of the main store, but ...
Black's user avatar
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Magento in maintenance mode after importing database from live to test

I created a dump of my live database and imported it into staging by using n98-magerun. ./n98-magerun.phar db:import live.sql But now my website is in maintenance mode, even though there is no ...
Black's user avatar
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I have 10,271 attributes in a database I want to add them to magento 1

I have 10,271 attributes in a database I want to add them to magento 1 (inside an attribute group name "specification"), then import all the attribute values in each of the previous attribute fields. (...
Monty Nabeel's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How Exporting PhpMyAdmin data in Zipped or gzipped

I am a learner with Magento i have created dummy website on my localhost Xmapp server. Now i want to move it to live server but when i am exporting Mysql data base it is directly downloaded in sql and ...
Vibha's user avatar
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1 answer

password_hash convert into simple md5 format

How to export all customers in simple username , email, and simple md5 format csv.
Chirayu Vyas's user avatar
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Export a csv with product name and thumbnail image?

I know it's possible to export csv's from Magento. Is there a way to get a small image to export in a column and not just the image path or url. Also, I know _media_image is a field, is that an ...
CFlynn's user avatar
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SQLSTATE[HY000] [2006] MySQL server has gone away after "Run import"

we are using magmi_full_0.7.19a we tried "Run Import" , we are getting following error. SQLSTATE[HY000] [2006] MySQL server has gone away - is it related to server issue . how to fix this ?
Baby in Magento's user avatar
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Joomla - VirtueMart 1.x > Magento 2.0

I got a project where a client who is running a relatively big e-commerce is planing to switch from Joomla's VirtueMart 1.1 to Magento 2.0. What is the best way to export products/customers/...
Sigismund's user avatar
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Magento Database import to new Database

trying to dump my cms_block and cms_page tables to new working Database. I get the Duplicate Entry for Primary Key ...what is the best way to go about this? when I export tables from old db I have ...
roger's user avatar
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Magento import the live site database?

I am wanted to import the live site in the local environment. i have installed the magento on the localhost now which steps i have to follow for the successful import of the live db in the local ...
Mehar's user avatar
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2 answers

Keeping files in one server and media files in another server

we have a magento site with thousands of products. it will grow for millions so we are worrying about performance of the server. we are planning to put media folder [ images ] in one server and ...
user avatar
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Truncating old log tables giving error

we bought magento extension for uploading the products through excel sheet. we are uploading Products using csv file. now uploading speed is too much less. I am trying this query to increase upload ...
user avatar
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Add index for import

To speed up the import process we added the index: ALTER TABLE catalog_product_entity_varchar ADD INDEX IDX_CATALOG_PRODUCT_ENTITY_VARCHAR_VALUE (value ASC); After these changes the "search product" ...
brentwpeterson's user avatar
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How to Move Products, Attributes, Images, and Customers From One Magento Installation to Another

I have Magento installed and I also installed a test Magento installation in a subdomain. Basically, the theme I have installed on my current Magento installation was designed for an older ...
Lucas's user avatar
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2 answers

magento database file not importing completely

we are trying to move the magento site from one domain to another domain. but the database filoe size is 800mb. we are using cpanel. when we are trying to import the database, its not uploading ...
Baby in Magento's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

database import error

i have imported my local magento database to live one with phpmyadmin. but when im trying to access my web site i get this error log. a:4:{i:0;s:63:"Item (Mage_Core_Model_Store) with the same id "0" ...
Moh3n's user avatar
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2 answers

Only the Homepage is showing after moving Magento

I've just moved a Magento website to another server and domain. I adjusted the secure and unsecure url path in the cofig data table and also adjusted the config.xml. After that i've also cleared the ...
Kevin's user avatar
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Migrate local server database info to remote web server after adding language or storefront

I have a Magento local install for testing. How do I transfer my database changes after I add e.g. a new language. I have added all the products texts etc pp, but I can't just dump the mysql database ...
Theo Raetsch's user avatar
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magento Cannot add or update a child row when import database

I tried to move Magento site from sub-doamin into new main domain. when I tried to import a database, I got following error : "Magento Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint ...
Baby in Magento's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Exporting admin panel settings that are saved to the database

When handling different environments for dev and live sites, how to pass on changes that are only saved to the database to the other environment without having to export the whole database? Say for ...
Vic's user avatar
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how to export/import websites,stores,store-views?

I have a Magento install with 58 websites, and i need to recreate them in a new installation. Is there any way to export the database table which handle this?, and then import it in the new DB?. ...
Guille's user avatar
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Getting product information from a external database

I have been given an unfinished product from a client, and it is a mess. This is my first time ever using Magento, but I have used other CMS's. So please bare with me as I am a "newbie". I do have ...
Steve's user avatar
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