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Magento 1 - Hide products from customers

We have a problem with the visibility. We need to add some new configurable products, but the customers should not be able to see them, until we finished testing them. How are we supposed to do this ...
Black's user avatar
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How to create csv comma separated list from an array in PHP

I need to place every category in a separate category column. Like Category_1, Category_2, Category_3..... $categoryIds = implode('|', $product->getCategoryIds());//change the category ...
MediaDeveloper's user avatar
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2 answers

Product SKU requirements. What characters are restricted from a product SKU and can there be spaces in the middle of the SKU?

For product SKU's can there be spaces in the middle of the SKU? Are there any character restrictions that can not be used for a SKU ?
Cain's user avatar
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3 answers

I'm Looking for a sample CSV product file to import into test store

I have my first Magento test site running and I'm looking for a sample CSV product file to import for testing. Does anybody know where I can download one? Ideally I'd like the file to contain lots of ...
Eric B's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

How can i solve - No valid data sent - Error

I am export my products after hosting its not working, but from my localhost its working fine. I can not export from import/export, am increased max_exe_time my store consist 30,000 products When ...
Gem's user avatar
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Magento 1: how to use the DataFlow import view with a custom import?

So I have a custom module that imports entities from various sources (CSV, XML, API). At the moment, it's working perfectly fine, however I would like to improve user experience with the module by ...
Raphael at Digital Pianism's user avatar
2 votes
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How to use magento ImportExport module in your custom module

For my module I need to insert data that has nothing to do with magento products or categories. It is just a list of stores, addresses and coordinates, so I guess it could be a separate table inside ...
Claudiu Creanga's user avatar
2 votes
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Cannot import customers with the right fieldvalue website/website_id

I cannot import a customer-csv if the ‘website’ field is missing, or empty or containing ‘ETK-shop’. This field has to contain the value ‘ADMIN’ Then the import goes well, without errors. However, if ...
lidacha's user avatar
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8 votes
8 answers

Is there a way to export all categories into a csv?

Is there a way to export all categories into a csv? Im moving data from a non-magento store into a fresh build.
Matthew McLennan's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

I want to create a shop with affiliate products, i need to import them from csv feed

I want to import products from csv file. But how to get product images from an url? The csv file contain the image url and affiliate link too. I need to import this two fileds in specific places.
Adrian Ionescu's user avatar
3 votes
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How do I perform validation on a product import file before doing the import and get back any errors?

I would like to locate a tool that validates a product data import file before we actual perform the import. I would like the tool to validate the file and let me know if the file is ok or if there ...
Daniel Hemmerich's user avatar
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7 answers

Magento products not showing up after import

I've been trying to import products from Magento 1.7 to 1.9, but have been running into a lot of problems. When trying to export with System-Import/Export-Export and then Importing through Dataflow ...
Vasar's user avatar
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What is the difference between Import/Export vs Dataflow

So, I'm using Magento on a project and I'm seeing I have options for import, export, and dataflow profiles. In previous versions I've used the interface has been like the dataflow profiles. ...
BVBAccelerate's user avatar