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Magento 2 Remove Address Fields From Admin Create Order Form

Note: This is not a duplicate - I've searched for this and there is no specific answer to this question. I needed to remove Name Prefix and Name Suffix fields from Customer Account. I created ...
Devtype's user avatar
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Mass modify "Send Welcome Email From" setting in customer accounts

I previously had two websites, but now I only need the second website. I decided to copy all settings, CMS pages and blocks etc. to the base website and I am planning on removing the second website. ...
Webninja's user avatar
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General search bar in customer order grid on frontend

We would like to create a general search bar at the customer order grid on frontend. So customers can search within the placed orders for "order_id" and "sku". We already achieved ...
JGeer's user avatar
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graphql api for guest to create account on checkout success page graphql

I am using the default api to create customer for a guest user to create account mutation { createCustomer( input: { firstname: "Bob" lastname: "Loblaw" email: "bobloblaw@...
Somnath Tiwari's user avatar
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I've got 502 Bad Gateway errors only in customer login and account registration

Both customer/account/loginPost/referer/....... & /customer/account/createpost/ Lead to 502 Bad Gateway nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu) Interesting fact is that customers actually are able to create account ...
rt89's user avatar
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Update REST API Payload using before Plugin

Can I use before plugin in Magento 2 to update Customer Creation Payload? Reason: In Magento, we have one custom customer attribute of dropdown type as you can see below. Now the API is working fine ...
Muhammad Saeed Khan's user avatar
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How to Add Custom customer Attributes in Account Page?

After adding a custom customer attribute with a dropdown, having values 'A (11)' and 'B (12)', I attempted to display the attributes on the customer account page. However, upon adding the following ...
kiran's user avatar
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Magento 2 : Call phtml file after Customer Account Information Admin side?

I want to call one custom phtml file after Customer Edit Account Information Form. Currently, I have tried below way so phtml file called but it's display on every customer edit tab? Vendor/Extension/...
Magecomp Product Team's user avatar
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How to change or overwrite order_id number in Magento store URL?

When viewing orders as customer order_id is visible in URL like this: /sales/order/view/order_id/20/ Is it possible to achieve that orders would be accessible by increment_id value instead? Otherwise ...
player's user avatar
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How to use mailchimp for Magento 2.4 Customer Registration mails

Im using Magento 2.4 and all order confirmation mails are triggered from mailchimp.How to trigger Customer Registration Email from Mailchimp
Jothi Subramanian's user avatar
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I want to show tier prices to specific customers of Valid Vat ID group magento 2.4.6

I have magento 2.4.6. I have Enabled Automatic Assignment to Customer Group. Group for Valid VAT ID - Domestic is B2B0% (which means 0 tax) Group for Invalid VAT ID- B2B21% (which means 21tax). I have ...
Mehreen's user avatar
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Magento 2 Email set as Optional on Create Customer Account API

I have created one module that overrides Magento's default create customer account API. Now, I want to set the email parameter as Optional. Magento uses the Below API to create a Customer Account. {{...
Keval Chauhan's user avatar
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Hyva Theme Magento2: Create multiselect category component in Frontend Using ALPINE JS

How to Create Multi Select UI Field on customer account page Frontend same as Admin in Hyva Theme Magento2 (Frontend Using ALPINE JS).
Savan Patel's user avatar
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Magento 2.4.6p2 graphql customer token

I have a multi site Magento installation we do not share login per website. We have 2 websites under the same domain each with separate store views. If you create and account on the second store view ...
Juliano Vargas's user avatar
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“undefined” Appended to URL Causing 404 Page Not Found Error

I need a help regarding http request or ajax call, I am trying to open forgot password page in popup,I have loaded widget model popup and it is working as expected. Now I am trying to reset password, ...
Sheshadri Ahankari's user avatar
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Magento 2.4.6: How to create country attribute for custom registration form in

How to create country attribute dropdown for customer registration form. I have added the country attribute in eav_attribute table using the following code: vendor/module/Setup/InstallData.php <?...
Divya Rawat's user avatar
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Error when trying to delete some customers

I have bought a theme and there are some customers created by the theme creators. When I try (from the backoffice) to delete one of the customers I made everything works but if I try to delete a pre-...
mugnozzo's user avatar
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Add Custom Field in customer registration frontend side form

I want to add country-state functionality to the customer registration form and how to save it
Pruthvi Raval's user avatar
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Magento 2 How can I add State and Country attribute for customer account information in AdminSide?

How can I achieve State and Country field functionality in Admin under customer Account Information? In the customer account information section, how to add country and state fields and state is ...
Charmi Patel's user avatar
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Magento 2 create customer account on frontend takes too long

we are facing an issue with Magento 2 and hopes that someone here could help. First of all some Details; We are running our Magento on 2.4.5-p2 and PHP8.1. Now we are facing an issue on frontend. If a ...
Beendeluxe's user avatar
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The Store View selected for sending Welcome email from is not related to the customer's associated website : Magento 2

I have Magento 2.4.4 and multi website is setup in the store. If i create the customer from the front-end then it works fine and correct website assigned to customer also works fine. Issue is when i ...
Sunny Rahevar's user avatar
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Login as a Customer via admin not working in magento 2

I am unable to login to a customer account from magento backend as a admin, eventhough i clicked Login as a customer in popup, but it just reloads the page Please help It redirects frontend , ...
jaisa2's user avatar
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Where is customer firstname, lastname stored in magento 1 table?

Could you let me know where is customer firstname and lastname being stored in magento 1 database table ? I didn't seem to find them in customer_address_entity or customer_entity. I wanted to select ...
Rejith's user avatar
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Magento 2.4.x: Update customer data on account registration

I want to enable remote shopping assistance when a new customer account is created: Any help would be appreciated.
mechanic's user avatar
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Changing billing or shipping address separately?

Magento 2.4 I know there is a way to make this work by adding a new address and setting the checkboxes accordingly, but is there really no way to change only the billing or shipping address without ...
user4095519's user avatar
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How to get account created in by customer id in magento 2?

$customerID = $object->getCustomerId(); $objectManager = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance(); $customerObj = $objectManager->create('Magento\Customer\Model\Customer')->load($...
Rubel Parvaz's user avatar
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Magento 2.4.5 In Customer Forgot password link, reset my password button is disabled after the upgrade

After the upgrade from 2.4.3 to 2.4.5, I see that new code has been added in the upgraded forgotpassword.html that is disabling the reset button. How can I enable it please Edit: Extending ...
Siri's user avatar
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How to automatically disable customer account after payment failures?

Is there a plug-in to automatically disable a customer's account after a certain number of payment failures? My store is undergoing a carding attack. The attacker is using different IP addresses and ...
jsjs12345's user avatar
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The date of birth can only be edited once

I want the Date of Birth to be edited only once then disable it. Same as photo. Thanks
Nam Cong's user avatar
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How to export Store Credit Balances from 1.14 to CSV

I'm migrating a Magento EE 1.14 store to another platform and can't figure out how to export customer store credit balances to a data file. Anyone know where to find the current credit balance for ...
gnicko's user avatar
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Add custom validation for additional address field in customer account

I created a new validation role (testcaractere_speciaux_street) to eliminate specific spatial characters for the two fields address and address complement in the interface of the add address (customer ...
helmi saadaoui's user avatar
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Magento 2.4.2 address on storeview level although customer config is Account Sharing Options not global

I have a Magento 2.4.2 with 3 websites, 1 B2C and 2 B2B shops. I have setup the global customer setup to Share Customer Accounts -> Per Website But when I want to add an customer address the inputs ...
Rene Donkers's user avatar
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Does not have accessor method M2

Getting this error: {"message":"Property "CustomerId" does not have accessor method "getCustomerId" in class "Magento\Customer\Api\Data\CustomerInterface". ...
Jimit Bhavsar's user avatar
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How to remove and change My Account Navigation

I am trying to remove some tabs I am using below file path and code app/design/frontend/vendorname/themename/Magento_Theme/layout/default.xml <!-- Downloadable ...
kiran's user avatar
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how to create customer using custom rest api Magento 2.4.4

I have to create custom rest api for create customer programmatically in Magento-2.4.4. so anyone have an idea then share with me.
Deep Shah's user avatar
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Upgrade to Magento 2.4.4: Customer not logged in automatically after click confirmation link

I just successfully upgrade my Magento v2.4.1 to v2.4.4, there is a problem when a new customer created, after successfully receive the confirmation email and click the confirmation link, The customer ...
jojo's user avatar
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Magento 2: Disable Welcome Email Using preference [closed]

How to Disable Customer Welcome Email Only Using preference not with plugin
Mark's user avatar
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Module to remove inactive customers

Can anyone recommend a good free or paid module which will fit the following scenario please? A customer has created an account but has never placed an order, so this account must be removed after 5 ...
SNAFU's user avatar
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Visualize that customer is logged in in B2B area in Magento 2

working with Magento 2.4.4 I have customer groups General and B2B. For B2B customer group I would like to display: "You are logged in in the B2B area" after customer logged in. How could I ...
Ben's user avatar
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Magento 2 How to get Admin Customer Edit Page edited Tab details

Please check the screenshot highlighted part, How can I get which tab is edited when save the customer
Lakshitha Mathngadeera's user avatar
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Customer success messages disappear too fast in magento 2

Once the customer completed the registration, the success message hide too fast? Kindly guide me to any solution to sort it out?
Jaisa's user avatar
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Magnento 2 add file upload field on customer registration page and display in backend

I am trying to upload a file(mostly likely image) from customer registration form.
quickshiftin's user avatar
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Magento 2.3.5 Customer getting wrong reset password link in email

We have 2 store_view and both are pointed on the different domain. Desktop Store URL: Mobile Store URL: Customers are sharing on the website. Customer account ...
Vinod Kumar's user avatar
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Magento 2, make new order status visible on frontend for customer account

I have created a new order status refunded from admin->settings->order status, it is possible to have this order status visible for customer account, so when I make a credit memo for an order, ...
Magento Learner's user avatar
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Magento 2 How to stop spam / fake customers

I have a lot of spam customers registered even I have already enabled Captcha validation on Customer creation form, but I wonder why there are still many fake / junk customers registered everyday. ...
Magento Learner's user avatar
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Hide saved cards and newsletter subscriptions from Customer Account sidebar

I was led to believe that if the following code was added into 'Magento_Customer/layout/customer_account.xml', this would remove them options but they still remain visible even after doing the ...
magento-dan's user avatar
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magento 2.4 customer login time increase up to 1 year or more

i want to my customer login time increase when he is one time logged in after when he/she open browser it must logged in and i have below settings increased but not affecting in my store Go to System &...
Jaydip Patel's user avatar
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Magento 2.4 - product images & product names in the order history page on the customer account tab

I want to load product images & product names in the order history page on the customer account tab
Sai Yugandhar Reddy Alla's user avatar
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How to add custom password in magento 2

I am wanting to create a password record in the customer_entity table. And after the user creates an inviting account it will save the user password in it.this is my current code UpgradeSchema.php ...
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How to share customer data between 2 websites in the same Magento install?

Magento 2.4.2-p1 Smartwave Porto theme extensions from Amasty I've manually duplicated our 2nd website because of problems we were having (as can be seen here: 'Unique constraint violation found&#...
Allysin's user avatar
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