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“undefined” Appended to URL Causing 404 Page Not Found Error

I need a help regarding http request or ajax call, I am trying to open forgot password page in popup,I have loaded widget model popup and it is working as expected. Now I am trying to reset password, ...
Sheshadri Ahankari's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

custom Section data need to update on cart item delete in magento2

I have created custom section data called test and create sections.xml file with below code <?xml version="1.0"?> <config xmlns:xsi="
Rutvee Sojitra's user avatar
1 vote
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Js functions are not working when added Custom section

When i added a custom section. then other js functions( addtocart functionality and slider) is not working on that specific page/phtml custom.phtml <div class="od-qtysection"data-bind=&...
Alshihab's user avatar
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2 answers

Showing customer eav attrribute in product page always shows cached data

I've created a customer EAV attribute and trying to show this attribute on the product details page but it always returns chaced data till I run bin/magento cache:flush full_page. I've tried to use ...
AboElnouR's user avatar
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1 answer

remove additional sector in admin panel

after opening customer --> All customer --> edit --> addressees so i want to remove this section any ideas please ? Thank you .
Hamad Al-Shabrawi's user avatar
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1 answer

remove section from customer dashboard

iam very beginner in magento2 so how can i remove this section of page content Thank you .
Hamad Al-Shabrawi's user avatar
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Magento 2 show/hide add to cart button based on section data

I need to show/hide the add-to-cart button based on some custom values. These values are stored in a product attribute. The values are updated at the time of order creation. I am using sections.xml ...
Jancy Abraham's user avatar
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Magento 2 - How to save data in to a customer data custom section

I have a form that the visitor fills in and based on that form submission (to a controller) I need to save some data in a custom section. I have my custom section working correctly but only returning ...
sulman's user avatar
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Append section data in ajax add to cart

How we can add our own section data after ajax add to cart and use it display in pupup. I want to add my data here in the response. and when add to cart done i want to show it ...
MageLerner's user avatar
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How to trigger without session access invalidate cart version

On backend action (e.g. saving cart rule) I'd like to invalidate customer/section/load cartVersion to force Magento to recalculate totals on frontend on cart page for those who has that rule applied ...
zhartaunik's user avatar
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TypeError: sections is undefined in section-config.js:50:30 Magento 2

I am getting this error TypeError: sections is undefined in section-config.js:50:30 in firefox but not in chrome. I added <referenceContainer name="content"> <block name="customer....
Kowsigan Atsayam's user avatar
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I am getting Cannot read property 'sectionLoadUrl' of undefined in particular form in magento 2.3.0

This getting this error on a particular form in Magento 2.3.0. I think this error causes invalid form key sometimes when submitting the form. How to solve this following error. Uncaught TypeError: ...
Kowsigan Atsayam's user avatar
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What is the difference b/w cacheable="false" and Sections in Magento 2

I have developed an extension in magento 2.2.6. Now i am upgrade this in magento 2.3.1 but I am facing 1 issue. In my phtml file $block->method() is called 1 time after cache:clean. When I refresh ...
HaFiz Umer's user avatar
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How to refresh minicart section from observer?

I am moving cart items to wishlist when store is switched using below code: etc/frontnend/events.xml <?xml version="1.0"?> <config xmlns:xsi="" xsi:...
amitshree's user avatar
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Custom section is ignored on Magento 2

I am trying to create a custom section with private content to not cached. I follow this article: I did the first two steps: di.xml <?xml version="1....
Eliacim DAVILA - CENSERE's user avatar
2 votes
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Unable de reload customer data section

I discover that some native route are listed in the section xml file without any section : <config xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:...
Pierre Gauthier's user avatar
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Magento2: Unable to reload customer cart section

I am using welpixel quick view extension for quick view on product listing, but due to some customizations I am unable to use it as it is. So I just used its url to get html and appended data using ...
Narendra Vyas's user avatar
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Magento 2 :What is the different between invalidate and reload if they both update the sections?

If some section should be updated then customerData.invalidate(sections) if you sure, that you really need update some section you can always do something like this: customerData.reload(['cart'], ...
Eugene Kapelko's user avatar
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Make a module that allows admins to upload file to web dir, from administration area?

I am new to magento2, and I was put on a task to make a new section, or to somehow allow admins to upload a file from administration area, and save it to web folder, always under same name. File is in ...
Bawsi's user avatar
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6 votes
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Section reload not working on specific REST request

I have created my custom section which reloads when cart data are updated. For this I have created sections.xml file with below code. <action name="rest/*/V1/carts/*/payment-information"> &...
Jaimin Sutariya's user avatar
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Flash messages always are empty after call AJAX POST

I used Full Page cache for my page. After I register newsletter I get flash message "successfully" and its ok But after I installed some modules, they can ajax POST and the private-cache-content via ...
Tuan Ngo's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Magento2 RequireJS CustomerData is empty at page load, but populated once page finishes loading?

I'm trying to access some data stored in the Magento_Customer/js/customer-data object I have the following files: --- garage.js --- define([ 'Magento_Customer/js/customer-data' ], function(...
Zachary Craig's user avatar
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Update Mini Cart count Magento 2

I want to update minicart count. I was found some code regarding mini cart on sections.xml but it works with products not for item count on toplink with cart item. Now you can see below code what I'm ...
Kartik Asodariya's user avatar
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2 answers

Admin left menu (System -> Configuration) - How can I make two different sections (one for each module) under the same tab in admin menu?

I want to make several different sections in the left admin menu. I want one section for each module. I have two modules. Just like there is tab General, and under General, there is General, Web, ...
Vladimir Despotovic's user avatar
2 votes
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Magento 2 : How to make/call section ajax to show popup after cart update?

I want to make a new section popup like minicart. And need to update that on any cart action like addtocart, delete item from cart. For this I am thinking to make a section ajax call. How can I do ...
Ashish Jagnani's user avatar
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1 answer

How to update header login link using ajax Magento 2

I have created sections.xml as below: <?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- /** * Copyright © 2016 Magento. All rights reserved. * See COPYING.txt for license details. */ --> <config xmlns:xsi=...
Prashant Valanda's user avatar
68 votes
4 answers

Magento 2: how do customer sections / sections.xml work?

I recently came accross a new concept in Magento 2 that I found interesting: customer sections Some of you may have notice the presence of sections.xml files that look like this: <?xml version="1....
Raphael at Digital Pianism's user avatar