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51 votes

How to reindex Magento 1.x by using command line

step 1 : cd [MAGENTO_ROOT]/shell/ You should replace [MAGENTO_ROOT] with your own absolute path to Magento root folder. For example /home/Thief/public_html/ Then list all files to see what we have ...
Prakash Patel's user avatar
21 votes

How to reindex Magento 1.x by using command line

You can use Go to shell folder and run this cmd php indexer.php --reindexall For separate php yourmagentofolder/shell/indexer.php -reindex catalog_product_attribute php yourmagentofolder/shell/...
Sagar Dobariya's user avatar
18 votes

Indexer stuck in processing

You can fix this from the command line by reseting the index which will invalidate the state of the index and remove the processing flag from the index. php bin/magento indexer:reset Optionally you ...
Christopher Hackett's user avatar
13 votes

Magento 2 Reindex Fail `Unknown column 'entity_value.value'` in 'field list'

I've found the problem: Table: catalog_product_super_attribute was inserted a row with attribute_id that didn't exist e.g I have size and colour in table eav_attribute I have size id=2 and colour ...
Juliano Vargas's user avatar
10 votes

Magento 2: How to set cron for reindex in SSH in magento 2?

You can launch reindex a separate index as independent process, like: * * * * * /usr/bin/php /Users/uchuhlebov/web/m212/www/bin/magento indexer:reindex catalog_category_product >> /Users/...
Siarhey Uchukhlebau's user avatar
10 votes

catalog_product index does not exist yet. Make sure everything is reindexed

Please check, that fixed it for me. As this is a bit old, the command should be : bin/magento config:set catalog/search/...
Petar Borisovski's user avatar
9 votes

Magento 2: Run reindexer programmatically

<?php namespace Vendor\ModuleName\Controller; class Reindex extends \Magento\Framework\App\Action\Action { CONST PRICE_INDEXER_ID = 'catalog_product_price'; /** * @var \Magento\Indexer\Model\...
ManiMaran A's user avatar
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9 votes

Magento 2 How to unlock reindex process

On MySQL run: SET SQL_SAFE_UPDATES = 0; update indexer_state set status = 'invalid' where status != 'valid'; Then on your terminal run: php bin/magento indexer:reindex It normally happens when ...
Jackson's user avatar
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9 votes

Lock wait timeout exceeded

The error is because the transaction is reaching its timeout period. If you did not set this in your my.cnf the default is 50 seconds I would highly recommend you look at your sever settings to ensure ...
SR_Magento's user avatar
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9 votes

reindex command error (No alive nodes found in your cluster)

If you are using Magento and getting 'No alive nodes found in your cluster' error while reindexing. Make sure you have updated following : Your Host and port : '[host]:[port]'. Eg: 'es-node1.fqdn:...
Khan arman's user avatar
9 votes

Magento 2 | Reindex very slow in local server

Reindexing on MariaDB 10.4 takes more time compared to other MariaDB or MySQL versions. As a workaround, we suggest modifying the default MariaDB configuration and setting the following parameters: ...
Bilal Usean's user avatar
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8 votes

Reindexing Magento 2 causes products to be missing on the frontend (not the backend)

You can find a fix in Magento 2 GitHub. The issue is present on 2.1.5. One of the soulution is to add a preference <preference for="Magento\...
Taschert's user avatar
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7 votes

Magento 2: How to display error message in CLI

If you are inside the execute method why don't you put the error message inside $output->writeln($errorMessage);? Where you have access to the OutputInterface Update: Inject \Symfony\Component\...
belfort1's user avatar
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7 votes

Magento 2 Is it possible to run reindexing per storeview?

There is no direct way to do this. But you may be approaching it from the wrong angle anyway. In normal operation you shouldn't have to do a full reindex at any time. If you have the indexing mode ...
Rick Schippers's user avatar
7 votes

Magento 2 while reindex INSERT INTO 'catalog_category_product_index_store1' stuck the query

Most probably the difference is that on live you have way more traffic than on your local env and this is interfering with the queries. I recommend reducing the number of rows processed at once by the ...
Marius's user avatar
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7 votes

Magento2 Elastic Search Configuration Issue

Check if the required modules are installed and enabled. In my case (during an update from Magento 2.3 to Magento 2.4) the modules "Magento_Elasticsearch" and "Magento_Elasticsearch6&...
poebel's user avatar
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6 votes

Magento 2: Not showing customers in backend grid

Best option is to reset and then reindex via CLI php bin/magento indexer:reset customer_grid php bin/magento indexer:reindex customer_grid
Alta Works's user avatar
6 votes

Magento2 prevent reindex after adding product programmatically

inject \Magento\Indexer\Model\IndexerFactory to the __construct method instantiate it as class variable ($this->_indexerFactory right now) run the following code after saving product: ...
Mammouth's user avatar
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6 votes

how reindex and flush cache via code in magento 2?

indexer:reindex CMD: php bin/magento indexer:reindex //for all php bin/magento indexer:reindex catalog_category_product //for specific id Using DI /** * @var \Magento\Indexer\Model\IndexerFactory */ ...'s user avatar
6 votes

Magento 2: database error customer_grid_flat doesn't exist

Try to execute the reindex command: php bin/magento indexer:reindex I had the same problem and I didn't understand why in the admin panel instead to retrieve data from customer_entity table Magento ...
Selusi's user avatar
  • 69
6 votes

How to check whether the reindex working or not in Magento?

You can check via command line: php bin/magento i:status
Narendra Vyas's user avatar
5 votes

Indexer stuck in processing

unfortunately your only option is to change in the database the state of the processing indexes because till there are processing indexes no other index gets updated and neither the command line works....
springerin's user avatar
5 votes

Magento 2: New Customers not showing in backend

That's correct. In Magento 2, the indexing process is triggerred by the cron and cannot be triggered manually anymore. To setup your cron I suggest you follow the official documentation: http://...
Raphael at Digital Pianism's user avatar
5 votes

Get to work reindexing in external code

Create the Reindex.php script in the root folder and add below code in this file. use Magento\Framework\App\Bootstrap; require __DIR__ . '/app/bootstrap.php'; $params = $_SERVER; $bootstrap = ...
Sumil sanghavi's user avatar
5 votes

Magento2 reindexing CE vs EE

None. They use the same processes in Magento 2.
Ryan Hoerr's user avatar
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5 votes

Magento 2 reindex gives error Duplicate entry

I have also face this issue,your error is Duplicate entry 4458-142-1-1293-4458 in your case the attribute id is 142, go to eav_attribute table and check 142 attrbute backend_type and entity_type_id, ...
HaFiz Umer's user avatar
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5 votes

Magento 2.2.5 - Table catalogsearch_fulltext_scope1 not being automatically generated

I just fixed same issue on my server. Access to server and run: ("Magento" is my database name) cd /var/lib/mysql/Magento rm -rf catalogsearch_fulltext_scope1.ibd php bin/magento indexer:reindex ...
Mr Jack's user avatar
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5 votes

How to check whether the reindex working or not in Magento?

Indexers can be managed/updated by two following ways. Update on Save: This runs every time when ever you are making any changes to the particular field & save it. viz. When a customer is buying ...
Abhishek Tripathi's user avatar
5 votes

How to check whether the reindex working or not in Magento?

You have enabled Update on Save, so the reindex will occur in realtime whenever a change is made in the admin. So you might not have done any changes for that indexers product category and catalog ...
Raj Mohan R's user avatar
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5 votes

Which server settings can cause Magento reindex to run really slow?

And another Answer --- thanks to the Chat with Wilson Hauck: He pointed out, that the quotes might confuse the new optimized in 10.3 I took the full query.sql from above and extracted only the ...
Alex's user avatar
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