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32 votes

inventory_stock_1 doest exist on Magento 2.3

You need elevated permissions to use the CREATE ALGORITHM bit This can and will stop an import in it's tracks. Instead use this statement to create the view CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW `...
Dominic Pixie's user avatar
16 votes

inventory_stock_1 doest exist on Magento 2.3

I got the solution for this, you need to create a view table inventory_stock_1 for your catalog in database. Here is the command you need to run in your DB SQL. Make sure to update 3 things in below ...
Pankaj Sharma's user avatar
10 votes

cache_dir "/var/www/html/Magento2/var/cache/" is not writable

Need to set permission to var/cache folder find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \; find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; find var pub/static pub/media app/etc generated/ -type f -exec chmod g+w {} \; ...
Arunprabakaran M's user avatar
6 votes

Indexer Issue - idle (741 in backlog)

You just need to reset your indexes status, remove missed cron jobs and remove the MView registers. I use Magerun 2, you can do it via these commands: wget &...
Rafael Corrêa Gomes's user avatar
5 votes

Difference between index catalog_category_product and catalog_product_category

The real difference is in the partial reindexing features: the catalog_category_product index reindexes partially by Category ID (accepts list of category IDs to reindex); the ...
Dmitri Sologoubenko's user avatar
5 votes

Magento 1: purpose of Magento index tables vs MySQL indexes

Different indexes seem to have different purposes in Magento. It's not always equivalent of a mysql index. For instance, the index table: catalog_category_product_index holds the product/category ...
Paras Sood's user avatar
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5 votes

Magento ver. 2.1.0 - Index Management without SSH/Shell Access?

Module link After your question I ended up developping a small module for that. It is available here: Module Code But here is the how to: app/code/...
Raphael at Digital Pianism's user avatar
5 votes

Filter Category Collection by Enabled, Visible Products

$collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getCollection()->addAttributeToSelect('*'); $collection->addFieldToFilter('visibility', Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Visibility::VISIBILITY_BOTH)...
Priyanka Saini's user avatar
5 votes

Magento2: How to fix error not showing?

if you're using Apache as a web server you can display error from apache error.log to your browser with adding this line code to your root .htaccess. php_flag display_errors on ...
mrfizh's user avatar
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4 votes

Reindex gets scheduled by cron but never executed

I finally found the solution. The crons in the magento backend were configured to use a separate process which does not work on our provider's server. Once I disabled that option the indexers were ...
omsta's user avatar
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4 votes

Update custom columns in sales_order_grid / Regenerate sales_order_grid

You have to add this code to your etc/di.xml, inside config tag <virtualType name="Magento\Sales\Model\ResourceModel\Order\Grid" type="Magento\Sales\Model\ResourceModel\Grid"> <...
WISAM HAKIM's user avatar
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4 votes

inventory_stock_1 doest exist on Magento 2.3

Find data patches name from patch_list table Magento\InventoryCatalog\Setup\Patch\Schema\CreateLegacyStockStatusView Delete or rename it. run upgrade command php bin/magento s:upg This issue may ...
Bhavesh Prajapati's user avatar
3 votes

Debug Mage_Index_Model_Event stock related memory problem during checkout

Honestly, it's hard to guess which line consumes the most memory. I suggest you use the profile to find out exactly which line is the culprit. First enable the profiler. Then update the code with ...
Raphael at Digital Pianism's user avatar
3 votes

Magento 1: purpose of Magento index tables vs MySQL indexes

In a broader and perhaps oversimplified sense, you might look at it like this: MySQL indices are intended to speed up lookup inside a single column or table respectively Magento indices are simply a ...
pong's user avatar
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3 votes

cache_dir "/var/www/html/Magento2/var/cache/" is not writable

This is a permission issue and you can fix it just running the below command. It will work but you need to give permission every time. sudo chmod -R 777 var/;sudo chmod -R 777 pub/;sudo chmod -R 777 ...
Vikram Kumar's user avatar
3 votes

Auto Increment column do not have index. Column - "value_id", table - "catalog_product_entity_text"

Have you added a constraint to it? Like: <constraint xsi:type="primary" referenceId="PRIMARY"> <column name="entity_id"/> </constraint>
Siddhant Lohia's user avatar
3 votes

How to enable asynchronous indexing in production mode?

You can change it in production mode directly via terminal, then clean the cache. bin/magento config:set dev/grid/async_indexing 1 bin/magento cache:clean
Rafael Corrêa Gomes's user avatar
2 votes

Magento Catalog Product Flat can not index

You have exceeded the row limits in your product flat data table. This can be fixed by removing or disabling any attributes that you do not need to appear in the product flat data table There are ...
Rahul Singh's user avatar
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2 votes

Magento 1.9: Product Price tables - how they work?

It is safe* to delete all the above empty tables ? Those empty tables will be populated when Magento reindexes and the catalog has products for specified product type. It should be safe to remove the ...
Quisse's user avatar
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2 votes

catalog_category_product_index table empty (Magento 2.2.5)

The table catalog_category_product_index is not updated anymore since Magento 2.2. Records might be left in the table, but the reindexing neither truncates nor fills it.
hey's user avatar
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2 votes

Understanding the Magento 2 index

Reindex On Save - The Reindex will take place in real time when a change is saved in backend. It will be fine for small websites with a few admin users. Reindex On Schedule - Reindex will be ...
Raj Mohan R's user avatar
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2 votes

Trying to not index catalog search result page

Under your theme folder: Magento_CatalogSearch/layout/catalogsearch_advanced_result.xml Magento_CatalogSearch/layout/catalogsearch_result_index.xml And add the following content to those files (same ...
Ronak Rathod's user avatar
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2 votes

Magento2: How to fix error not showing?

You are doing wrong in the following line $h="String"; return $h; You should redirect this page to any destination or you should print the response. Solution 1. Change return $h; to echo $h; ...
Ashvini K's user avatar
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2 votes

Can I remove indexing from cron:run?

Update index Group from admin that runs twice per day Store >> Config >> Advanced >> System >> Cron
Ketan Borada's user avatar
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2 votes

Indexer Issue - idle (741 in backlog)

first run following command to reset the indexes php bin/magento indexer:reset catalogrule_rule php bin/magento indexer:reset catalogrule_product php bin/magento indexer:reset catalogsearch_fulltext ...
ParulThakkar's user avatar
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1 vote

Understanding the Magento 2 index

Since posting the question, I found a few articles that explain Magento's indexing mechanic in a little more detail. One of the more detailed one is
fritzmg's user avatar
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1 vote

Reindex from different computer

In magento2, if you want to do indexing you need SSh access of your server. From admin,you cannot reindex. Also magento cron should configure properly at server.Then the indexing problem will be ...
Amit Bera's user avatar
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1 vote

inventory_stock_1 doest exist on Magento 2.3

I have same bug. Seems becouse not imported full SQL of DB. Seems the reason in Magento2 backup tool (have been imported Magento backup to new Database). How to fix. Open dump SQL file - Lookking ...
Alex's user avatar
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1 vote

Magento 1 autoindex:error /skin/frontend

The error message says that the server was requested to deliver If you see your access log and look up the same time stamp as given in the error log ...
Christoph Farnleitner's user avatar
1 vote

Sites are only loading if I add `index.php` to the URL

Solved. The old domain was still in chrome cache. I opened the developer console and disabled cache. Then I reloaded the site and BOOM. It works! I hate Chromes aggressive cache...
Black's user avatar
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