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How can I hide the errors session messages of my module?

In Magento 2, it shows an error which is really annoying for customers. How can we hide or remove showing those errors in the page? Currently, the application is in the production mode. But still, ...
Jithin U. Ahmed's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to get customer session on category pages in Magento 2

Customer details are available only on customer page and checkout page. It must be a duplicate task but can someone tell how can we retrieve customer session on category pages. $context = $om->...
Daniel_12's user avatar
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Uncaught Exception: Warning: SessionHandler::open(): Cannot call session save handler in a recursive manner

I move my magento project from localhost to shared server. Now since mod_version was not installed and the hosting provider said that enabling the module was not covered of the plan. So I followed the ...
origin's user avatar
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Delete Session Files and Prevent Returning

I've already attempted to delete session files, but they come back one at a time and slowly... Huh? Can someone explain why please and help me permanently delete them please? I can not locate them in ...
Kist221's user avatar
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Strange behavior with the redirects in Store views, Cms pages, Cookies

Config : Front : I have Two store views 1:simple, 2:pro. Admin : 1Website->1StoreGroup->2Storeviews: simple and pro Cms Pages : I created different Cms pages, let's taking for example : 2 (A,B) ...
PЯINCƎ's user avatar
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mage-cache-storage clean after reload page magento 2.1 checkout

I input some information at the checkout. It write in mage-cache-storage. When I reload checkout page mage-cache-storage are clearing. Why is this happening? How I can fix it? Thanks in advance. I ...
Павел Кушнеревич's user avatar
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Global Page Success / Warning / Error Messages not showing in Admin

None of the global page messages are appearing on any page in the admin panel. This includes and is not limited to my own custom messages, saving a product, canceling an order and clearing the cache. ...
Max's user avatar
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2 answers

Magento2 Check if Customer is logged in - Not working

I have taken the reference from this link Created the variable protected $_customerSession; Done the injection \Magento\Customer\Model\Session $customerSession, But in my Function in my block class ...
Gagan's user avatar
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how to set no-cache HTTP headers in controller in magento 2

I have read in Magento 2 Dev Docs for Public content we can set no-cache HTTP headers for Controllers that don’t use layouts(last line in page). Controllers that don’t use layouts should set no-...
Knight017's user avatar
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How to get adminhtml session data from the storefront?

I have been trying to get adminhtml session by DI Magento\Backend\Model\Session but I get nothing. Is it possible to get adminhtml session information from the storefront and vice versa?
Dmitriy Chizhov's user avatar
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How to override cookie lifetime for a controller in Magento 2

I have searched this on google but did not find any thing helpful. When a user does login using my custom login page then the SID should be generated such that its lifetime is say 20 years no matter ...
Anoop Lath's user avatar
4 votes
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Magento 2 : Lifetime, scope and general usage for all types of sessions

There are a lot of session types in magento 2 . The ones I know of are listed below ; 1) \Magento\Catalog\Model\Session //vendor/magento/module-catalog/Model/Session.php 2) \Magento\Newsletter\...
Vivek Kumar's user avatar
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Cannot get customer session in Controller

I am just trying to get the customer session in my custom controller class and it always returns NULL. What is wrong with Magento? It doesn't work as expected, I am spending days not minutes for a ...
solderingiron's user avatar
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Magento 2 Admin Menu Fatal Error-session time out

magento 2 admin grid session time out after getting error Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function getId() on null in D:\Projects\xampp\htdocs\m2\vendor\magento\module-backend\Block\...
Rutvee Sojitra's user avatar
2 votes
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How to restart session once destroyed in Magento 2?

In one of my controller file I have destroyed customer session (Instance of Magento\Customer\Model\Session)and started it again due to some specific requirement. public function execute() { $...
amitshree's user avatar
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How to destroy custom session value after X minutes in Magento 2?

As I know there isn't a core/session in Magento 2 [source], I've created a custom session using customer/session as given below: public function __construct( \Magento\Customer\Model\Session $...
amitshree's user avatar
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2 answers

How to get customer session id in magento 2?

I want to get the session-trail in a custom module. Without the session-related code, it is working fine, but it breaks the module when I add it namespace Scaledesk\Trails\Block; use \Magento\...
Nitesh Kumar  Singh's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to resolve login fail 'Your currnt session has been expired.' into admin pape in Magento 2?

Using Magento CE 2.2.0 with sample data. this error happen when i change time zone in 'bootstrap.php', i try to change it back in it still error.
Bong Channarith's user avatar
0 votes
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Add a link to the header links only if a customer is signed in

When a customer is logged in, I'd like to add a custom link to Magento's header links, like below: So far, I've been able to add the link by adding the below to the default.xml file from my theme, ...
Holly's user avatar
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Magento 2.2.2 Unable to clear session lock record in /var/www/magento/vendor/magento/framework/Session/SaveHandler/Native.php on line 22

Environment: Magento 2.2.2 Memcached:1.4.35 Overnight I find myself unable to access the admin area of my Magento installation. No changes were made to the environment. No changes to env.php. ...
vitoriodachef's user avatar
1 vote
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How to use session and pass some value to phtml file to phtml file?

I want to pass some value in phtml file to another phtml file somewhere else as an example 1.phtml file like below <?php $inputMessage = 'Hello World'; Mage::getSingleton('core/session')->...
HemalHerath's user avatar
0 votes
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How to create a url to start session in magento 2 (customer)

The URL should be something like this: Pasting this url in any browser the customer should log in automatically
Jorge 4ugusto's user avatar
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\Magento\Backend\Model\Session already exists in context object magento 2 [duplicate]

WARNING :Session object MUST NOT be requested in constructor.It can only be passed as a method argument how to use please advance help \Magento\Backend\Model\Session magento 2 <?php namespace ...
Ravindrasinh Zala's user avatar
7 votes
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Magento 2 duplicate PHPSESSID cookie when using session_start() in custom php script

I have custom php script that is called with ajax. It must be stand-alone script to save spent resources because it is called 1-3 times per each page load. Init Magento for each ajax call would cause ...
JohnyFree's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Magento 2 + Customer logged out automatically in checkout process

I have a strange issue on one of the site. When I log in or register as a new customer and adding few items in shopping cart. Then go to the checkout page it is automatically logged out the customer ...
Akhilesh Patel's user avatar
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Log out whenever styles are changed

Whenever I change less files in my current theme I get logged out from the backend. I'm using server-side compilation I'm using grunt with livereload. I'm in developer mode. Both of them seem to ...
gabtzi's user avatar
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Magento 2 language changes not working properly, Only works for first time when i switch

Languages not switching properly. Only works when language parameter exits into the url but when i click on the other pages then usually parameter will be removed from ...
Indranil Maity's user avatar
6 votes
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Magento 2 The session id is too long

I am running Magento 2.2 on php7.1 and getting the following errors in my var/report and on my error log: > {"0":"Warning: SessionHandler::read(): The session id is too long or contains ...
styzzz's user avatar
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Set only last added product in the quote

In my website i have bounded the user to only add one product into the cart , however from the session quote object it loads multiple products. How can i restrict quote object to show only last added ...
Bhavesh Tilvani's user avatar
5 votes
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Magento 2.2.2: Customer session not working with cache enable

I tried this code but when cache is disable. it works, but when I enable cache it does not work. $ObjectManager = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance(); $session = $ObjectManager->...
Kushal Dani's user avatar
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Magento 2 where session data is stored (see example)

I'm trying to figure out how magento is hiding quote ids on client side I've checked quote mask ids table, but this id is not there, so leaves me to guess its in session data "jQuery.localStorage.get('...
Mac A.'s user avatar
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Magento2: How to set new session and clear session in login and logout

I want to add new session when user logged in also unset this session when user logged out. When user logged in set $this->customerSession->setRegisterEventId('1'); after user logged out Unset ...
nil108's user avatar
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Magento 2: How to set multiple session value in an array?

I know how to set and get session value in magento 2. Here is what I do: $objectManager = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance(); $mysession = $objectManager->create('Magento\Customer\...
Arshad Hussain's user avatar
0 votes
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Class 'Memcached' not found when trying to configure sessions in Memcached

I'm getting the below error when I run the following PHP: $mem = new Memcached(); $mem->addServer("", 11211); $result = $mem->get("blah"); if ($result) { echo $result; } else { ...
Alexander's user avatar
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Can't access session into admin phtml file on Magento 2

I tried to set a session from a model file and access this on a phtml file like this and it's not working: namespace/vendor/Model/ProcessModel.php: protected $backendSession; public ...
Alin Lupoiu's user avatar
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Magento2 - How to hide price until login by using custom block about customer session?

I'm trying to hide prices until the customer logs in to our website. To meet this goal, I'm willing to use customer sessions and if session is true, my product detail page shows the price. Or not, ...
3CE's user avatar
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Magento 2: Session Information

Magento 2 has multiple session types. I know that each type gives you access to different information ie current customer information. The sessions I know of are: \Magento\Backend\Model\Session \...
Tarwin Stroh-Spijer's user avatar
2 votes
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Magento 2: Get Admin session in frontend

How can i get the admin session in frontend. $objectManager = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance(); $adminSession = $objectManager->create('Magento\Security\Model\...
Ramesh's user avatar
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Suddenly started using another logged in user's session - Magento 2

This might be too broad of a question but it is a gigantic security issue and I have no idea where to start debugging this. I was testing some features on my dev server while someone else was logged ...
Kaascroissant's user avatar
3 votes
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How to clear sessions of all users in Magento 2

In magento 1 I used to clear session deleting var/session dir. But how to make it in Magento 2? env.php fragment: 'session' => array ( 'save' => 'files', ) Any help will be ...
Kyrylo Romantsov's user avatar
2 votes
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Magento 2 Get Session ID and make cart accessible from anywhere

I need to make the cart page accessible to an external user? In Magento 1 I had this in my Controller: class Sostanza_Livehelp_IndexController extends Mage_Core_Controller_Front_Action { ...
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Customer session for logged in customer by token based authentication

We are using token based authentication over rest api from that resource /rest/V1/integration/customer/token?username=USER_NAME&password=P@$$WORD to consume magento rest api web services. We ...
Mohammed Gomma's user avatar
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Set and Get magento2 session with custom value

I am working on custom module for catalog session.I have set the custom value with key in catalog session.If i get from another page with that session then the value is not coming.(its working fine in ...
Jitendra Mohanta's user avatar
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delete session files older than one day, not working

I would like to clean session files older than one day. I clean with cron with this find /path/to/magento/var/session/ -mtime +1 -exec rm {} \; and my cron setting is to run once a day, so 0 0 * * ...
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Magento 2 - Session based authentication doesn't work

I don't know if this is a bug in Magento 2 API or not, so I didn't post it on Magento 2 Github issues. According to this link:
0xh8h's user avatar
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Magento 2 : set value in session from js file

I want to save string from js file in session because i want to use that value in controller. How to save value in session from js file. I want to save one string which size is 200kb. so i want to ...
Rohan Hapani's user avatar
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How to extend Configurable Class with session data

I'm trying to extend the class \Magento\Swatches\Block\Product\Renderer\Configurable to access session data. So I did this as proposed on so many stacks and tutorials. class ExtendConfigurable ...
steros's user avatar
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Magento 2: Mini cart product count not updating for current session

I'm using a live chatbox API which is integrated into Magento 2. The problem is: When I add a product from the live chat box, the product counter is not getting updated in the Magento's mini cart. (...
phyme's user avatar
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Programatically retrieving administrator

I am trying to create a single sign on module for my company within Magento. I've set up a connection to the OAuth guarded server and managed to log in on the authentication server. What I would like ...
Danny Verpoort's user avatar
2 votes
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Session data not saving through controller

I've got a couple controller that I'm trying to use to save and retrieve a custom piece of session data. It works on my local development environment but doesn't work on my staging environment. Here'...
Mike Levy's user avatar
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