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Watcher for phtml and JS files also

That will be fine to make able grunt livereload watcher for phtml and JS files also. Any ideas?
Max.A's user avatar
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Grunt task for the tailwind in magento 2 frontend

We are working on the custom theme with the tailwindCSS. Normal Magento flow is taking a long time to reflect the changes on the browser. My question is there any configuration or way to use Grunt to ...
Naveen Raj Kumar's user avatar
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How to use Multiple custom .less files in Magento 2 using Grunt.js

We are developing a custom theme for our Front Store view so we need to use multiple .less files in web/css/source. with the help of Grunt.js, the development makes us faster than manually generating ...
Naveen Raj Kumar's user avatar
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Change livereload host

The default livereload host is, but I have the access problems to access the this host directly in WSL2. Need to change it to http://localhost:35729/livereload.js Found the solution to ...
Max.A's user avatar
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2 answers

Magento 2 : How Can I Add custom.less File For Only Specific Page?

how can i add custom.less file for any specific page in child theme? means don't need genrate inside my custom css code in style-l.css or style-m.css and i have already 2 methods used. Method 1. ...
Gaurav's user avatar
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Magento 2 - Can't compile new theme, which inherits from luma

I created a new minimalistic theme in a fresh Magento 2.4.2 The theme inherits from Magento/luma Example: app/design/frontend/company/foo/registration.php: <?php /** * Copyright © Magento, Inc. ...
Black's user avatar
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CSS Source Maps are empty after grunt refresh

On Magento 2.4.1, Developer Mode and SSR after running grunt clean grunt exec grunt less # OR grunt refresh Generated Source Maps looks like this {"version":3,"sources":[],"...
Ilja Polanskis's user avatar
1 vote
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Different frontend CSS results (Grunt vs deploy:mode:set production)

I have a weird issue where the frontend results of a grunt compile are different compared to a compilation after deploy:mode:set production. UI elements are different. Why is that? How can I debug/...
Akif's user avatar
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Magento 2.4.1. Grunt exec error

I have tried this on a clean install of magento 2.4.1 I then went to a magento 2.3.6 ran grunt exec and grunt less both worked After upgrading the 2.3.6 to 2.4.1 the grunt exec then failed with the ...
Phes's user avatar
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Magento 2.4 alternatives to Livereload Chrome extension for live styling via Grunt?

Magento officially recommends Livereload for "watching" changes made via Grunt and updating the browser in real-time without reloading the page for each change here: https://devdocs.magento....
Louis B.'s user avatar
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Magento 2 - Could not load content for ... (HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE)

I am using grunt with livereload to compile my less files. Grunt also generates source maps so that I can directly see in my browser, in which LESS files css code is located. But often when I click to ...
Black's user avatar
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Magento 2 - Can't compile theme in production mode anymore | Unable to retrieve deployment version of static files from the file system

I get this error when trying to execute grunt refresh or grunt exec:all. [2020-08-17 05:25:31] report.CRITICAL: Can not load static content version. [] [] [2020-08-17 05:25:31] report.ERROR: Unable to ...
Black's user avatar
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3 votes
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Magento2 eslint entire custom code

I've noticed Magento2 has Javascript Coding Standards, in which they reference an eslint config file. Suppose I have an M2 project I'm developing with a large group of folks and I'd like the team to ...
quickshiftin's user avatar
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How to install grunt within docker container?

I finally was able to finish installing M2 enterprise cloud on docker for local dev, and the one final step is to install grunt so I can do some frontend work. I've been trying to wrap my head around ...
Terence Patane-Ronan's user avatar
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Static content generation: problems with grunt exec and grunt less

I'm working on a Magento 2.3.4 website that has a custom theme, developed by a different party. I need to modify some .less files and I noticed something strange. grunt exec, that should publish the ...
Peter Karsai's user avatar
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Is it absolutely REQUIRED that you install grunt globally for it to work out of the box with Magento 2?

Documentation at states to install grunt using the -g (global) command, which requires elevated privileges. ...
grok_in_full's user avatar
2 votes
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locally installed grunt, "grunt exec:blank" fails with "/bin/sh: grunt: command not found"

I am hosted at Nexcess and tried to implement Grunt to assist with LESS development. I followed the Magento 2 docs for installing grunt. NodeJS 10.10.0 is installed. The first deviation from the ...
grok_in_full's user avatar
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Unable to get Grunt less task working on Custom Magento theme

Good morning, I'm pretty new to Magento 2 and I'm currently in the process of trying to get my first custom M2 theme up and running. I have managed to create my new theme but running into trouble ...
steffcarrington's user avatar
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Magento2 how to define theme in my themes.js

What is the correct way to define theme in theme.js dev/tools/grunt/configs/themes.js My theme in app/design is Hose/Fit <theme>: { area: '<area>', name: '<Vendor>/<...
Arjun's user avatar
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Magento2 grunt error

> npm install -D load-grunt-config npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: CoffeeScript on NPM has moved to "coffeescript" (no hyphen) npm ERR! Linux 4.15.0-52-generic npm ERR! argv "/usr/bin/...
Arjun's user avatar
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Magento 2 LESS - Unable to resolve the source file for ..., after deleting source file

I deleted a less file which I don't need anymore. I also removed the entry from default_head_blocks.xml so that it does not load anymore. I searched my whole theme for main.css and removed all ...
Black's user avatar
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Magento 2 - Grunt watch not detecting changes of _extend.less

I have these files: THEME = app\design\frontend\company\base THEME\web\css\source\lib\extend\variables\_typography.less THEME\web\css\source\lib\extend\variables\_colors.less THEME\web\css\source\...
Black's user avatar
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Magento 2 - LiveReload is connected, but changes are only visible after manual reload

I try to use grunt watch in combination with livereload. But there is almost no documentation on the topic. I installed livereload like this: npm install -g livereload Then I added the following ...
Black's user avatar
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4 answers

Magento 2 - css source maps not working

I created a new theme which extends from magento luma. I try to develope with less instead of css. I need to enable CSS Source maps, so that I can debug my less, it helps to see in which less files ...
Black's user avatar
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i cant set up grunt due an error

i want to create luma based theme and set up grunt for it. path to .less files: frontend///web/css/source/style-l.less im getting an error: unable to resolve the source file for 'frontend/<vendor&...
cffbl's user avatar
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Magento 2 local Docker - running less:theme fails for file not found, but file is present

I finally have a local docker setup for my Magento 2 development set up. It works fine everywhere, except for when I run grunt less:MyTheme. When I do that I get this error Running "less:MyTheme" (...
Asitis's user avatar
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Add grunt-notify to M2 Grunt config

How to add grunt-notify module to Magento 2 Grunt config. Reference: Thanks.
Max.A's user avatar
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Magento 2.3 grunt compile

My simple question is that, Do i need to compile less with grunt in magento? My theme is working fine. However i am not sure that i need to compile less with grunt or not. Is there any impact on ...
Ashar Riaz's user avatar
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Different less compilation results between grunt and server side compilation

I got the following theme inheritance setup: Vendor/Retail inherits from Vendor/Default which inherits from Magento/blank When compiling the styles with grunt I get no issues. When compiling with ...
Michael Thessel's user avatar
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How magento decides order of all _module.less file imported through @magento_import directive?

I am trying to add module specific less file named _module.less inside my custom module Mynamespace_Mymodule in M2. For that I have created module.xml file with below sequence. <module name="...
Shashank Bhatt's user avatar
4 votes
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Create less file for custom Theme

How to create new *.less file in Magento 2.3 project ? Here is my existing Theme: Here is my existing less file that DOES NOT work: Nothing is work here: My question is how to add custom less code/...
Yusuf Ibrahim's user avatar
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Page Styling (css) does not appear in the new Theme implementation (descendant of Luma Theme)

I just created empty theme which is descendant of Luma theme. but unfortunately the styling is not appear: theme.xml <theme xmlns:xsi="" xsi:...
Yusuf Ibrahim's user avatar
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6 answers

run grunt in mangeto 2

Already follow from this dev document this 1.npm install -g grunt-cli 2.Rename 3 files - package.json.sample into package.json - Gruntfile.js.sample into Gruntfile.js - grunt-config.json.sample ...
Keep in touch's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Magento 2 Theme Development - grunt watch not detecting changes of custom LESS file

We are running Magento 2 in version 2.3.1, but the error occurred in version 2.3.0 also. The situation is the following: we've created a custom theme which has Magento/luma theme as parent. according ...
TurnJoke's user avatar
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Grunt workflow, problems with watch task and reloading

I've been trying to get the "grunt watch" task running combined with livereload but unfortunately I'm not able to get a working solution. I've read the magento devdocs but running a combination of the ...
John Plusje's user avatar
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Magento 2.3 admin not working after grunt setup

I have a big problem.I setup grunt configuration for magento 2.3 as I used to setup for magento 2.2 and renamed below files grunt-config.json.sample, package.json.sample and gruntfile.js.sample by ...
Shashank Bhatt's user avatar
8 votes
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Grunt compile of LESS fails with Error compiling lib/web/css/docs/source/docs.less

I'm hoping to get some advice. I pulled a project that I haven't touched in some time and in developer mode I ran 'grunt exec' followed by 'grunt less' and once running 'grunt less' I receive the ...
Rob's user avatar
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What is Grunt in Magento2 and Why use?

What is Grunt in Magento2? Why use grunt. I want to know detail about Grunt. When we can use Grunt.
Chandra Kumar's user avatar
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mess up ownerships after cli action

so I am running a magento 2.2.4 in development and one in production, the dev is ok and I can do all, the production is an exact copy of it on apache 2.4 and Ubuntu 16.04, every time I use any kind of ...
Luca Cagnassi's user avatar
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Magento2 grunt issue occurs when running?

I am using Magento2 version CE-2.2.4 i installed npm,grunt on fresh project but when i am running command grunt exec:theme then it create an error Loading "Gruntfile.js" tasks...ERROR ...
Magento Dev's user avatar
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Magento 2.2.5 Css is not generating

I have one project in Magento 2.2.5 and in that the CSS is stopped generating I have run all grunt command and in that it show below error when i run grunt exec pub/static/frontend/Magento/luma/en_US/...
Kajal Solanki's user avatar
3 votes
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Grunt (Magento 2) - Why do I have to force my commands?

I've just installed grunt for the first time however I cannot run any commands in cmd wihtout using --force. My error is: C:\wamp64\www\New_Mage2>grunt watch jit-grunt: Plugin for the "...
Greg's user avatar
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Magento2: Missing commands on build server

I try to make a Magento2 Pipeline Deployment and running in a awkward error. But first a few words to the deployment: I use a docker container with installed php and nodejs. I copy in the container ...
bambamboole's user avatar
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Import new custom less files after grunt configuration

I am using grunt tool for magento server-side less preprocessing. I have created _extend.less file following directory structure for my custom less compilation app\design\frontend\Vendorname\...
Shashank Bhatt's user avatar
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How to declare and use custom configuration file for less compilation with grunt?

According to devdocs which is located at Now I simply can't understand what it is trying to say.Can ...
Shashank Bhatt's user avatar
3 votes
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Plugins less with Magento Theme

Good morning, I would like to know if somebody has worked with less plugins in Magento Environment? Indeed, I met no difficulties with grunt tools, but when Magento compile all files (through setup:...
Ilan Parmentier's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Grunt, .less, and Live Reload - Can't get them working

Good afternoon, I am having a devil of a time getting my front-end flow working. I have grunt CLI working, along with theme.js setup properly (see images below). Still, when I make changes within my {...
AdamJSim's user avatar
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1 answer

How to install node_modules in server for grunt configuation

As a designer I am totally new to magento 2 file structure and preprocessing. As far as my understanding is correct, magento uses less files and uses gruntfile.js for preprocessing so that via ...
Shashank Bhatt's user avatar
1 vote
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Magento2 Keeping CSS changes after redeployment [duplicate]

Hi I am new to Magento 2, I was wondering what methods people are using to keep CSS changes after they deploy static content as CSS changes are overwritten every time. Thanks!
Damion's user avatar
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LiveReload configuration via Grunt

Edit : about the possible duplicate ! I would like to mention that this answer does not answer my question, if someone sees that it is the same thing, I invite him to answer me instead of saying that ...
PЯINCƎ's user avatar
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