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Magento 2 The session id is too long

I am running Magento 2.2 on php7.1 and getting the following errors in my var/report and on my error log: > {"0":"Warning: SessionHandler::read(): The session id is too long or contains ...
styzzz's user avatar
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Magento2: Local-Storage Mage-Storage and Mage-Cache Empty on every Reload

Many features in my web page break as when I investigated, I found out that many local storage keys don't even exist now which used to exist before. list of keys that don't exist: lo_session mage-...
summu's user avatar
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How can I hide the errors session messages of my module?

In Magento 2, it shows an error which is really annoying for customers. How can we hide or remove showing those errors in the page? Currently, the application is in the production mode. But still, ...
Jithin U. Ahmed's user avatar
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Can't access session into admin phtml file on Magento 2

I tried to set a session from a model file and access this on a phtml file like this and it's not working: namespace/vendor/Model/ProcessModel.php: protected $backendSession; public ...
Alin Lupoiu's user avatar
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Magento 2 SessionHandler error

Sometimes my magento 2 store returns this error "Notice: SessionHandler::gc(): ps_files_cleanup_dir: opendir(/var/lib/php5) failed: Permission denied (13) in /var/www/vhosts/
Chamal Chamikara's user avatar
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Can't getCustomer isLoggedIn magento2?

I try get custommer is login. it not success. this is my code protected $_customerSession; public function __construct( ... \Magento\Customer\Model\Session $customerSession, .... ){ ... $this->...
xanka's user avatar
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Share session within different domains

I have one website, one store and multiple store views. One store view has different domain. I want this store view to have the same session, if product is added in one store view, should be also ...
quezasx's user avatar
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Redirect to Magento2 website with session id

We have a small requirement like a punchout payload concept. The user will redirect to Magento 2 website from 3rd party with the session_id. We want to capture that session_id and implement our logic. ...
Nagaraju Kasa's user avatar
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How to get the data from the Session in a CustomerData Object without breaking the guidelines?

9.10. The Request, Session, and Cookie objects MUST NOT be injected in an object constructor. They MUST be passed only as method arguments. from the Technical guidelines How to comply with this rule ...
igrossiter's user avatar
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Magento 2 Increase guest session time and keep the items in cart for 20 days

I want t increase guest user session time in magento. If guest user add to cart and just go for lunch or any other activity putting his/her website open in browser, when user come after 5-6 hours ...
Jackson Wyss's user avatar
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Strange behavior with the redirects in Store views, Cms pages, Cookies

Config : Front : I have Two store views 1:simple, 2:pro. Admin : 1Website->1StoreGroup->2Storeviews: simple and pro Cms Pages : I created different Cms pages, let's taking for example : 2 (A,B) ...
PЯINCƎ's user avatar
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Magento 2: Session Information

Magento 2 has multiple session types. I know that each type gives you access to different information ie current customer information. The sessions I know of are: \Magento\Backend\Model\Session \...
Tarwin Stroh-Spijer's user avatar
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Magento 2 - Cookies are not secure

I was wondering if there is a setting for creating secure cookies on M2. I have a vulnerability check and it shown that cookies don't have "secure" tags. Or do I need to override a core function?
Myk's user avatar
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How is PHPSESSID cookie being set in Magento 2?

The only place I could find where the cookie actually not being initialized but renewed on every request is renewCookie() function in Magento\Framework\Session\SessionManager. Whenever there is a new ...
Vivek Kumar's user avatar
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Problem with session of magento 2.4.5

whenever I activate the option 'Validate REMOTE_ADDR' it happens this error. I don't know what to do... The "remote_addr" session value is invalid. Verify and try again. and in admin, i'm ...
Vinicius Araujo da Silva's user avatar
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Redis connection errors (session handling)

I am using Redis cache for session storage in my Magento 2.4.3-p2 based store. The app/etc/env.php setting looks like 'session' => [ 'save' => 'redis', 'redis' => [ 'host' =&...
MagePsycho's user avatar
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Magento 2 Varnish caching add to cart session from another user

When adding an item to cart, it will also show a second item, which I have previously added to cart from a different device. If I bypass varnish cache, cart seems to work ok. Guess I am missing a ...
Nikos Klavdianos's user avatar
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Why do I see action notification messages on other pages?

Sometimes when I added products to the cart or I type wrong my password, I see the warning message in the checkout success page. How could I fix it?
Rafael Corrêa Gomes's user avatar
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Magento 2 set and access variables between controllers

I have a problem with storing and accesing variables accross controllers. i have controller 1 there i set variable ( tried registry and session ) in block of that controller i have both and registry ...
Naberd Zendi's user avatar
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Cookie Management

Looking at adding functionality to the Cookie consent, instead of just accepting them I would like to add a new button which takes you to the a new page where you can select which cookies you would ...
Rodders's user avatar
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Magento 2 - Empty Cart and Quote behaviour

When the session quote has no visible items should it be set as inactive or still kept as active? Does anyone know how to do it? Thanks in advance.
Trenox's user avatar
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Customer session loggedIn() not working Magento 2

I have to check whether a customer is logged in or not. It only works for My account page and for the rest of the pages, it gives a null result. It was working before. $objectManager = \Magento\...
summu's user avatar
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Warning: session_regenerate_id(): Session object destruction failed. on Magento 2 Checkout

I have a Magento 2.2.4 running on a Windows IIS server. When entering checkout, I often get There has been an error processing your request error. When I check the error report, it says * ...
Jarxberg's user avatar
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Magento 2 Remove cart content when user log-out | Empty cart when logged back in

Correct me if I'm wrong, but completely removing the cart content on customer log-out is not native to Magento 2 is it? I read about the "Persistent cart" but it seems to work only for removing the ...
Greg's user avatar
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how can we access customer session in checkout

I have one special field called some_id in customer data and I want to save the some_id and quote_id in database. I am using sales_quote_save_afterevent to save both ids. But my customer session is ...
Daniel_12's user avatar
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Magento2.2.5 : How to maintain a session value in product detail page to custom controller page?

I implemented some custom options in the product pdp page. i.e, i have to engrave the product in frontend(eg.pendant FRONT SIDE) as well as the backend(eg.pendant BACK SIDE) without refreshing the ...
Thilagavathy Rathinavelu's user avatar
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Why reset the customer session data when FPC is enabled?

Regarding this article from @SohelRana what is the business or technical decision to empty the customer session data when FPC is enable?
Gianni Di Falco's user avatar
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Uncaught Exception: Warning: SessionHandler::open(): Cannot call session save handler in a recursive manner

I move my magento project from localhost to shared server. Now since mod_version was not installed and the hosting provider said that enabling the module was not covered of the plan. So I followed the ...
origin's user avatar
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Delete Session Files and Prevent Returning

I've already attempted to delete session files, but they come back one at a time and slowly... Huh? Can someone explain why please and help me permanently delete them please? I can not locate them in ...
Kist221's user avatar
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Global Page Success / Warning / Error Messages not showing in Admin

None of the global page messages are appearing on any page in the admin panel. This includes and is not limited to my own custom messages, saving a product, canceling an order and clearing the cache. ...
Max's user avatar
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Magento2: How to set new session and clear session in login and logout

I want to add new session when user logged in also unset this session when user logged out. When user logged in set $this->customerSession->setRegisterEventId('1'); after user logged out Unset ...
nil108's user avatar
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delete session files older than one day, not working

I would like to clean session files older than one day. I clean with cron with this find /path/to/magento/var/session/ -mtime +1 -exec rm {} \; and my cron setting is to run once a day, so 0 0 * * ...
user avatar
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Why SID is not coming in URL?

I am working on a multi-store configuration. Store > Configuration > General > Web > Session Validation Settings > Use SID on Storefront is set to "Yes" Store > Configuration > General > Web > Url ...
Waseem Abbas's user avatar
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Magento 2 : How to Debug Which Extension is Causing Early Session Timeout or Logout of Admin

I have a problem in admin section where I frequently get logged out at random intervals of time. One thing that I am assured is that one of my extension is causing trouble but I could not find way to ...
Sanjay Chaudhary's user avatar
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magento 2: session length recommendation

I was asked today to increase the php session length to 86400 (24 hrs) for one of our magento 2 sites. I am guessing this is to make guest's cart items be persistent for 1 day. I am used to session ...
Xenocide8998's user avatar
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How can I get Magento Each Session values by using Magento frontend cookie value through Web Service?

We are developing separate home page from Magento and accessing information from Magento through Web Services and will integrate this external home page with existing Magento website. But on this ...
Mohd Zahid's user avatar
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magento 2 logged in one browser , open another browser support session

Magento 2 logged in one browser , will open another browser account page support session how?
jeni's user avatar
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choose session - Magento 2

I have referred this link for set session variable however I bit confused which one is adapt for my situation. \Magento\Backend\Model\Session \Magento\Catalog\Model\Session \Magento\Checkout\Model\...
Bilal Usean's user avatar
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Error in M2 Checkout

I'm having a problem with product checkout in M2. When I want to place the order, a success page must be displayed, but I got redirected to the view cart page, and the item is still in the cart. I ...
Joel's user avatar
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The "remote_addr" session value is invalid

ON the backend Store>Configurations>General>Web we have set the "Session Validation Settings" which shows these options: Validate REMOTE_ADDR: YES Validate HTTP_VIA: YES Validate ...
Magecomp Product Team's user avatar
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Magento 2.4.4p4 EE - GTM Session Regeneration on Every Page Load

I'm encountering a discrepancy between user/session activity and transaction count in Google Analytics (GA) for a Magento 2.4.4p4 Enterprise Edition project. The culprit seems to be frequent GTM ...
Mohd Farhan Bin Ramli's user avatar
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Add to Cart Not Working After Upgrade to 2.4.6.-p3

after upgrading to Magento version 2.4.6-p3 , Add to cart not working, it just shows adding and then nothing happens. also when I go from category page with options products , it does not shows any ...
Mark Philips's user avatar
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Magento 2: LastRealOrderId is missing in checkoutSession

I am facing this weird issue on the checkout page. We are using 3rd party payment module, which redirects customer to the payment page after placing order in Magento. In the controller, it tries to ...
Gaurav Agrawal's user avatar
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Magento User Session

It's displaying the maintenance image. And it works fine in incognito or clear browser cache. But how to say to all customers refresh their browser cache? Cookie Lifetime is set 3600. Is there any ...
Aaron Wang's user avatar
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Adding an XML array in the user session

I'm getting some data from an API. I want to save those data in my user session so that the API isn't called each time the page is reached. First time: load API, save in session After, load session ...
Morgan's user avatar
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Magento 2 PHPSESSID Cookie Value is the same to different devices / browsers

I am running Magento 2.4.3 with Nginx, PHP-FPM, Varnish and Redis for session and caching storage. When I have already added a product to cart and then I add another product, visiting the site through ...
Nikos Klavdianos's user avatar
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Overwriting Session Config To Add In 1 Week Of Keep Me Logged in Cookies Features

I am using Magento2.3.5-p2 installed on Ubuntu 20.04 I am required to implement a function in which at the login page when the user ticks on Remember Me checkbox, the system will store the cookies for ...
Mohd Farhan Bin Ramli's user avatar
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Magento 2 | i see a different customer name when i login

When I try to log in from the homepage of my site I see a name different from mine. For example, instead of seeing the name John Doe I see the name Jackson appear which is not my name. This problem is ...
Jackom's user avatar
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Customer session model is not returning customer ID in class which was triggered by `customer_account_create` event

When using the customer_account_create event, the session model in my class is not able to return the customer ID using $this->customerSession->getId();. However, for testing purposes, when ...
Greg's user avatar
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customer user name displayed on header bar when user logged out by session time automatically

I am building the magento 2.4 website By the way I am facing with below customer login issue "I had logged into the website with customer account I spent some times and I visited the site by the ...
Thomas Peters's user avatar