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2 answers

Current user duration or current user page count in magento 2

I have a custom module . In my observer i have to know the current user duration & current user ip in fronted . So i write the code for user ip . Now if a user visit my website i want to get is ...
Abilash Erikson's user avatar
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Delete Session Files and Prevent Returning

I've already attempted to delete session files, but they come back one at a time and slowly... Huh? Can someone explain why please and help me permanently delete them please? I can not locate them in ...
Kist221's user avatar
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Logged In or Not check works only in Customer pages not other pages Magento 2

User logged in or not checking not works in other pages such as Product, Category and other static pages but its works well on customer pages like Dashboard, Address book, Orders etc... Here is my ...
Riyas Muhammed's user avatar
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Magento 2 passing more argument in Model

How can i add more argument \Magento\Backend\Model\Auth\Session $authSession into \Magento\Store\Model\Website ? I tried to get current user like following link: Magento 2: How to get current admin ...
Tai Tran's user avatar