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3 answers

Problem modifying core function - class is not called

I apologize in advance for this question has been treated many times, but I think I just need a personal trainer on this! I am trying to modify the function sendPasswordResetConfirmationEmail in Mage/...
Antho Ny's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Overwriting a modules overwritten extended class

I've created a quick module to extend Mage_Catalog_Block_Layer_View Class::getFilterableAttributes() which works just fine. However I need the funtioality of Amastys improved navigation module aswell ...
Chris Morris's user avatar
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Size attribute with multiple quantities

I am trying to build a size attribute picker similar to the one on the Laura Ashley website: Does any one have any information or ideas that I can use ...
Peter Hough's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Best way to set up helper declarations using same tag in different modules

My application (CE Magento 1.9) has two extensions, a custom theme and checkout module, that is using the same xml tag which I believe is causing the following error when visiting the site: Fatal ...
Vee's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Extending another modules form fields using addfield but values will not saving

I am using the block rewrite below to add two fields to module Amasty_Shopby. <?php class Etre_Amshopby_Block_Rewrite_Shopby_Adminhtml_Filter_Edit_Tab_General extends ...
tylersDisplayName's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Default search result listing to categories only, no product to display

Hi i want to create a custom module for search functionality, where it should search only from the list of categories provided by its custom location attribute, for example i have a list of categories ...
Ankit Balyan's user avatar
28 votes
3 answers

What is the difference between an Extension and a Module?

What is the difference between an Extension and a Module? Just curious to know that what is the right term to use when we extend Magento's functionality by creating our custom code in local folder.
piyush_systematix's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Unable to display "Hello World" from custom module

I am following the book: Getting Started with Magento Extension Development. And I'm unable to make my extension echoing "Hello World". I believed there are 3 area I need to take care: active the ...
Yeo's user avatar
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2 answers

Adding new order status in extension in Magento 1.9

Ok so I've made a quick module. All seems to be working fine, corn job is running, admin section working and logging is working fine. However the order status I've defined in my XML is not appearing ...
Chris Morris's user avatar
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1 answer

Magento custom adminhtml template gets overwritten by default template

I want to add a custom field to the order info page in the admin section. Based on all the tutorials I read this should be a simple task. However I found out that my custom template gets overwritten ...
Yingdong Zhang's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Custom Front Controller redirects to 404

I've followed this tutorial from the Magento Wiki, but I get a 404 when accessing my front controller. After doing research, I found this question facing the same problem and I did all the suggested ...
VDD's user avatar
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2 answers

What is your must have or recommend extensions? [closed]

When I read Fabian Blechschmidt's this interview, I'm so surprise I know only one extension (Aoe_Scheduler) among he recommend 5 extensions. I never hear rest of 4 extensions before So I realize ...
Yohan's user avatar
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0 answers

Using Plugin to Insert HTML [closed]

I am creating a Magento plugin/module which I would like to have insert html in various places on my site, such as for adding statistics in the footer - one version for the admin footer and another ...
CragMonkey's user avatar
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2 answers

Magento 1.9:check out page not redirect to sucess page with event sales_order_place_after

I am beginner to magento & trying to develop a module for sending message when any order placed, with this module i am able to generate(send/recive) message but check out page not redirect to ...
Dinesh's user avatar
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2 answers

Create a custom category attribute and add it to the menu

I want to add a custom attribute to categories in menu. If, in Mage_Catalog_Block_Navigation.php in function _renderCategoryMenuItemHtml I transform $html[] = '<span>'.$this->escapeHtml($...
Claudiu Creanga's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to determine if custom extension has frontend page/controller

I'm working with a custom extension that was developed for our site by our previous developer some time ago. The extension was fully built out and met the company's needs at the time however there is ...
sparecycle's user avatar
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Extending Transactional Emails

There is not much information out on the internet about extending transnational emails. I need to be able to conditionally send emails to different departments based on the category and/or SKU of the ...
Francis Kim's user avatar
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Extending a module controller

essentially, I have a purchased a module to allow VAT Exemption, the user fills out a form as a step in the one page checkout. The plugin is pretty basic and only contains a couple of fields, which ...
ChrisBratherton's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

What could cause the installation of most payment-related modules lead to VAT being calculated twice?

This is a problem we have been experiencing with the websites of two of our clients for a very long time. Almost every single time we install a module that is in some way related to payment ...
Thierry's user avatar
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Override Module If It Exists

I'm looking at putting together a module which will help resolve conflicting behaviours between a few modules we've got. What I was hoping to be able to do is create a module which could override, say ...
David Morning's user avatar
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1 answer

Can't see module [closed]

I asked this question in stack overflow before.But didn't get any answer. So I'm putting it here as well.It's very important to me. I installed this extension (
Harrk's user avatar
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how to call Moo_CloudZoom block another template? Moo_CloudZoom extenstion use products list or grid page page

how to call Moo_CloudZoom block another template? Moo_CloudZoom extenstion use products list or grid page. i want add Moo_CloudZoom in my product list popup. I just want to add moo_cloudZoom ...
coder's user avatar
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Why do my modules not work after transferring my magento site to another server?

I'm trying to move my magento site to another server. I do this transfer multiple archives: theme files (app.tar skin.tar), images (media.tar), module` s files (local.tar, community.tar) and local....
user9714's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to fix this mess of an installation

The contractor we hired several years ago installed Magento and ended up modifying several core files. In the attached image, I am showing the diffs between our installation and a fresh 1.4.0....
MB34's user avatar
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2 answers

Overload a Block in local Module (sales_order_grid)

I am trying to overload the core/mage/adminhtml/sales/order/grid.php Block. The Problem is, the Block is already overwritten by another Module (Raveinfosys Deleteorder). So i have to try, to overload ...
user7659's user avatar
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3 answers

Extending admin order data

I would like to know the best method for adding additional data to the sales order screen. I would like to add an additional line below 'Purchased From' Not sure if I should be editing the templates,...
user1990366's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How do I create a module that utilizes a custom DB table? [closed]

I am interested in extending the functionality of a site with a few custom modules (e.g. custom registration form - not a newsletter). I know how I would create these tables in MySQL and then ...
sparecycle's user avatar
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Get a quote(Shipping methods estimation) not working in first time [closed]

I am using aheadworks iphone theme in Magento But the get a quote or calculate shipping section is not working in first time. I have invested the issues and found that when I add product to ...
Pramod Kumar Sharma's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to override Magento model in a subdirectory?

I'm trying to override a function in Mage_CatalogRule_Model_Rule but I can't get it to work. config.xml <config> <global> <models> <rule> ...
Obay's user avatar
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1 answer

How to remove manufacturer list from Advanced Search?

I want to remove manufacturer list from advanced search section. Is there any section available in magento backend end to disable or any way other way to disable it. Can anyone tell how to disable it ?...
Balaji Kandasamy's user avatar
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2 answers

How to get product zoom extensions to work in custom theme?

I worked with the default theme as base an am slowly implementing my own theme on top of it by overriding it (as is recommended). Now, I'm currently trying to install extensions that change how ...
Skaryon's user avatar
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2 answers

External access to Magento instances

I have started investigating alternatives to my project and a few questions came out that I couldn't answer by myself. The problem is: I want to create a web page able to access multiple Magento ...
MatheusJardimB's user avatar
148 votes
5 answers

How to write a custom extension?

Because I had a lot of issues lately with free and commercial extension I've decided to ask this question and answer it with the steps I usually follow when writing an extension. Feel free to edit the ...
Marius's user avatar
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3 answers

Programmatically installing a module

I need to install modules so that the database changes happen. I can't just let it be an install on logging to admin type of approach as I have a bash script that I am using to provision my test ...
Quantum's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Extensions charging more for enterprise?

Why are Magento extension providers charging extra for enterprise versions of their modules? I have a pretty good idea that the codebase for both of the module versions will be identical so where ...
Marty Wallace's user avatar
1 vote
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totals sort of custom added row in my account order view

I have problem with sort custom added row in totals. I successfully sort new row in cart and checkout page with this in my moduele config.xml <default> <sales> &...
srdan's user avatar
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only absolute definition (instead of relative) of path to Models in custom module is working for me. Why?

I know that definition of path to Models and other stuff in Magento config.xml must be in absolute way. But in my case that didn't worked. Magento did not found my models. When I change definition in ...
srdan's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

How should I licence my module?

I have a module which I have written for my company. It takes data from our back office solution and imports it into Magento. It also takes orders from Magento and imports them into the back office ...
webnoob's user avatar
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What Model Data Is Available On Edit

I have created a custom module with my own db table. My question is; what data is available to me in the block class while I'm editing an entry? For example, I use the products collection in my block ...
Jongosi's user avatar
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How to completely disable a custom module

After a week of full hard work and coding i have successfully developed a magento extension which is working as expected but when i disable the module from magento admin config it still overriding the ...
Ravi Soni's user avatar
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Promotions and Discounts are not applied in custom shipping method (module)

I created a module that calculates the delivery price according to the price of the item and it works well. However promotions (Example: Free Shipping by categories or number of items) and discounts ...
Denis Spalenza's user avatar
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Vendor Management modules

Are there any good modules that facilitate vendor management? looking for the ability to: Allow vendors to submit new pricing, description information, key attribute information, etc.. Admin needs ...
veilig's user avatar
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