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Questions tagged [magento-ce]

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Set up redirect so customer cannot view individual variant pages

Using config products, whilst setting variants of the config product as visible only to Search - I want to be able to keep those sorts of items to My Favourites in front-end. I also want the user to ...
Rob Bray's user avatar
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2 answers

How to create module in Magento Open Source 2.4.4?

How to create Backend module form in magento 2. How to save data in database how to create menu.xml How to Create Module,view and Controller Layers How to create Magento 2.4.4 custom grid Why we ...
alok tiwari's user avatar
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How to downgrade Magento Enterprise 2.3.1 to Community edition

My website use Magento EE 2.3.1, I want to downgrade to Magento CE 2.3.2. How can I do it? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
David Duong's user avatar
4 votes
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How to downgrade Magento Enterprise 2.x to Community edition

My site uses Magento EE 2.1.8, I want to downgrade to Magento CE 2.1.8 , I havn't found steps to do that. I just found lot of articles for Magento 1. I see that there are two methods for downgrading, ...
Mohammad Hammadi's user avatar
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How can I create a custom link Magento 1.9.3.x admin side menu?

I'm trying to create a custom section with custom links on Magento 1.9 admin side menu, but it doesn't redirect me to my controller action
Michel Lima's user avatar
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Payment method: Error I can't duplicate

I'm currently experiencing a great issue on my site. I've encountered it in two separate ways but with the exact same result. I've installed an extension, but when I try to remove it the site is ...
alfabet's user avatar
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Need to Index a Magento 1.9 table with Algolia search

I've got a magento extension that is a custom blog ( Amasty ) . It doesn't use attributes of any kind to index the posts , but it's own custom table - blog_posts. I'm not sure what is the best angel ...
Martin Thompson's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

All http redirects to [duplicate]

my Magento site redirects all users from to How do I change this to redirect to I looked at .htaccess in my document root ...
Tom's user avatar
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Choosing the right Magento CE version considering the budget

I am looking to to develop a small scale e-commerce solution using Magento CE with drastic budget constraints. I don't need much functionality either, just listing of products, invoice generation, ...
Style Raver's user avatar
1 vote
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Admin password rotation - Community Edition

Magento EE has a feature to force admin users to automatically rotate their passwords every X number of days. Anyone know of an extension that would do the same for a CE site ?
subbu1993's user avatar
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Build SAAS site with Magento as backend

I have an idea to build SAAS site where clients can have their own independent eCommerce shops. (pretty much like shopify) Does Magento CE license allow me to use Magento as backend? Set apart all ...'s user avatar
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Problem with calculating VAT

I have a cart rule as specified here. It is applied to the shipping when 2 items have been added to the cart I have a 20% tax rule (United Kingdom) being applied to the ...
Tom Evans's user avatar
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magento 2.1.2 installation stuck on Theme

I'm trying to install magento 2.1.2 on CentOs host but its just stuck withot any error Module 'Magento_Theme': Installing data... what should i do?
mohammad's user avatar
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Post-order Price Indexing Issues, Possible to Off-load? / High Sales Volume CE Site

Possibly related to: Slow Save Order Due To Re-Index CE (soon to be 1.9.3.x) 150+ orders per hour on CyberMonday and later in the holidays 40k SKUs 3 websites, 3 stores 2 customer groups DB ...
Wilson Sheldon's user avatar
2 votes
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What mode should I be in for different tasks?

The most common tasks I perform after deploying my webshop to production mode are css updates/changes, product updates/changes, and small admin panel changes (i.e. catalog/cart price rules, page mods ...
Jason's user avatar
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Magento2 - Sometimes no products showing in categories

We have an odd problem where sometimes NO products will show on a category page. This appears to happen randomly across categories. At other times...all products will be showing just fine. When none ...
Elian's user avatar
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How to check repeat customers in Magento?

Need a data which shows the name of the repeat customer and total purchase made by her/him in Magento backend.
Gauri's user avatar
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Does magento connect manager not work on localhost?

I'm about to upgrade my Magento shop to 1.9.3, amongst others, for security reasons. We have a workflow set up that enables us to test everything locally first, using vagrant. This is ...
Martin's user avatar
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Is there real working solution for reindex only one specific product?

I've tried to do these but nothing worked: Mage::getSingleton('catalogsearch/fulltext')->cleanIndex(null, $productId); $storeIds = $product->getStoreIds(); foreach($storeIds as $storeId) { $...
jimmy's user avatar
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Magento CE uses MD5 encryption.. How hard to upgrade to better encryption method?

Quick buffer, I know very little about encryption methods and how they are implemented, I just know a little on the quality and importance of a good versus bad encryption method. My understanding is ...
ne0nlight's user avatar
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Scheduled index not working / Products show after running manual index

I have a Magento CE 2.1 site. Products are not showing up until after a manual index is run. Index is set to run on schedule. Cron is running */1 * * * * php -f /path/to/Magento2.1CE/bin/magento ...
brentwpeterson's user avatar
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Issues while creating xml feed with configurable products

I have a Magento CE- installation and I am trying to create an xml feed with configurable products. My products (clothes) are configured based on Color attribute. Each configurable product has ...
kanenas's user avatar
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How to add modal popup when someone clicks on add to cart in product's page?

I have a Magento CE- installation and I am trying to add a modal popup when someone clicks on Add To Cart in product's page. I edited the /app/design/frontend/mytheme/template/catalog/product/...
kanenas's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

You cannot define a correlation name '*_idx' more than once

I have a Magento CE- installation and when accessing category lists sometimes I get this error when clicking on the color filter or size filter: You cannot define a correlation name 'size_idx' ...
kanenas's user avatar
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Is there a git repository service that is accepting bug fixes for Magento CE 1.9?

I have found this (OpenMage/magento-lts) and I am wondering if this is "official" or something.
kanenas's user avatar
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Is there a Magento v.1.x developer reference like is Codex for WordPress?

Is there something like (Code Reference) for Magento CE v.1.x like this is for WordPress?
kanenas's user avatar
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Why is Magento licensed under two different licenses?

Recently noticed that both Magento 1 and Magento 2 have two different licenses files: LICENSE.txt which is the OSL License LICENSE_AFL.txt which is the AFL License However, the LICENSE.html only ...
Raphael at Digital Pianism's user avatar
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Magento2 upgrade from 2.0.4 to 2.0.6

I am trying to upgrade Magento CE 2.0.4 to 2.0.6 using composer following their knowledgebase article: But, when I run composer ...
Sahil Saini's user avatar
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How to install Magento CE 2 to specific MySQL version

this is my first post, maybe it's so basic question. I have a problem when installing magento CE 2, I got notice "only support MySQL version 5.6.0 or later". But I have 2 versions MySQL installed in ...
Ugy Astro's user avatar
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How to display different menu in each store

Am using magento I want to create seperate website at backend, have same theme for both websites but only menu category should be different. Someone kindly suggest a solution to this scenario....
Ramya's user avatar
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Why is Configurable Product getChildrenIds result an encapsulated array?

This is the implementation of getChildrenIds in the class Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Product_Type_Configurable: /** * Retrieve Required children ids * Return grouped array, ex array( * group =&...
bpoiss's user avatar
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Please specify a valid grid column alias name that exists in grid table

Simply trying to create a backend Order in a fresh Magento CE site. All I have done is install a PO Management Module, and imported some products. Pretty much stumped as Googling the exact ...
westerly's user avatar
16 votes
6 answers

Error: "Object DOMDocument should be created." When add/edit product attributes

Whenever I edit or add a product attribute, I receive a error with the header "There has been an error processing your request" and body saying "Object DOMDocument should be created." The error ...
David Hunt's user avatar
3 votes
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Magento 2 - Adding calendar to custom frontend form

I'm trying to add the calendar in magento2 to custom front-end form. jquery-ui.js and jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.js are also added in header & this is the code that I think should work to call the ...
Ahmed's user avatar
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5 answers

Magento CE with 1M Products - dealing with Indexing

I'm operating a reseller website and have combined multiple suppliers which has resulted in a large catalog of a little over 1M product (500k+ products with 2 store views). I've done all the usual ...
SR_Magento's user avatar
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Modifying the redirect after editing a product in the cart

I have a problem modifying a redirect in magento CE 1.9.2. Let's say a customer has a configurable product in the cart, and would like to edit that product (ie. changing color or size or something). ...
Simon Strandman's user avatar
2 votes
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Set country from custom cart controller

I try to set the country from my custom cart controller with the following function: public function setCountryAction() { $country = (string) $this->getRequest()->getParam('country'); $...
Michael's user avatar
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Magento Duplicate Content Issue .htaccess rewrite 301 forwarding

i have some issues with duplicate content on my website. in the past i had diverse stores setup and i disabled them but the urls seem to exist still. i would like to set up a forwarding rule example: ...
Mark's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

What to do against the latest vulnerability: stolen credit card data?

After the news came out a few days ago, I haven't heard much - and no official statement - about the newest vulnerability. Sucuri says that it is possible to receive credit card information, or even ...
simonthesorcerer's user avatar
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Magento CE - MultiStore

My question is maybe quite simple to answer: We are about to deploy Magento CE on a server that will be dedicated to gather the companies located in Panama Zona Libre de Colon. There are approximately ...
Bob de Diego's user avatar
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Credit Memo is not working in Magento 1.8.1

I am facing an issue while creating an Credit memo for a order. I am getting error as "Argument 'Invoice number' not set!". This order has been placed through PayPal. Please help to fix this issue.
Vick's user avatar
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Magento community and enterprise development difference

I'm planning to use the enterprise edition for the production server, but it will take a few months to get the custom development ready, so my question is if we develop the code based on the community ...
healthxp's user avatar
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Get Customers email address on custom adminhtml customer tab

I create a custom tab on the admin customer edit page. However what I want to do is get the customers email address to display on the page. I tried to look for the code that produces the Account ...
Jay's user avatar
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Only last email from file array being loaded [closed]

I'm running into the following problem: I have a list of emails in a file. I want to loop through these and create customers, then I want to do something with the customer. However in my script it's ...
Robin's user avatar
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5 votes
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Magento CE paypal website payments pro hosted solution

I have setup a sandbox Website Payments Pro Hosted Solution in my website. I'm using one page checkout. When I select my payment method to Payment by cards or by PayPal account a message shows below ...
UI-Z's user avatar
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17 votes
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Magento CE won't let me use PayPal Standard without Express (which requires API credentials)

The only options showing up in my admin are these: Payments Advanced (Includes Express Checkout) Payments Pro (Includes Express Checkout) Payments Standard (Includes Express Checkout) I see ...
ebag's user avatar
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How to update magento CE 1.9.0 to 1.9.1 [duplicate]

I'm using windows 8.1 pc. How do i update my magento 1.9.0 to 1.9.1. I can't just install a fresh version since I have multiple custom module on my application. I also saw that you can update using ...
noobdeveloper's user avatar
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Slider not showing

Im very new to Magento and programming. My skills are very limited, but i have managed to set up a copy of a website by doing the following. I made a copy of the SQL database and FTP from this site ...
Spaddywaddy's user avatar
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Magento 1.9 Custom Entity, Can't retrieve entity config: eav/psdev_charity

I'm receiving this error when I attempt to save a model of type custom entity: Can't retrieve entity config: eav/psdev_charity. I suspect this is a problem with my configuration, however I'm so far ...
Pizaul's user avatar
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Magento just displays PHP code content of a class and stops

I have a strange issue where any page load attempts simply outputs a string of PHP code. When inspecting the source code, it reveals that it's actually the entire content of a class file as shown ...
laketuna's user avatar
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