I have a Magento CE- installation and I am trying to add a modal popup when someone clicks on Add To Cart in product's page.
I edited the /app/design/frontend/mytheme/template/catalog/product/view.phtml
file by adding
// Get the modal
var modal = document.getElementById('ordersAugust');
// Get the button that opens the modal
var btn = document.getElementById("btnOrdersAugust");
// Get the <span> element that closes the modal
var span = document.getElementsByClassName("close")[0];
// When the user clicks on the button, open the modal
btn.onclick = function() {
modal.style.display = "block";
// When the user clicks on <span> (x), close the modal
span.onclick = function() {
modal.style.display = "none";
// When the user clicks anywhere outside of the modal, close it
window.onclick = function(event) {
if (event.target == modal) {
modal.style.display = "none";
if (this.validator.validate()) {
<div id="ordersAugust" class="modal">
<!-- Modal content -->
<div class="modal-content">
<div class="modal-header">
<span class="close">×</span>
<div class="modal-body">
<p>Thank you!</p>
<div class="modal-footer">
just outside the script tag of
var productAddToCartForm = new VarienForm('product_addtocart_form');
productAddToCartForm.submit = function(button, url) {
the javascript code is taken from http://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_css_modals.asp
I have also edited the file /app/design/frontend/mytheme/template/catalog/product/view/addtocart.phtml
by adding id="btnOrdersAugust"
<button type="button" title="<?php echo $buttonTitle ?>" id="btnOrdersAugust" class="button btn-cart" onclick="productAddToCartForm.submit(this)">
<span class="view-cart"><?php echo $buttonTitle ?></span>
The javascript code is completely ignored and the product is added in cart (no javascript errors in console).
What I want is when clicking on Add To Cart, open a popup modal with info and when closing the modal to continue by adding the product to cart.