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162 votes
10 answers

To use or not to use the ObjectManager directly?

Ok, so yesterday we had a big talk with other people from the Magento community regarding the direct use of the ObjectManager in classes/templates. I'm already aware of the reasons why we shouldn't ...
Raphael at Digital Pianism's user avatar
143 votes
21 answers

Magento 2: Replacement for Mage::log method?

In Magento 1, if you wanted to send a message to the logs, you'd use a static method on the global Mage class. Mage::log($message, Zend_Log::DEBUG, "my-log-file.log"); Is there an ...
Alana Storm's user avatar
  • 44.4k
111 votes
6 answers

When Should We Use a Repository and Factory in Magento 2?

I have gone through a couple of tutorials in Magento 2, and this confuses me a little. I can see there are basically two ways by which we can read/write business entities: Retrieve Data Using A ...
Rajeev K Tomy's user avatar
106 votes
4 answers

Explanation of UI Component Grid in Magento 2

Is there a good explaination and/or sample of the bare minimum configuration needed to create a UI Component Grid in Magento 2? I know there are myriad core components, such as ./vendor/magento/...
Alana Storm's user avatar
  • 44.4k
103 votes
13 answers

How can I bootstrap Magento 2 in a test.php script?

In magento 1 I could create a file where I only needed to instantiate the Mage_Core_Model_App class and then I could add my "dirty" code for test purposes. Something like this test.php: <?php //...
Marius's user avatar
  • 199k
98 votes
5 answers

GIT and deployment strategy Magento2 projects

With Magento 1 I used a deploy tool that pulled in the GIT repo, ran commands like modman deploy-all and made sure the var directory was writable. For the .gitignore I used this one which worked ...
Sander Mangel's user avatar
91 votes
30 answers

Required parameter 'theme_dir' was not passed

What is the error message: Required parameter 'theme_dir' was not passed Is it related to in Magento 2? And how can this problem be fixed?
hakre's user avatar
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89 votes
17 answers

How to create custom Log file in Magento 2?

In Magento 1, it was common to segment logs into different files (to separate logs for payment methods, etc.). That's as easy as changing the $file parameter of Mage::log. Magento 2 has changed to ...
Ryan Hoerr's user avatar
  • 12.3k
89 votes
12 answers

Magento 2 Reindexing - One or more indexers are invalid. Make sure your Magento cron job is running

I couldn't find the way to do reindexing in mass actions on magento 2. Seems like you need to run it from cronjob. Is there an alternative way to reindex data in magento 2 from backend or command ...
Harit's user avatar
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80 votes
22 answers

How to check if customer is logged in or not?

How to find if a customer is logged in or not in Magento 2. If the customer is logged in then how to get customer data from a session?
Rakesh Jesadiya's user avatar
79 votes
14 answers

Magento 2 folder/file permissions

I suspect that the permissions might have gotten messed up on my Magento 2 installation. On the old versions I would run the following command to make folders 755 and files 644: find . -type f -exec ...
Neekoy's user avatar
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76 votes
2 answers

Magento 2 @escapeNotVerified

I see a lot of occurences of this comment /* @escapeNotVerified */ in the template files for Magento2. Does it have a special meaning? Is there any use for this? Examples:
Marius's user avatar
  • 199k
74 votes
9 answers

Magento 2 How to unlock reindex process

I'm making some tests in Magento reindex process and I locked the stock index process. How can I unlock this process? Design Config Grid index has been rebuilt successfully in 00:00:02 Customer ...
Douglas Ianitsky's user avatar
72 votes
13 answers

Is Magento ready for PHP 7?

PHP 7 is reaching beta status and lots of testing is going on at the moment. Given that Magento caught up within the last year from "runs only on PHP 5.3" to "fully compatible with PHP 5.6", I would ...
Fabian Schmengler's user avatar
71 votes
8 answers

How to use the new

I've generated a new Magento Connect key per the developer documentation instructions. How am I supposed to use this key? i.e., if I try getting info, I see the following. $ composer info magento/...
Alana Storm's user avatar
  • 44.4k
70 votes
13 answers

How to get Magento 2 base URL?

In Magento 1 Mage::getBaseUrl();, but in Magento 2 I have to pass responsible class object type in constructor. I don’t have the idea which class I have to pass?
sivakumar's user avatar
  • 307
68 votes
4 answers

Magento 2: how do customer sections / sections.xml work?

I recently came accross a new concept in Magento 2 that I found interesting: customer sections Some of you may have notice the presence of sections.xml files that look like this: <?xml version="1....
Raphael at Digital Pianism's user avatar
67 votes
13 answers

'Area code not set' issue in custom CLI commands in Magento 2

I'm getting following error while updating data through CustomerRepositoryInterface [Magento\Framework\Exception\SessionException] Area code not set: Area code must be set before starting a ...
MJ.'s user avatar
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62 votes
8 answers

Magento 2 backend session timeout

In Magento 1.x the backend session timeout was set via: Backend -> System -> Configuration -> Admin -> Security -> Session Lifetime (seconds) Initially, my question was how to set this ...
Els den Iep's user avatar
61 votes
6 answers

Magento 2: Changing a Block's Template

In Magento 1, as a module developer it's possible to change a block's template using layout XML code something like this <reference name="block_to_change"> <action method="setTemplate"&...
Alana Storm's user avatar
  • 44.4k
61 votes
6 answers

How to get value from `core_config_data` table in Magento 2

Magento 1.x use Mage::getStoreConfig('sections/groups/fields') get data on core_config_data table. How to Magento2 get value from core_config_data table ?
LinoPham's user avatar
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60 votes
3 answers

What is the difference between type and virtualType

In the di.xml that comes with Magento2 there is a node type and a node virtualType. My questions is what is this virtualType and in what case should it be used instead of type? In some places it ...
David Manners's user avatar
59 votes
18 answers

Magento2: Re generate css file in pub/static folder

I have installed Magento 2 and set developer mode, then I have installed one module that contains css and js files. The module works fine and css and js files are rendering from pub/static folder. Now ...
chirag dodia's user avatar
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58 votes
4 answers

Deprecated save and load methods in Abstract Model

I see that in the develop branch of the Magento 2 repo the methods load and save from Magento\Framework\Model\AbstractModel class are deprecated. But there are a gazillion classes in the core that ...
Marius's user avatar
  • 199k
55 votes
12 answers

How to reset lost admin password in Magento 2?

I tried to reset the admin password via Phpmyadmin in admin_user table but this doesn't seems to work. Also on chrome I am getting "This webpage has a redirect loop" error when loading admin page.
Dev's user avatar
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55 votes
3 answers

How to implement service contract for a custom module in Magento 2?

As seen in this post : Deprecated save and load methods in Abstract Model the save and load methods are deprecated in the Magento 2 develop branch. Thus, the good practice is now to be implement ...
Raphael at Digital Pianism's user avatar
55 votes
3 answers

Magento 2 as a headless solution

I want to know if there are some best practices to use Magento 2 as a headless E-commerce solution. A typical E-commerce in 2017 is to have an omni-channel solution which includes E-commerce CMS ...
Franck Garnier's user avatar
52 votes
3 answers

Run tests for a specific module in Magento2

Running the tests for Magento to using php bin/magento dev:tests:run takes a lot of time. Is there a way to run the tests for a specific module only? I'm a noob in (unit) testing so have mercy.
Marius's user avatar
  • 199k
52 votes
8 answers

How to Override Core Block, Model and controller in Magento2

I'm stuck in overriding core model Blocks and Controllers in Magento 2. Can any one help on this? Let's take list toolbar as example where I need to add a new sort option called sort by most popular. ...
Pradeep Kumar's user avatar
51 votes
13 answers

How do I set Developer Mode in Magento 2

I'm trying to install Magento 2 but I am getting the following error: Error happened during application run. Could not write error message to log. Please use developer mode to see the message. I ...
Paul Donnelly's user avatar
51 votes
3 answers

Magento2: what is the basic difference between plugin and preference?

I used both Plugin and Preference in Magento2 tutorial and both are working fine but what is the basic difference between them. Code for plugin: 1.1) Add a plugin declaration into di.xml: <type ...
Yogesh Karodiya's user avatar
50 votes
18 answers

Magento 2: Safe and easiest way to disable Compare products & Wishlist Module

I am building Magento 2.0 only to sell 2 of my products online. The compare products and wishlist module is irrelevant for me. How I safely and easily remove those modules? I dont want to hack the ...
Malaiselvan's user avatar
  • 1,422
49 votes
3 answers

Remove block from layout XML in Magento 2

In Magento 1 I could remove a block added by a layout file by adding this in my layout-block <remove ="block_id_here" /> How can I do the same for Magento 2? As a practical exercise, let's say ...
Marius's user avatar
  • 199k
48 votes
6 answers

Magento2 how to getRequest

In Magento 2 how to receive request array? $_POST and $_GET too as we did in Magento 1: Mage::app()->getRequest()->getPost()
zhartaunik's user avatar
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48 votes
2 answers

Magento Event Observers: Singleton versus Model

So Magento offers 2 ways of declaring an observer. Singleton and Model (new instance) by specifying the <type> tag in Magento 1.x and by specifying the shared attribute in Magento 2. Magento 1 ...
Marius's user avatar
  • 199k
46 votes
7 answers

Magento 2: How can I deploy my theme only

I was using this for deploy the content but it is taking too much time. php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy then I figure out adding the language make fast but it still deploy all the ...
Qaisar Satti's user avatar
  • 32.5k
46 votes
8 answers

How to update Magento2 using composer

I can't seem to be able to update my magento2 ce using composer. I doesn't find any updates, the only one it found was 'fabpot'. I thought this was the whole point of a composer setup, so why would I ...
tecjam's user avatar
  • 4,033
46 votes
14 answers

Magento 2: How to truncate customers, products, reviews and orders table

Does anyone have list of tables I need to truncate to delete all test customers, products, reviews and orders in Magento 2 ? I'm looking for something similar to Clearing Magento after testing .
amitshree's user avatar
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46 votes
17 answers

Security Patch SUPEE-10570 - Possible issues?

Magento has released a new security patch for M1, and updates for M1 and M2. What issues should I look out for when upgrading or applying this patch? SUPEE-10570 SUPEE-10570, Magento Commerce 1....
Ryan Hoerr's user avatar
  • 12.3k
45 votes
6 answers

How to add fee to order totals in Magento 2

The following link will describe to add fee to order totals in Magento 1. Now this functionality is moved to ...
Sivakumar K's user avatar
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45 votes
8 answers

How To add JS file in frontend for all pages

I've read 3 pages of Google Results on how to load a JS file for all pages and still am not able to do it. I've got a few doubts, hope somebody can clear them out. Do I need to create a module ...
Prashant Akash's user avatar
45 votes
1 answer

Magento 2 Adminhtml spreading forms across multiple tabs

I'm attempting to create a backend module, where in my edit page I use admin-2column-left layout. I want to have a form on each tab, but I don't know how I can do this. Ideally, I would like to know ...
Stephen Fritz's user avatar
44 votes
18 answers

Magento 2.2: Unable to unserialize value?

Running into issues on a site running Magento 2.2.0-rc3.0/PHP 7.0.23 The following issue occurs with all 3rd party extensions either enabled or disabled. When adding an item to comparison from ...
Chuck's user avatar
  • 719
44 votes
7 answers

Add a static image on PHTML page and CMS Blocks : Magento2

How I can Add a static image on PHTML page and CMS Blocks into Magento2? in Magento 1.x it was possible using $this->getSkinUrl('images/xyz.jpg') I am trying following method into Magento2 In Phtml ...
Satish Rana's user avatar
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42 votes
3 answers

Extending / Overriding JS in Magento 2

As Magento2 is using RequireJS for loading scripts, and there's no more skin folder, I've stuck with a problem: How can I replace Magento's module JS file by my modified version? For example — the ...
Dmytro's user avatar
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42 votes
3 answers

How to Set, Retrieve and Unset Session Variables in Magento 2?

What is the equivalent for session in Magento 1 Mage::getSingleton('core/session')->setMyValue('test'); Mage::getSingleton('core/session')->unsMyValue(); Same in Magento 2?
Rakesh Jesadiya's user avatar
42 votes
4 answers

What is mview in Magento 2?

First of all what I know : Index management is useful for increasing store performance. EAV has one will store data in different tables. So that retrieving data is time-consuming. So ...
Sivakumar K's user avatar
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42 votes
1 answer

How to add a new product type in Magento 2? (MageStackDay mystery question 1)

MageStackDay bonus question for 500pts Bounty AND a the possibility of winning a free Z-Ray license for a year. More info can be found >> here << The questions are provided by Magento 2 core ...
Sander Mangel's user avatar
41 votes
7 answers

How to load product by SKU in magento 2

It's pretty basic, but I can’t find a working example on Stackexchange or google. I want to load a product from a helper or block. I already tried some things like: $objectManager = \Magento\...
Dennis van Schaik's user avatar
41 votes
31 answers

Magento 2.4.0 - Getting Error Could not validate a connection to Elasticsearch. No alive nodes found in your cluster

I am getting below error while installing Magento 2.4.0 using command line. Could not validate a connection to Elasticsearch. No alive nodes found in your cluster I have run below two commands. ...
Vrajesh Patel's user avatar

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