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Itemcollection get latest updated_at item - Magento 2.4

We use the following code, to get the last item that was most recent updated. $itemsCollection = $cart->getQuote()->getItemsCollection(); $itemsCollection->getSelect()->order('updated_at ...
JGeer's user avatar
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How to get children skus list from configurable product?

I know to load children skus with loading parent object but I am finding the way where I can load all children items by just passing configurable product id, is there any method please share here ...
Niraj Patel's user avatar
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How argument and item node work in di.xml in Magento 2?

I just wanted to know in deeply how argument, type , virtual type and item work in di.xml
Mark's user avatar
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Magento 2 - How to customize email items?

If you buy a configurable product, then all options are showing in the invoice for example at My team wants me to remove all the configurable options ...
Black's user avatar
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Magento2 sort Cart items with Name

I am working on of Mageto2.4.0 projects and currenly there is requirement to sort cart items with name e.g suppose that we have some items in cart "Argus All-Weather Tank" ,"Hero Hoodie&...
akgola's user avatar
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Magento2 cannot remove item from wishlist

I'm trying to remove an item from the wishlist programmatically. My code snippet as following: /** * @param integer $customerId * @param integer $productId * @return boolean * @...
logbasex's user avatar
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Show wishlist counter on header when it doesnt have items

I need to display cart and wishlist counters on my own header block. For the first one i've just modified the CSS to display block. But I can't find how the wish list counter works, so it will show 0 ...
Ana Gonzalez's user avatar
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Magento 2.2.10 is it possible to get all the orders status is pending?

I want to get all the orders where the status is pending. I want to do a second check where if the item status is cancelled. Is this possible to do?
Jack Brooks's user avatar
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How to change number of items in a row Magento 2

I've been through topics like this: Magento 2 change number of items per row All of them claims, that if I wanna change my items row to display 4 instead of 5, then I would have to change in a file ...
Jannick's user avatar
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Magento 1.9: Get individual item options via SOAP API

I'm having trouble to get individual item information from the shopping cart in Magento 1.9. as a little introduction: We're running a store which sells individual stickers for motorcycles and the ...
Tim's user avatar
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What is Difference Between Field, Argument and Item in Magento 2

I am not cleared about field,argument and item. Also I don't know why we use it. Xml code is: <field name="allow_shipping_method"> <argument name="data" xsi:type="array"> ...
Muhammad Ahmed's user avatar
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How to get orders items data from particular order?

I want to get details of custom options which selected whenever customer choose at order time. Thanks
Sarvesh Patel's user avatar
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How to add item status for an order in magento 2

I have multiple items in my order. How can I add item status and its tracking information for that order in My Account Orders? I am using this to get orders $_orders = $block->getOrders(); And ...
summu's user avatar
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Can't add items to cart in Magento 1.7

I'm working on migrating my site over to a new server and everything is up and running, except when I go to add an item into stock it doesn't work. I am not getting a Magento error nor is it ...
Morgan Smith's user avatar
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get invoice item using order_item_id in magento 2

I want invoice item data using order_item_id and I tried using use Magento\Sales\Api\InvoiceItemRepositoryInterface; private function getInvoiceItemById($orderItemId) { return $this->...
gajjala sandeep's user avatar
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Item is out of stock but available on storefront

Can you please guys explain, me how can I do this ? "If an item is out of stock can it stay on the site but say 'More stock on its way' and not allow people to order until stock is available again."
nikhil gantyala's user avatar
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Price is not updating when dropdown is selected for configurable items

I am having a small issue in where the price is not being updated on Magento 1.9. When I select a drop down selection the price is still fixed to the configurable price. I have learned that Magento ...
Paul Vakili's user avatar
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After deleting wishlist item programmatically from my Api call It is still visible in frontend magento2?

This is my code: $wishlistIds = $this->_checkoutSession->getWishlistIds(); $wishlist = $this->_wishlist->create()->loadByCustomerId($this->_customerSession->getCustomerId(), true)...
Mguru48's user avatar
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Magento 2 : Get Items Ordered in Email Template

I'm looking to achieve a product grid of items ordered in an email template upon successful product. This is what I'm trying to achieve, in this exact order for each product. Is this doable? I can't ...
Jake Punton's user avatar
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Get Order Id from Item Id in magento 1

I am having puchased item id and I need to grab order details in magento 1 Can anybody please help?
Mansi Raja's user avatar
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How to add each product items separatly to a shopping cart

Can some take an advice how to add each item to a shopping quote separately, even if add few items per one time? If override method in a class \Magento\Quote\Model\Quote\Item, it works if add the one ...
Maxim R's user avatar
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How to prevent adding same item into wish list twice in magento 2.1.9

I need to prevent users adding same item into user wish list. I could find an answer here .But i'm not able to implement it. please help me with the implimentation.
ren's user avatar
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Convert product item options in an order to readable array

When i print the order item there's an index product_options, i want to make the value is readable, because the current value seems like encoded or something foreach($order->getAllItems() as $item)...
Shell Suite's user avatar
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Hide item count and pagination from category page in Magento2

Is it possible to hide pagination and item count from Magento 2? Preferably only for specific category but if not possible then for all categories... ............
Kaki Sami's user avatar
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Get Order Id from Order Item id in Magento 2

How to get order details based on order item id using simple way. I can get the order id from sales_order_item table and then can lookup in sales_order table to fetch sales order details. Is there a ...
Nausif's user avatar
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How to display wishlist item details in admin panel of magento?

I wants to display 'wishlist_item' and 'wishlist' table details on admin panel of magento.
Neeya's user avatar
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How to download wishlist list item as a PDF in magento?

I would like to download wishlist items in PDF format. there will be a button on wishlist item list page as "export as PDF" after clicking on this button i wants to download wishlist item list as a ...
Neeya's user avatar
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How to override protected function in Magento 2

I'm trying to override one protected function in Magento 2 but I am not able to achieve it. I have edited following files: <preference for="Magento\Checkout\CustomerData\DefaultItem" type="XYZ\...
user3686498's user avatar
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how to get Grand Total of Wishlish Items in magento?

i am trying to get grand total of wishlist item. when we update quantity of wishlist item then total will show in price column and display the all item grand total at bottom. anybody knows answer ...
Neeya's user avatar
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What is the reason for Item Status = "canceled" and not able to create Invoice

The ordered placed by online payment, and the ordered page item status canceled, may i know what is the reason for my item status canceled How create Invoice for this order?
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Magento 2: Retrieve items on Order

I'm trying to retrieve products(which are in order) from order id but it's not working. Here is the code: namespace My\Trackorder\Controller\Index; use Magento\Framework\App\Action\Context; class ...
Tulsa Lale's user avatar
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How to open my wishlist top link in new window? [closed]

I wants to open my wishlist top link in new window excluding my account left nevigation menu. and after open this list also display grand total of all wishlist item. finally export it as a pdf ...
Neeya's user avatar
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Delete order item after successfully save order Magento 2

I want to delete the order item from observer I created like this: namespace Namespace\Module\Observer; use Magento\Framework\Event\ObserverInterface; class AfterOrder implements ObserverInterface {...
simple guy's user avatar
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How to filter items by id in Magento 2

In a module, I need to deal with Order Items. I know how to get items from Order: $order = $this->_order->load($order_id); $items = $order->getAllItems(); But I would like to retrieve the ...
Alexglvr's user avatar
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Magento 2 : Adding Custom Attribute "color" to Order Items in Backend

How do I add custom attribute "color". I have made to order items in backend. I have tried: $_item->getColor() $_item->getAttributes() $_item->getAttribute('color') And a bunch of other stuff: ...
Cudos's user avatar
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Magento edit table /email/order/items.phtml - Solved

I can not change <th> and color in email order I changed the file /email/order/items.phtml but it does not work If I add another <th>not work Instead it works if I change the file in /...
Pako's user avatar
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Magento 2 - How to programmatically add a product to cart multiple times but with different options?

How to add multiple items (same product ID) with different options to cart ? Following code is working for one product or different products. But, with two items of same product ID, with different ...
DependencyHell's user avatar
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Magento 2 sometimes don't show items in the second category

I have two basic categories (woman/man) with many subcategories and products. Sometimes, just sometimes the products in the second category "man" don't appear in the frontend. In the backend they are ...
Oliver Schmid's user avatar
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Magento 2 : What is the Best Way to Implement Favorite Products List for Regular Customer?

The majority of our customers not very tech savvy and have trouble with basic website functions and they need to order same or similar items every week or quickly. What is best way for me to assign ...
Sabiancym's user avatar
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Magento : Update Cart Grand Total and Subtotal

I have 4 main products in cart, Each item is having different price. I want to update cart's total price as $40 without considering each line item price. I want to show $40 as combined price for all 4 ...
Nitz's user avatar
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Magento 2 How to filter shared wishlist items function?

I want to add a new filter in shared wishlist items. I have used the preference method to override the block method. The problem is that the addFieldToFilter is not working. How can I achieve it? ...
Jancy Abraham's user avatar
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How to override email/items.phtml and email/items/default.phtml to include product url and thumbnail in magento2.1.3

I have developed one module in magento-2.1.3. on the name of Shelltag/SalesOrder/. I want to override items.phtml file and default.html from module-sales/ in this. I don't want to edit core file. So, ...
Yogesh Raghav's user avatar
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Magento : Get RETURNED/EXCHANGED Items List From Database

I would like to build a report in Magento admin, where I can see all products that have been returned or exchanged. Does anyone know how to get a list of all the returned/exchanged products from a ...
K.I's user avatar
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How can I get additional data for each order item, based on order id?

How can I get additional data for each order item, based on order id? I need to get additional data for each order when order is made. I already implemented the observer, it works fine. I hooked ...
Vladimir Despotovic's user avatar
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Magento 2 get shipped items in sales_order_shipment_save_after event

I want the items that are shipped in the "sales_order_shipment_save_after" event(Not all the ordered items,only the currently shipped items). How can I do it. Here is my code. This code gives shipment ...
Jancy Abraham's user avatar
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Magento add another custom dropdown field in bundle items of bundle product

How to add new dropdown field, next to the position field of bundle item like shown in the below screenshot.
InfoBeans's user avatar
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Change <item> node class via di.xml

If I have something like this: <type name="Magento\Downloadable\Ui\DataProvider\Product\Form\Modifier\Composite"> <arguments> <argument name="modifiers" xsi:type="array">...
Bartosz Kubicki's user avatar
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Join sales/order and ordered items in grid column render Magento 2

I created a custom column in sales/order grid named Product name, They are coming fine on first time, When I am doing sorting Found : Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'product_name' in 'order ...
Ram Pratap Singh Gour's user avatar
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Magento add custom attribute to transaction email items

I want to change the default SKU field inside the transactional email item field, to a custom attribute. Therefore I need to edit the following file: /app/design/frontend/theme/theme/template/email/...
JGeer's user avatar
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Get name for all products of all orders

I have a Magento store installed on localhost over WAMP server. I'm using Magento 1.7. I need to do a table whose first column contains all the products from all the orders. I can't manage to get the ...
LeCodeur's user avatar
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