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Questions tagged [customer-account]

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Customer Create issue in magento2

I am trying to creating customer with below code. class Customer { protected $_storeManager; protected $customerRepository; protected $accountManagement; protected $customerFactory;...
Jafar Pinjar's user avatar
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Create Customer Account Not working

I am on Magento 2.2.5 (issue persisted on 2.2.4 as well). I am not able to create any new customer. Whenever I try to fill in the details in NEW CUSTOMER ACCOUNT form, "customer/account/create/", the ...
Sanjay Kumar's user avatar
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Someone can solve this problem?

2018-07-17T20:04:13+00:00 DEBUG (7): Exception message: Invalid method Mage_Customer_Model_Customer::cleanPasswordsValidationData(Array ( ) ) Trace: #0 /home/cdqkqjkb/public_html/app/code/core/Mage/...
andrimail's user avatar
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Remove Links from 'My Account' side navigation

I am trying to remove some links from the 'My Account' section of Magento 2.2.5. the links i want to remove are My Downloadable Products Stored Payment Methods Billing Agreements My Subscription ...
vmp's user avatar
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Not showing order tab at customer details page in admin panel

Few tab like (Orders, Product Reviews, Billing Agreements, Newsletter, Wish List, etc...) are not showing in customer details page in admin panel after magento2 upgrade. All above tab's are showing ...
Jimit Bhavsar's user avatar
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How to product counts by click plus button and minus button in magento 2

I tried plus and minus buttons for product counts increase and decrease in proceed to checkout dropdown menu but i can't. Can anyone have an idea about this?
Devadls's user avatar
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how to adjust Magento to accept an unsusual emaildomain for a customer's email? [duplicate]

I want to add a new customer to our Magento store, but am rejected to save it due to the email domain of that customer's email address info@[domain].zone. I couldn't reproduce the problem in a ...
magpieninja's user avatar
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Magento 2.2.4 : Customer nav account

I have created some links that i have added to my customer account nav. But there's some problem : My links aren't order one under each other The class current is only active on "Mon cadencier" ...
Morgan's user avatar
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Magento ver. customer/user login didn't working in chrome? But working in firefox and Edge

My magento store customer login is just reloading the page in chrome. I have checked the code flow, Everything is good. Like the session is setting, Even its going to customer/account/index. But ...
Radhu's user avatar
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Magento 2: How to manage simple user (customer) login session for different device?

Using Magento 2.2, I need to allow customer login only one device at a time. Ex. if the customer is already logged in the computer, but user tries to log in with a smartphone, the Magento will ...
Bong Channarith's user avatar
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How to remove custom required telephone field in customer account information?

I am trying to remove the Telephone custom field in customer account information. I am unsure how it loads the fields and how to remove a required option and field.
Devidas's user avatar
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Adding Mobile Field on Customer create api in Magento2.1.12

I want to add telephone field in customer create API in MAGENTO 2.1.12.Please tell me. I created customer using api,passing this information: { "customer": { "email": "[email protected]", "...
Lovely Setia's user avatar
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On customer register got an error message: "Cannot save the customer"

Couple of hours ago the registration worked well. Suddenly it is not working anymore. Reverted back my code changes and the problem still persists. What I've only done is to clear the cache. To get a ...
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Magento 2.2.3 Account Dasbhoard: Order History Blank display

Hello I encountered problem when checking out a product from the store. After successful checkout I went to my Account dashboard and navigate to "Order History" but unfortunately it will just display ...
Toto Memeng's user avatar
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Custom register form

I want to create a custom register form. But, the user can only create an account if he is in my XML File. For now, I get the information of the user from my XML. Then I want to use this ...
Morgan's user avatar
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New customer registration assigned a registration date in the future (we have 8 customers that registered as far as December 2nd, 2018)

Magento 1.9.1 Porto theme We haven't changed any settings but strange things are starting to happen such as when the customer registers on the website - it is assigning the incorrect date value. Also ...
Allysin's user avatar
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Customer Registration Error Magento 2.2

When I try to create a customer in frontend I get a error page (404 not found) and I´m being redirected to this link: customer/account/createpost/. I´d looked some similar posts problems and found a ...
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custom form save and create customer in magento

Create a custom form for the registration(or creating customer account) of customers is it possible? Advance Thanks for help. app/code/local/Namespace/Customform/IndexController.php public ...
Ravindrasinh Zala's user avatar
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Magento 2 order information: How to add links dynamically?

When a customer selects an order in his order history he is redirected to the order information page. If the items have not yet been shipped there is only one tab available: Items ordered. If its ...
Jens's user avatar
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Magento 2: Override html classes in account dashboard navigation

I want to change classes nav item with my own classes for customer account dashbaord navigation. What's the best way to do this? This is the core file which creates the classes. Magento\Framework\...
Sondre's user avatar
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Unable to migrate customer data (1.9 to 2.0)

I am able to Migrate my Old Data from Magento v- to Magento V-2.1.0 using Default Data Migration Tool. Followed the steps, ignored the fields and tables of Third-Party modules and everything ...
A.Agg's user avatar
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Magento 2: loginById does not update the header welcome message

I'm having an issue where my "Default welcome msg!" does not get replaced with the customer name as which I'm logged in. I'm calling loginById() on the customer session in my own controller, and the ...
PaulusE's user avatar
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After logout, customer name still shows in header

In my project I integrated magento 2 and codeigniter. After Login from Magento I can access codeigniter also. I saved the session into a file. when I logout from codeigniter I will re-write the ...
Midlaj's user avatar
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Magento 2. Duplicate firstname, lastname, email inputs on customer account create frontend

I have a problem on customer account create form on frontend. As it can be seen in the screenshot provided. First Name, Last Name and Email fields are duplicated. Where is the logic that generates ...
vitoriodachef's user avatar
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Magento 1.8 Allow Same Email for 2 or More Customer Accounts

I´m using magento as POS for travel services, so the user only fills in the customer create account and my sale people finish the sale from backend. Since sometimes we have a family traveling ...
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Magento 1.9 - Customers can't login to frontend [Page refreshes]

Customers can't log into the frontend of the site after development. The two test customers we used to test the site before the migration can login to the site perfectly but every other customer can'...
Dacod's user avatar
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Magento 2.2.1 Account Creation Error

When a user clicks 'Create and Account' from the top links, it successfully renders the account creation page. However, when filling out the details (i.e. 'First Name', 'Middle Name', 'Last Name', ...
ctroyp's user avatar
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How to use cron jobs in observer?

How to use Magento 2 cron jobs in observer file? I cannot get some values in cron file. Can anyone help me out how to configure cron in observer.
Ramesh KR's user avatar
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How to get Customers id through company name

Here is my code. $user_dataaa = Mage::getModel('customer/customer')->getCollection()->addFieldToFilter('company',$row[3])->getData(); echo '<pre>';print_r($user_dataaa);echo '</...
devil's user avatar
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How to reference the customer account navigation container block which doesn't have a "name" or "as" attribute in Magento 2?

As the title says, how can I reference a layout block which doesn't have a "name" or "as" attrbitue? Specifically, I'm trying to reference the Customer Account menu and add a title argument in ...
Lez's user avatar
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Magento 2 customer login from external

I've spend a lot of time to find simple solution for this problem: I can access to magento site from my mobile app using REST I have all customer data (email, pass, rest token, id), from APP I can ...
Alberto Starosta's user avatar
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Magento 2 Custom Tab on Customer Account

I'm trying to add a custom tab on Customer Account Frontend. I've successfully added the link but when clicking it all I get is a blank page. There is no clue in the logs. This is what I have ...
vitoriodachef's user avatar
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Magento 2 - Customers not receiving notifications for bad login/reset password

I believe the theme I'm using completely missed out implementing these things. How can I do this properly myself?
John Sweriduk's user avatar
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How to translate Ajax validation messages od customer/account/create/

I have web store in Swedish and English language. I want to translate password validation message like : Minimum length of this field must be equal or greater than 8 symbols. Leading and trailing ...
P_U's user avatar
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Address book redirect to 'new' always when I click on address book

In account pages when I click on address book on left side panel it redirect to add new address form with url customer/address/new/ while , In actual I should go to index where I can see address in ...
Learner's user avatar
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customer can not login on chrome browser in magento 2.1.8

When a customer puts his e-mail and password and clicks Submit, the page refreshes and leaves the fields empty, without logging in.While other browser allowing login of customers to their account. ...
Manish Gaur's user avatar
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I am trying to create order print link in my account page

I am trying to create print order in pdf form. but after many searches, I am not getting any answer regarding this.
Sanjay Yadav's user avatar
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layout over riding in account page affecting category page

I am building a custom magento theme in magento 2.1. While developing I noticed that whatever change I am making to app/design/frontend/vendor/theme/Magento_Customer/layout/default.xml is affecting on ...
hakkim's user avatar
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1.9 Validation returns true but error message appears when other are wrong

I've implemented a new function to validate a single date field with format 'dd/mm/YYYY'. It works well but if another field is wrong, it's error message appears. Here is my js var frenchDateReg = /^...
Kpone's user avatar
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Magento 2 : Show active link of cms page in customer account navigation?

I have added a custom cms-page link in customer account navigation. My custom link is showing in account navigation and working too, but it's not showing as active/current on click. Cms-page > ...
Nitesh Kuyate's user avatar
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Getting error when creating a new customer account in magento 2

I have installed a theme in Magento 2 when I create a new account for the customer it shows error. when I fill up customer info. and go for submitting it display error that is in please solve this ...
Manish Gaur's user avatar
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How do I add the customer quick access bar to top of site?

I have two sites, one of which has the customer quick access bar (shown below) showing on all pages, the other doesn't have this and I can't find it in the settings on the magento dashboard so assume ...
user55794's user avatar
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Change amount of orders shown per page in account

The default amount of orders shown in the Magento account page in Frontend is 10. Also you have the option to show 20 or 50 orders in the table. I want to set the default to 50 or maybe even 100 ...
Jasper1187's user avatar
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Magento 2: Customer is_active field not working?

I'm trying to use this field that is in the table customer_entity but seems it's doing nothing. I change this value in the ddbb but the customer still can login, place orders, etc. Is this a bug? Am ...
Marc Pont's user avatar
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Automatically generate a coupon or apply credit to a customers account

We are looking to draw in more customers to our store by offering incentive to existing customers to email friends about our website. What we want to have is a page with a form on it where they can ...
Edward144's user avatar
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The page isn’t redirecting properly in custom module

I have created the custom module for custom login, but when I open the below link, it's not redirecting properly. http://localhost/magento/custommodule/ Below is my route file code and path: app\code\...
mageDev0688's user avatar
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Customer can't register an account during order process

I am setting up a new multi-store Magento Problem: If the customer wants to register a new account during the order process (onepage-checkout), the account won't get created in the DB. The ...
swydngr's user avatar
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magento 2 customer account navigation make collapsible for tablet

I am trying to make customer account navigation collapsible for tablet. Could anyone let me know which js or css file I need to edit for this? Please see the below image to what I want: Please help ...
mageDev0688's user avatar
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onclick button all products deleting instead of one product

We are displaying Products in My account section & gave an option to add product to cart once user click on Add to cart. now we want to provide an option to delete the products once we click on "...
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Order shows as guest customer

I am using Magento-EE 2.1.5 and facing one strange issue. Order placed by registered customer shows as a guest's one. When I dig in deep, I find that sales_order table's column customer_firstname is ...
Jimul's user avatar
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