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switch store view with select country in checkout / cart

I would like to trigger the store view to change according to the selected country in cart and checkout in Magento 2.4.3 Does anyone do have a clue if or how this is possible? Thanks
guest123's user avatar
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Magento 2 Country Restriction on checkout page shipping address

I am working in Magento-2, In my requirement, I want to show particular country on checkout page shipping address country drop-down, this only applicable for the shipping address form section, in ...
senthil's user avatar
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How to remove currency full name in magento 2 like USD- US Dollar. i wanna remove US Dollar

I am using Magento 2 and I wanna remove the currency country name. I mean just code should be shown. Thanks
Ali Ahmad Amin's user avatar
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GeoIP issue when automatically setting storeview in Magento 2 (`geoip_country_code_by_name` function)

In order to automatically switch store views depending on a user's location we have decided to add the code provided here:Magento 2 pragmatically set storeview to ourindex.php file as shown below: <...
Alex B's user avatar
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Region is not Updating while Setting Country Name Programmatically. Magento 2

I've created Simple Form where I've set default country Name n Region like <td> <label>Country</label> <div class="field ...
Asad Khan's user avatar
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Magento2: How to get country list in custom HTML template

I need to display a country list with dropdown in the custom knockout HTML template. Help would be appreciated.
Ravi Soni's user avatar
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How to get country name using currency code in Magento 2

I want to get country name using currency code. For ex. if currency code is INR then, It should be return country name : India. How to do that? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Ankita Patel's user avatar
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Magento 2.3.3: Creating customer address in admin shows no countries or wrong countries in dropdown

I have just one country allowed in configurations. If I try to create new address for customer in admin, the country dropdown does not show any countries, not even one. I can't save the address, ...
Webninja's user avatar
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Magento 2 Allowed Countries Admin Issue

Magento ver. 2.3.3 Choose a few allowed countries. Then go to Customer Address Edit Form in Admin area. Country dropdown is not as we expected. If I just use 1 country none will show up if you ...
krybbio's user avatar
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Magento 2 Country Name not get translated when using countryFactory

My Magento site have about 10 different websites and one for each country. I have set the correct Locale corresponding to each country (storeview). I'm getting Country Name by using countryFactory, ...
Magento Learner's user avatar
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Magento 1.9 multi countries multi langues

I want to configure magento to support multiple countries and languages without creating stores for countries only stores by language knowing that a language can belong to several countries: Example: ...
Majdi Riahi's user avatar
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sql query for shipping countries from my sales order

I need to write a SQL query to get all countries where we have shipped al orders. Which table has all sales order countries? I am not able to find all the countries.
summu's user avatar
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Magento 2 - get Current Country Code in Cart Page

I want to Fetch Current Country Code in Cart Page Section (js)
Sairaj Gadekar's user avatar
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How to add country field in contact form in magento 1.9

We want to add a country field in the contact form in Magento 1.9 We need country option as drop down. Also, we want to send the selected country in contact mail. My code <?php $_countries = ...
Anil's user avatar
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How to use with Country Name instead of Country Code?

Here is my code about shipping Estimation cost script, <?php ob_start(); require_once('./../app/Mage.php'); umask(0); ini_set('display_errors',true); ini_set('memory_limit', '1024M'); Mage::app()-...
zus's user avatar
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Country not dispalyed in grid after overriding grid customer magento 2

I have overrided the grid customer I can see all the value of attributes except the country I don't know why this behavior this is a part of grid code: <column name="billing_country_id" component="...
Developper Magento 's user avatar
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How to change the checkoutProvider name in magento2

where we need to change the 'checkoutProvider' name for passing custom countries list in magento2 checkout page. I tried to change in checkout_index_index.xml file but not working. how to display in ...
venkata prasad's user avatar
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How to call my custom countries dropdown list in magento2

I need to call my custom countries dropdown list in magento2 checkout page. how to replace the default to my custom dropdown. thanks in advance..
venkata prasad's user avatar
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Magento2 : How to show country and state dropdown field in customer account information section in admin?

I want to add country and state dropdown field in account information in Magento2 admin? Googled a lot, but not able to find right solution. Any help would be appreciated.
Amy's user avatar
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Countries in dropdown : 2 digits to 3 digits

I have a question about the source model "Country". Currently, I can use, in my system.xml file, the following source_model : <source_model>Magento\Directory\Model\Config\Source\Country</...
Kozame's user avatar
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SOLVED: Tax zones limitation -> Puerto Rico

Context : Magento CE2.2.0 I have to set up the following tax rules: customer address in | B2C | B2B ----------------------|---------|--------- France | VAT 20% | VAT 20% Euro ...
nicolallias's user avatar
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Change country name in magento 2.2 [duplicate]

I want to change a country name in magento 2.2.6. Say I want to change united kingdom to 'great britain'. All the countries are stored in a xml file at location /vendor/magento/zendframework1/...
Rajeev Singh's user avatar
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How to get country dial code for telephone number in Magento 2?

I am getting data of country code and ID and name from Magento\Directory\Api\CountryInformationAcquirerInterface using getCountriesInfo function. Like this { "id": "EG", "...
Aditya Shah's user avatar
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Country drop down is empty magento2

I have set default country as UK in admin, after the configuration is done, In checkout one empty drop down is showing before the UK country. so I have used below plugin to remove that empty dropdown....
Jafar Pinjar's user avatar
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Magento 2: How to change country name?

I changed magento2 country name but didn't worked. I changed in the below file: File: vendor/magento/zendframework1/library/Zend/Locale/Data/xx.xml How to change the country name ?
ben's user avatar
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Magento 1.9 auto select country

We only allow 1 country in our Magento store. Now we load on a custom module the country selector, but this does not select the only country as default selection. It currently show a select box with ...
JGeer's user avatar
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Magento2 VAT id required for specific countries

i have an Magento2 Shop and the countries Germany and France are allowed. Now i want the following settings: DE = Vat ID is optional in checkout and register FR = Vat ID is required in checkout and ...
Maximilian Schwarz's user avatar
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Magento 1.9 . 3 .8 : merchant countries drop-down list dosent have jordan

Merchant Country (jordan) Not Present in the drop down list. How I can add this in dropdown ? Any solution for this ?
Abdullah's user avatar
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i want change language according to access point

hi i want to change language according to country visitors means if any user access my website in us than price show in dollar and another access in india than price shows in INR. please help me how ...
anita's user avatar
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Sales Report by Country

I have customers from Germany, Austria, & Switzerland all using the same Store & StoreView. Is there any way to get a sales report filtered by country? Maybe with a short script or something?...
Chaz's user avatar
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Limit Shipping to specific countries

I have two Sites one for GBP and one for Euro. For the Euro version I have set: Stores > Configuration > General > General > 'Default Country' = 'Ireland' Stores > Configuration > ...
Paddy Hallihan's user avatar
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How to get selected Allowed country list in Magento 2..?

I need to get the the Selected Allowed Countries in a phtml file.. How can i get that ?
SUBIN CHANDRAN's user avatar
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Remove country form payment block

I want to remove country from Checkout payment block. This was fill by knock js but i don't know how to remove this.
Ajay Patel's user avatar
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Limit country drop down input field Magento 2

Currently my magento store shows all the country in shipping, billing, and register customer form. is there a way to show only some countries that i want ?
Hunter's user avatar
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Get customer billing address country short code (ISO Code)

How can I get the country short code (ISO) of the billing address of a logged in customer. Can anyone help? Thanks!
Self Diagnostics's user avatar
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Convert the currency format to USD for the purchases outside India

I have set up my magento store with magento 1.9. I want the currency format to be automatically converted to USD throughout my magento store, if the customer is purchasing from any country other than ...
Akshay Vasu's user avatar
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Restrict Place Order if Shipping Country is USA

I want to RESTRICT "Place Order" for Shipping Country USA if certain products are in Cart. Can anyone please suggest me how to achieve this functionality?
Abhishek Panchal's user avatar
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How to auto redirect if my website is watching by usa to usa website instead of india website? [duplicate]

I have two websites. India USA if my website is watching from India, no problem. India site will be displayed. But when my website is watching from USA, i need to redirect my website to USA website....
user avatar
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Allow countries for websites is not working

I'm trying to configure 2 websites allowing only some countries for each website. For test I'll only allow "spain" for one website and "USA" for the other. I'm using the VM of bitnami with Magento 2....
Marc Pont's user avatar
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How to set a certain country as default in guest from and not select another one

i would like to set the country in guest checkout form for invoice und delivery adress hardcoded to default country x. And no other country should be able to getting selected. How do i managed this? ...
user5783213's user avatar
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How to remove countries from Magento 2 drop down list?

Basically I would like to show selected countries in the shipping and billing forms. Is there a correct way to achieve this? I intend to use following JS: jQuery('select[name=country_id]') .find(...
FR STAR's user avatar
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Module productive minds SiteSwitcher and changing countries

I have this module currently installed and when i use the top drop down Change Language it switches to the correct store utilizing the correct language and currency. No problem here, see picture below....
Head's user avatar
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magento 2 : Get country from IP address

How to get the name of the country from the ip address in magento 2. I think it will require me to use geoip, but I don't know how to do it. Any help?
User0434's user avatar
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After shipping address is saved in checkout redirect customer to another url if shipping country is

After shipping adress is saved in checkout, redirect customer to another url if shipping country is for example US where could I do it? I would use if($this->getQuote()->getShippingAddress()-&...
user1619177's user avatar
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Select all countries code gives 'We're sorry, an error has occurred while generating this email.' error in Magento 2 [duplicate]

I have created a file for displaying all countries, but it shows We're sorry, an error has occurred while generating this email. Please help me to fix the issue. Any help will be appreciated. app\...
Hima Mohan's user avatar
4 votes
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How to get Country ID from Country Name in Magento1.9.2.4?

I want to get country_id from the country name in Magento, Please suggest how can I achieve this. I found these database tables but they are not helpful: directory_country directory_country_region ...
Yogita's user avatar
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Programmatically Export Sales order customer details to excel format

I tried to export sales order customer details, its working fine, but i want customer country code(country name) not id. below i mention my full code. <?php require_once("app/Mage.php"); Mage::app(...
sathya's user avatar
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Load SHORT country names

I need to change the name value from lib/Zend/Locale/Data/de.xml I have there two lines: <territory type="HK">Sonderverwaltungszone Hongkong</territory> <territory type="HK" ...
Bernhard Prange's user avatar
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Restrict Cash on delivery based on Country under shipping method

I want to restrict COD based on country we select under billing address in checkout page
Baby in Magento's user avatar
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'Allowed countries' configuration not recognised in Paypal Express Checkout for shipping address validation

I have a client's shop allowing orders to a national shipping address only. Using the integrated payment method 'PayPal Website Payments Standard' the paypal express checkout can be completed using ...
Hartmut's user avatar
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