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Questions tagged [website-restriction]

This should be used to denote questions pertaining specifically for Magento Enterprise Edition platform which have Website Restriction module

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Magento 1.9 - Multi-Website Sales Order View Restrict based Admin-User

I am running Multi-website. I have two stores for my two vendors both of my vendors are my admin users, [system->permission->users]. If vendor-1 login to admin panel they also able to view ...
zus's user avatar
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Magento 2, overriding cookie module, domain name is not set correctly

As a requirement, the magento 2 EE website does not ask user to allow for setting cookie, it is set by default and it just notifies user by message. So I override the vendor/magento/module-cookie/view/...
Zinat's user avatar
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Magento 2.2.5, Is possible to restrict place order based on the customer group?

In Magento 2.2.5, I need to restrict place order for some customers who assigned to certain group. Is any possibility to restrict place order based on the customer group?
Saravanan DS's user avatar
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How can I restrict customer accounts to a specific store view?

If a customer registered on a specific storeview, it has to use the account only on that storeview. So I want to turn off the shared customer accounts. If a customer tries to log in with that account ...
Dylan Struik's user avatar
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Will Website Restrictions restrict customer import too?

I drilled this official document to no avail. I know the frontend customer registration will be restricted. And I tried on admin panal, the restriction take effect too. So if website restriction turn ...
PY Yick's user avatar
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How to block/remove registration of new customers in Magento 2?

I want to disable the possibility to register as a new customer on the frontend of my Magento 2 Community Edition store (new customers are being created through a different process). I think I could ...
7ochem's user avatar
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Allow countries for websites is not working

I'm trying to configure 2 websites allowing only some countries for each website. For test I'll only allow "spain" for one website and "USA" for the other. I'm using the VM of bitnami with Magento 2....
Marc Pont's user avatar
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Exclude some store from all stores

I get all stores by website but i want to exclude someone, his ID is=1 and his name is:store1. to get all store by websites: $websiteId=1; $website = Mage::getModel('core/website')->load($...
PЯINCƎ's user avatar
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Restrict access

I have a client who is expanding his store to a new country. I created the new website using the symbolic links method. Before we used the Store Maintanence plugin (
Andras's user avatar
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Magento2 : Redirect Using Plugin (With Website Restrictions ON)

Postlogin.php <?php namespace Mycompany\Customerhomepage\Plugin; use Magento\Framework\Controller\ResultFactory; class Postlogin { public function __construct( \Magento\Framework\...
Vishwas Bhatnagar's user avatar
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Magento 2 : How to add more page that can be accessed if Website Restrictions is on

How can i add more pages that can be accessed like a contact us page with website restriction turned on UPDATE Found a file \vendor\magento\module-website-restriction\etc\webrestrictions.xml How ...
Vishwas Bhatnagar's user avatar