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3 votes

Exception #0 (Exception): Notice: Undefined variable: fp in Backend

You encountered this error because the variable $fp is declared inside the foreach loop, but you are trying to access it outside of the loop. To resolve this issue, move the code fclose($fp); from ...
Tu Van's user avatar
  • 7,818
2 votes

Facebook pixel question

You would require a separate extension. Facebook pixel is for tracking purposes.
Dominic Pixie's user avatar
2 votes

Magento 2 - Facebook pixel tracking on AddToCart event

If you know the ID/Class of the add to cart button why not just create a custom on page javascript something like $('.addtocart.btn').on('click', function() { // Do the Magic }); you may ...
Dava Gordon's user avatar
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1 vote

ViewContent meta Pixel not passing product name parameter

Hello @Baby in Magento In the below file, src/components/ProductFullDetail/ProductFullDetail.Js Add this code hope this will work for you const productMeta = () => { fbq('track', 'ViewContent', ...
Rohit Gohel's user avatar

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