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Get categories per store using SOAP in Magento 1

In Magento 1 need to make a SOAP call for a certain category in order to extract information. For that I use below request: $result_ = $client->call($session, '', 90); However,...
Andreas's user avatar
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Getting Error for custom SOAP API for Magento2 failed to load external entity

I have followed this link but getting error. Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [WSDL] SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from 'http://...
Tanmay's user avatar
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5 answers

How to Change Order Status using Api in magento 2.3.5

I want to develop new module for changing order status using Api in magento 2.3.5 so can anyone have idea then please share with me. I want to create order status and change it using Api.
Deep Shah's user avatar
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Getting magento2 soap api error ProcedureNotPresent in magento2.3.0

I have integrated magento soap api with 3rd party to update magento order status and shipment. After upgrading magento 2.1.16 to 2.3.0 it stoped working and throughing error. I’m debugging the ...
Yogendra - eCommerce Developer's user avatar
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How to get product's attributes and their value from product id in Magento 1.9 Soap Api v1

All i need is product total no of attributes and their value ...via passing product id(code is given below). <?php require_once('../app/Mage.php'); Mage::app(); $client = new SoapClient('...
Pranav Patel's user avatar
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How to get cms content via magento1.9 soap api v1

I need cms page content which has a short code in it, so it returns shortcode. It should return HTML instead of that. I need to solve this via soap API v1.Below is the output I got. ...
Pranav Patel's user avatar
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Magento 1.9 - How to filter catalog_product.list with their custom attribute in soap/v1

$client = new SoapClient('http://localhost/project/api/soap/?wsdl'); $user_name = $_POST["user_name"]; $password = $_POST["password"]; $response = array(); $session = $client->login($...
Pranav Patel's user avatar
2 votes
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How to get category image in magento 1.9 soap API

$client = new SoapClient('http://localhost/project/api/soap/?wsdl'); $user_name = "username"; $password = "password"; //$user_name = $_POST["user_name"]; //$password = $_POST["password"]; ...
Pranav Patel's user avatar
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Cannot buy via API due to the price always being zero

I have a fully working production site that I am trying to add API ordering to. I followed the sample here When I call ...
user69374's user avatar
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Magento 1.9: SOAP API Inventory Item Update not updating the all data

I am trying to update the Stock data,Using SOAP V1, but many values are not updating. $stock = Mage::getModel('cataloginventory/stock_item')->loadByProduct($product); $stockItemData = array( '...
Rahul Singh's user avatar
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magento 1.9 soap api error

When I try to connect to magenento api through soap with this code: //soap call test $client = new SoapClient('https://magentohost/api/soap/?wsdl'); // If somestuff requires API authentication, /...
blob's user avatar
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2 answers

Magento2 API Filtering Multiple categories

In Magento2 API, how would I filter by multiple categories? V1/products?searchCriteria[filterGroups][0][filters][0][field]=name&searchCriteria[filterGroups][0][filters][0][value]=%test%&...
Dinesh's user avatar
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1 answer

The value of attribute "Is Active" must be set -error always when trying to create category via SOAP

I'm trying to create a category via SOAP $category_data = [ 'parentId' => 2, 'name' => 'NIMI', 'is_active' => 1, // also tried 'isActive' => 1 'position' => 1, '...
Tero Lahtinen's user avatar
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Magento 1.9 soap API : Totals and subtotals always equal 0 after adding products to cart

I am facing an issue when adding product to a created cart, the product is added to the cart successfully so as the customer, but when I retrieve the cart info total shows always 0, here is steps that ...
Hanane's user avatar
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Connection using soap api magento1.9

I am unable to connect to generate the sessionid using soap api in magento1.9. I am getting the following error message: Fatal error: SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from 'https://test....
shivashankar m's user avatar
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Products show only in admin when adding via Magento 1.9 Custom Wishlist SOAP API

Requirement: I am a newbie in magento trying to make a custom SOAP API in Magento 1.9 for managing wishlist. I need to connect it to an android application being developed in ionic V1. At first i ...
Rehman's user avatar
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1 answer

Magento 2 SOAP API setSpecialPrice

I am using Postman to post special-price but it's with REST API like so: Post URL: http://magento2/rest/V1/products/special-price Payload: { "prices": [ { "price": 50.00, "store_id": 0, "...
Juliano Vargas's user avatar
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2 answers

magento1.9 soap api to get invoice information

I wants to get the invoice information based on order id in magento 1.9 using soap api. Thanks.
shivashankar m's user avatar
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2 answers

Add simple products to configurable product using soap api

I wants to associate simple products to configurable product from while creating the configurable product using soap api in magento1.9
shivashankar m's user avatar
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SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from URL Failed to load External Entity

I'm trying to get all products in $productArrarray from magento 2 API via SOAP client. I tried the below function but it throws this error: Error: SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from '...
Iftikhar uddin's user avatar
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How to create API Endpoint in Magento2?

I want to create API route which can list/return products data in JSON or XML format. By creating this endpoint I will be able to fetch the all the products from Magento. Then I will access it on my ...
Iftikhar uddin's user avatar
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Magento 1.9 Soap: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [100] Requested order not exists

I try to get data from I connect via $_POST data, where I need to input the order number in a form. When I input a wrong order invalid order number I get a fatal error: Fatal ...
LovinQuaQua's user avatar
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Switch off WS-I Compliance, Magento 2 Opensource

Does anyone know how I could switch off WS-I compliance for a Magento 2 website, or even if it is possible? Trying to connect to a shipping API (Royal Mail Click and Drop) and they say WS-I ...
Chris Graham's user avatar
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Magento 2 SOAP API Question

I am using Postman to test send data to different websites e.g I have 2 websites each has its own domain e.g onoe website one store and one store view per domain. e.g 1- have: ...
Juliano Vargas's user avatar
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I am using SoapUi to send a product to save changes the price per website for example here I am using the default website but it isn't working: the Request: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&...
Juliano Vargas's user avatar
2 votes
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How to test a Magento SOAP API call using Postman

Does anyone have a step by step tutorial on how to post and test a soap v1 api call using Postman?
Elie Bellama's user avatar
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Writing an event observer to a SOAP API

I have a module, which grabs the customer information everytime a customer is updated. Right now, the customer data is stored in the var log file and I want to send this information to a SOAP API, ...
John Burgess's user avatar
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Customer update SOAP action

I need a point in the right direction. Right now we have a SOAP V1 API grabbing customers when they create an order. I have been asked to also be able to update a customer when the save new profile ...
John Burgess's user avatar
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Magento 1.9 API - how to get sales of product from orders?

Trying to get some information about products sales based on SKU. How can I do it ? Do I have to pull all data orders then loop it trough or can I ask for sale of specified product directly ? What I ...
Rob D. A.'s user avatar
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Magento1.9: New product Image upload from magento to pinterest

Is it possible to post a Magento product image to pinterest. When I create product it's image is automatically uploaded from Magento to Pinterest. Actually in my website there are 1000+ product ...
Jaimin's user avatar
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Doubts about working with API

I have to make a method to send my login and password to a website and get the xml it returns, its gonna be a list of products. What would be the best way? My options are: SOAP 1.1, SOAP 1.2, GET and ...
Stordon's user avatar
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POSTMAN rest and Magento-rest with Oath

POSTMAN rest client with magento REST api with Oauth. How to get Token and Token Secret? Magento REST API, how i will get token and token secret to be fill in Postman REST request. I have only ...
Yogesh's user avatar
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2 answers

Magento catalog product list soap API is not working

I'm trying to access magento product catalog data using magento API. I'm trying sample code provided by magento $client = new SoapClient('http://magentohost/api/soap/?wsdl'); // If somestuff ...
Ashvini K's user avatar
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Can I make Soap V1 Api Calls from a magento 2. version?

Was wondering if I could use the magento SOAP v1 API to consume data from a magento 2 version store.
Bosun's user avatar
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Magento 2 custom SOAP Api returns error

I am trying to create new custom SOAP API but it returns following error "SoapClient::SoapClient(): $wsdl must be string or null" etc/webapi.xml : <?xml version="1.0" ?> <routes xmlns:xsi="...
Ramesh's user avatar
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Can not make operation because store is not exists in SOAP api for Add to cart products

Can anyone guide how to solve below bug 'Can not make operation because store is not exists' in SOAP api for Add to cart products I tried, $proxy = new SoapClient('http://localhost/magento1.9/...
jassi's user avatar
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magento soap api how to achieve layered navigation

I am developing a mobile app using magento 1.9 SOAP API, I have integrated all the API endpoints and the functionality is almost complete. The issue I am facing is to implement layered navigation as ...
Magebuddies's user avatar
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How to get all images of a single product

how to get all images by using below code. I'm only getting single image <?php class Affilnow_Module_Model_Product_Api extends Mage_Api_Model_Resource_Abstract { public function items($...
rameez.hashmi's user avatar
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Cart total doesn't update after adding an item to the cart (using API) using Magento 1.9 CE

I'm using Magento 1.9 CE and am using XML RPC to connect to Magento's API and after I add an item to the cart, the "totals" do not update. Here's the order of operation: login to api cart.create - ...
Katie's user avatar
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Get orders id in DESC using magento soap api

$session = $client->login('Sandbox', 'ek7PswHDZtHDWtY0O3xLcyUYFIBUtFMW'); $orders = $client->call($session, 'order.list'); This gets the order in ASC order by default. I want to get orders in ...
Habib's user avatar
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SOAP - unable to invoke since upgrade to (timeout), how to debug?

I've recently upgraded a Magento installation from to Ever since, the various apps I use to communicate with Magento via SOAPv2 have timed out with error 504. When I attempt to load ...
WillPS's user avatar
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Custom order method API V1

I have ERP and connector, where I need to connect order with my magento order. For that I've created erp_order_id inside magento. And now I need to create custom API V1 method - setErpId (which will ...
user47488's user avatar
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Getting Customer Tracking number via SOAP API

I have a developer who is saying he can not get the shipmentIncrementId to get the tracking number.
brentwpeterson's user avatar
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3 answers

Product Stock List using SOAP API

I am using following code to get the stock detail I am getting product stock of productId 149428 $proxy = new SoapClient(''); $sessionId = $proxy->login('apiuser', '...
Siraj M's user avatar
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CE on virtual server: SOAP-API V1 not working

Problem: i have a virtual server with Plesk (Ubuntu 14.04) and the SOAP-API not working. I have many trouble with this issue, because i have a second server with the same configuration and there no ...
DerFrey's user avatar
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Magento 2 : How to invoke soap wsdl request for magento2 in Postman?

When i am giving url in postman using get method. then it showing Consumer is not authorized to access %resources ...
Ramkishan Suthar's user avatar
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Magento SOAP API v1 in browser

When querying through a web browser the old SOAP API of a magento 1.9, Apache get mad, with the following: [negotiation:error] [pid 9289] [client ...
nicolallias's user avatar
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Disable product from using API or filter API

Is it possible to disable a product to not use the API at all? We have several setup configured, but we also have a lot of product that use the API, but don't need too. I'd be okay to filter by API ...
Bill Murray's user avatar
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Uncaught SoapFault exception: [1062] Shipping method is not available

Why only flatrate_flatrate in array shipping Method? I set the customer and address is successfully. Array ( [0] => Array ( [carrier] => flatrate [...
Tobias dsn's user avatar
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How to get order_increment_id using SOAP API in Magento 2

In Magento 1, we get the 'order_increment_id' when we use the '' parameter in SOAP API. The same thing I want to fetch in Magento 2 SOAP API. But when I am trying to get ...
Magento Team's user avatar