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Adding Groped Products items to the cart using the Api

I am using this endpoint : http://mage.local/rest/V1/carts/3747/items and this is the body: { "cartItem": { "sku": "8717752030514", "qty": 1, &...
Rana Zain's user avatar
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1 answer

How to save products in bulk using API?

I am new bee in API development and need to save bulk products in my Magento using API. Do I need to create custom API module or is there any default API to save the products in magneto2? What are the ...
Nimita Patel's user avatar
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Add To Cart API and Read From Cart API, unable to retrieve configurable product variant - Magento 2.4.4-p4

So I was creating an add to cart API and read from cart API The problem that I encounter is unable to retrieve variant of configurable product Below are my addToCart API code /** * POST add to ...
Mohd Farhan Bin Ramli's user avatar
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The consumer isn't authorized to access %resources. Magento 2.4.7 & 2.4.7-p3

The consumer isn't authorized to access %resources. { "message": "The consumer isn't authorized to access %resources.", "parameters": { "resources": "...
MOHIT GOHEL's user avatar
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Get CartID of existent cart

Yes, I can create cart and get ID in post answer, but how to get the id of existent cart to manipulate with the items, for example. Preferred way is REST API, may be cookies, storage, etc, make be ...
Max.A's user avatar
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API with price filter and configurable products

I'm working with the Magento 2 API and can't work out why when using a price filter configurable products are being filtered out completely from the results. I remove the price filter and the products ...
DomiGuy's user avatar
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Magento API: Set 'Use Default Value' for Cost on Empty Fields

I have two stores and want to set the "Use Default Value" option for the cost field when its value is empty. This is functioning correctly in the admin panel. How can I achieve this using ...
Hafiz Arslan's user avatar
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API keeps getting hacked, how is it still compromised?

On a sizeable site, for the third time now, we're seeing this type of attack: A request to GET /rest/V1/cmsBlock/search to find out some block IDs. A few minutes later there is PUT /rest/V1/cmsBlock/...
clockworkgeek's user avatar
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2 answers

WorldPay Payment method REST API for Transaction/Payment details in Magento 2.4.7

Has anyone worked with the WorldPay Payment Method API? I've successfully installed the WorldPay Payment Method, but I'm struggling to find the API for retrieving transaction or payment details. ...
Ronak Rathod's user avatar
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Is it possible to use Magento's import functionality to create multiple configurable products using REST api

I want to create a custom REST api where we can pass multiple configurable products data (similar to what we use in import.csv), and it will create the configurable as well as the child products based ...
Aniruddha Ray's user avatar
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Magento provider for Apache airflow

I'm trying to create magento provider for Apache airflow. I need community support to merge that pull request. Please let me know who are interested to ...
sivakumar's user avatar
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magento oauth is not working with apache airflow

I want to use Apache airflow for automation tasks related to Magento, so I'm trying to create an order sync. below oauth authentication is not working. ...
sivakumar's user avatar
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How to upload a new attribute via API?

I want to create an attribute from my android app written in Kotlin. For the explanation I am going to use Postman. Following is the code I use to create an attribute: Post method: https://mydomain....
Fragkiskos Mysirlakis's user avatar
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How to make oauth1.0 request using guzzlehttp

I am trying to connect two magento2 instances through REST API. I have already created Endpoints. I am using GuzzleHttp\Client to make request. How to implement Oauth 1.0 Using guzzlehttp. Any other ...
Haarish Infant Raj's user avatar
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2 answers

How to create an order with Configurable Product with Multiple options(same parent with different option)

I'am trying to create an order with Rest API in magento2 , Here i have a configurable product with id 100 and have some child product with different attribute value, here is the payload what i have ...
amith lal's user avatar
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How to add custom content to products endpoint?

In magento 2.4.6 I have a custom module that adds some configuration in the admin panel. I also have a Helper/Data.php with methods to collect the value of each field of this configuration. On the ...
Noty's user avatar
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1 answer

Update / create FPT using API

Is it possible to update / create FPT (fixed product tax) for a Magento 2 product using the REST API? I have not been able to find anything about it. Current way to administrate in bulk is either ...
Andreas's user avatar
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Setting Custom Property in customer using APi in Magento

I'm passing a custom property value using an API. The problem is that I am sending "Device Registration" as the origin ( custom property ) but the value that is being set in as "D365FO&...
hoor Iqbal's user avatar
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How to disable Recaptcha in REST APIs?

I am using magento 2.4.7 but when i enable repaptcha it works fine on the website but in APIs it gives me an error "message": "ReCaptcha validation failed, please try again", I ...
Syed Hassan Zamir's user avatar
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How to create REST API endpoints for core_config_data table?

I am working on an integration extension for Magento 2. I would like to create API endpoints for core_config_data table, because I would like to insert a html script to header of each specific store ...
Krumpel's user avatar
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Magento2.4.4p4 REST API Error 'Class string does not exist'

I had this issue during when I create a custom Rest API in fresh magento 2.4.4p4 As you can see the error I get is Class string does not exist Below are my code folder structure, which I found to be ...
Mohd Farhan Bin Ramli's user avatar
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Magento2.4.4p4 REST API Error 'Class array does not exist'

I had this issue during when I create a custom Rest API in fresh magento 2.4.4p4 As you can see the error I get is "Class array does not exist" Below are my code folder structure, which I ...
Mohd Farhan Bin Ramli's user avatar
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2 answers

Model Class not found error in Magento REST API - not able to identify any issues in this

Error: Class "Test\CsvImport\Model\Import" not found in /var/www/html/testproject/vendor/magento/framework/ObjectManager/Factory/AbstractFactory.php:121 This is the error I am getting. Here ...
NotEqual's user avatar
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Magento API Date filter

Is it possible to create a Date filter to fetch orders created only in last two days using API , without hard-coded values ? Something like this: http://<magento_host>/rest/V1/orders? ...
Magento_noob's user avatar
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Magento 2.4.4p4 Rest API Trouble to Confirm Customer Registration

I am having trouble to activate this API to confirm user email upon registration Request : { "confirmationKey": "nVU3KFeGFg3Zn6L1oZlUbFaPclx3BOWN" } Response : { "...
Mohd Farhan Bin Ramli's user avatar
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REST API OAuth - Can we directly login without Consumer key and secret

We are using Magento EE 1.14 code. Requirement : We Need to create an REST API OAuth direct login extension to make the login. that only require username and password (without need the consumer key ...
Baby in Magento's user avatar
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Getting customer catalog requests using REST API

Our company has a customer form that allows customers to put in a request for a printed catalog of our products. While that information can be exported manually I want to be able to pull the ...
j.hull's user avatar
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2 answers

Get customer address attribute value in order data using REST

I have a Adobe commerce cloud platform and created one customer address attribute from the admin that is default feature of the Commerce cloud. Now it works fine. It works well on the customer account ...
Sunny Rahevar's user avatar
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4 answers

How to fetch and store external api access token in magento2

I am trying to integrate my external API in my magento 2.4.6 instance. I Used Guzzlehttp to make and fetch the data and handle the request. The problem is, I have to provide Username & password to ...
Haarish Infant Raj's user avatar
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Magento 2 custom API working for Bearer Token and not working for OAuth1.0

I have created a custom API endpoint to retrieve data from a custom table in magento 2. Webapi.xml file content <route url="/V1/bs-customer-price-information/:email/:website_id" method=&...
Mujahidh's user avatar
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multi shipping order place using rest api in magento 2.4

I would like to know which APIs we need to use and the parameters required to place multiple orders as a guest customer. Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Kushal Dani's user avatar
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The "oauth/consumer/enable_integration_as_bearer" path doesn't exist

I am trying to reset API but when I going to the path Stores > Configuration > Services > OAuth > Consumer Settings > Allow OAuth Access Tokens to be used as standalone Bearer tokens I ...
Haider Mohammed's user avatar
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Can we configure webhooks in Magento using its REST API

I'm currently exploring the capabilities of Magento's REST API for integrating with external systems, and I'm interested in setting up webhooks to receive real-time notifications for specific events ...
Ibrar Akhtar's user avatar
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Magento 2 : How To Find Magento Tax Setting

How to find the order is inclusive of tax or exclusive of tax through REST API?
Manisha G's user avatar
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Magento order notification

I want to retrieve order details whenever an order is placed or updated in Magento. Currently, I am working on integrating orders with CRM. Therefore, whenever an order is created or updated in ...
Manisha G's user avatar
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Magento 2 : Create event observer when order placed and updated [duplicate]

In Magento 2, How to create event and observer for the REST API when an order is placed or updated. Is this possible to create event and observer for REST API?. If not, could anyone provide me with ...
Manisha G's user avatar
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How to fix duplicate id's in multiselect options

Via the api, multi select options were accidentally inserted as duplicates. So instead of 11111,22222 being stored in catalog_product_entity_text.value it was submitted as 11111,22222,11111,22222 and ...
Tschallacka's user avatar
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Not getting the difference changes on comparing two git branches in same repo using Github API

I am able to get difference between two branches stage and master under same repo on web version via below web URL. but not getting the ...
Shashank Kumrawat's user avatar
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Update REST API Payload using before Plugin

Can I use before plugin in Magento 2 to update Customer Creation Payload? Reason: In Magento, we have one custom customer attribute of dropdown type as you can see below. Now the API is working fine ...
Muhammad Saeed Khan's user avatar
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Shipment comment

I am trying to update a comment for an existing shipment, but I keep getting err mssg: {"message": "Could not save the shipment comment."} API and example I'm using are : Method:...
Magento_noob's user avatar
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When creating an order via api, the salable quantity does not decrease

I am using the API /rest/V1/orders/create, but when creating an order, the saleable quantity does not decrease. (Magento ver. 2.4.6-p3 community edition) I am using this payload: { "...
Danilo Duarte's user avatar
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Api\SearchCriteriaInterface returning products in anchor categories (or not)

Using a module for a mobile app and this code is retrieving search results. However it's completely ignoring anchor categories and I've spend most of the afternoon trying to figure out why not. There'...
DomiGuy's user avatar
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CMS module don't have the getExtensionAttriubtes and setExtensionattributes

I am working on REST API for the cms block and adding some custom fields in the cms_block table. However, I didn't see the methods getExtensionAttriubtes and setExtensionAttriubtes in the CMS Block ...
Arshad Muhammad's user avatar
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Get salable quantities for all products via REST API

For synchronizing inventory levels with the external ERP, I need to know the quantities and booked quantities of all products. I can easily get quantities of all products with one request (rest/all/V1/...
Alex's user avatar
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Get salable quantities for all products via REST API

For synchronizing inventory levels with the external ERP, I need to know the quantities and booked quantities of all products. I can easily get quantities of all products with one request (rest/all/V1/...
Alex's user avatar
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The consumer isn't authorized to access %resources. Magento 2.4.5-p1 on staging environment

In the testing environment, it gives below errors, { "message": "The consumer isn't authorized to access %resources.", "parameters": { "resources&...
Nilay Kumar's user avatar
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How to get all orders with a specific SKU using the REST API?

I’m trying to figure out if a product was bought and when, but other than looping over all orders I don’t see how I can do that. I saw this question but I need to do it through the REST API. Any idea?
bfontaine's user avatar
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unable to update custom attributes to product using rest API

I have created the custom attribute through rest API and it is also reflected in magento admin, after which when I tried to update the product with the attribute won't worked. Below is my ...
manikandan.p's user avatar
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Update custom attributes to product using rest

$data = [ "product" => [ "sku"=> $productsku, // "attribute_set_id"=> 4, //"attribute_set_id" => $mage_attr_set_id, ...
manikandan.p's user avatar
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Magento 2 Email set as Optional on Create Customer Account API

I have created one module that overrides Magento's default create customer account API. Now, I want to set the email parameter as Optional. Magento uses the Below API to create a Customer Account. {{...
Keval Chauhan's user avatar

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