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11 votes
2 answers

Does magento 2 support invoicing based on amount?

I'd like the ability to create (and capture) an invoice based on a dollar amount rather than a quantity of items. We are currently using the endpoint /V1/order/{orderId}/invoice to create invoices ...
Justin Rhyne's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Where's the order item custom options labels in the REST API?

I'm trying to retrieve orders from the REST API in Magento Enterprise 2.3.1, and that's easy enough with endpoints like /rest/default/V1/orders, but while I can see the values for custom options of ...
Mike's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Magento 2.3 V1/Search with sortOrders not working in REST API

Magento 2.3 Search Criteria with REST API, SortOrders not working in V1/Search API. I am trying to fetch Category products using Magento REST API by below request URL.
Rakesh Jesadiya's user avatar
8 votes
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Magento REST without oAuth

I have an Android and an iOS app that connect to Magento through SOAP and perform various actions. I have to switch to REST, but the users of the apps must not notice this change. They do not know ...
Samuel Coman's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

How do I consume the REST API in Magento 2, using AJAX with session-based authentication?

I am having issues successfully making an AJAX call to Magento 2 REST API endpoints, using session-based authentication. When I run the following javascript, I always receive a 401 (Not Authorized) ...
DrewK289's user avatar
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Magento 2 Rest API get Quote Item Custom Option values

Hi I have tried with the magento 2 rest apis 1) V1/orders/:order-id 2) V1/orders/items with serach filter order id 3) /V1/carts/:quoteid/items The above apis are not returning the Order item ...
Zammuuz's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

How to Get Customer data by telephone number in Magento2?

I have a telephone number which is given in Default using this telephone number i need to get Customer Full data.Data like customer id, customer full name..etc
user3374995's user avatar
6 votes
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Magento2 How to get Custom order attributes value in response in rest api v1

down vote favorite I have installed Amasty order attributes extension I followed and created app/code/Amasty/...
Ram singh's user avatar
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6 votes
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Confirm email after Customer signup magento 2

I am developing a e-commerce mobile application using magento 2 REST apis. The sign up api is working perfectly. Signup Api-> http://{{domain_name}}/index.php/rest/V1/customers Also I changed ...
Muhsin's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Magento 2 REST api for guest cart - display product in Magento's checkout

I have an Ember app that handles adding to basket via the REST API. I then want to jump back into Magento's front end for the checkout process, however the cart is empty. Is there a way to pass a ...
rickyduck's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How to use REST API for mobile App?

I have found on dev docs that REST API is recommended for mobile application. I have created integration from magento admin panel and tried to access resources with passing access token in header. ...
Jimul's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Magento SOAP API call limit?

Is there a limit on API calls using Magento's SOAP API (V1)? The product page for a store I'm working on requires several calls to the "cataloginventory_stock_item.list" method, once for every "simple ...
jGaiser's user avatar
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5 votes
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Magento 2.3 REST API, GETs being refused access while POST/PUTs are OK

I am using some Magento 2.3 REST calls, and I am finding that for certain calls (and it seems to be consistently GETs) Magento is returning an authentication error, while for others (which seem to be ...
Matthew's user avatar
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Magento2 : Reduce time of Product Update API Using REST

I have created an API to update Product Price, Product Cost, and Tier prices. The issue is the API response timing in around 7 to 8 secs every time for a single product update. How can I reduce this? ...
Amrit Pal Singh's user avatar
5 votes
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Web API: Product set use default status for store view

Our products are created and updated via the web API. When we update a product for all /rest/all/V1/products/123 and set status: 2 the product is disabled. But per store view it's still enabled ...
Daniel's user avatar
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soap product quantity not updating return exceptions

In magento1.9 - I am trying to update product quantity using soap but it return error here is my code public function update($data){ //return $data->sku; $_sku = $data->sku; $...
Shubhajay Das's user avatar
5 votes
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When i am adding products to cart from website they are not shown in web application

In Magento2 When I'm adding products in cart from website they are not shown in web application. I'm using magento rest API in react-native application. How to resolve this issue.
Pratap Penmetsa's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Magento 2 : Wrong order created and updated date in rest api response

I am fetching the orders using Magento 2 REST api services. I am using IST timezone the dates saved in the database are in correct timezone. I have set timezone to "Asia/Kolkata". On customer ...
manish_khot's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Retrieve all available shipping methods/carriers via REST

We're looking for a way to generate a list of all available shipping method codes and shipping carrier codes via REST API. I'm only seeing this available via the cart but I'd like to be able to ...
Coloradbro's user avatar
5 votes
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Magento Rest API

I want to use the Magento rest API for my application, when I will call the API from postman tool at that time there showing me error as per below: oauth_problem=parameter_absent&...
H.K.Suthar's user avatar
5 votes
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Paypal Payload for Payment Rest API 2

Can anyone help me for payload of paypal standard we are trying two api's nothing works for us. We tried multiple payloads already but no success in order placement. POST /V1/guest-carts/{cartId}/...
Sahib's user avatar
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2 answers

Magento 2 Api Integration

Hello I'm trying to use Magento 2 Rest and Soap integrations when I try to activate my integration I get the error Unable to post data to the consumer due to an unexpected error these are my current ...
Anar Bayramov's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Magento2 REST auth help needed

I'm hanging on this issues for nearly a week and cannot find any sollution. I'm trying to send a REST request to my new Magento2 store. It worked allready, but then the oauth/token forced ...
Java_Waldi's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Display Out of Stock Configuration not working in magento1.9

I have a configurable product with 3 simple products associated to it that were added via REST. I have set the "Display Out of Stock Products" option in System->Configuration->Inventory to "Yes" ...
chiweez's user avatar
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Magento's REST API responses claiming oauth_callback param is empty

Working with Magento CE 1.9. I'm attempting to make use of Magento's API however I keep running into the same error in my response: oauth_problem=parameter_absent&oauth_parameters_absent=...
sparecycle's user avatar
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Set default product image via REST API

I'm using Magento REST API to create products and upload images. No problems so far, but i can't find a way to set an image as the default image to be displayed on the store using the API. Is there a ...
jinavar1's user avatar
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Magento 1.x : Accessing Magento Rest Api as Admin

I am trying to access magento rest api with following script, but is uses default guest role to access, so I cannot access orders and other stuffs. How can I access Magento Rest api as admin. <?...
S. M. Shahinul Islam's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Magento 2 REST API Issue: Unable to Handle Product SKU with Slash Value in stockItems Endpoint

Magento 2 REST API Endpoint /V1/stockItems/:productSku is encountering a bug specifically when using OAuth 1.0 authentication. The issue arises when the product SKU contains special characters such as ...
Mohammad Bharmal's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Add multiple products to cart using Magento2 REST API using custom method

Add multiple products to cart using Magento2 REST API using custom method Their is no default magento api this is single product add to cart json code in rest api body section. { "cartItem": { ...
Nagendra Kodi's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Magento 2: Override for product custom option value Interface and model file

I have added custom product option value to below interface ProductCustomOptionValuesInterface.php and Value.php model file. File path: magento2/vendor/magento/module-catalog/Api/Data/...
Kirti Nariya's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Error in default API testing | V1/carts/mine/shipping-information

I just wanted to test this API for understanding order flow { "addressInformation": { "shipping_address": { "region": "New York", "...
Ajwad Syed's user avatar
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4 votes
0 answers

Magento 2 Shipping to Multiple Addresses using REST API

Has anyone tried creating order with multiple shipping addresses using REST API? I can see the option in the admin dashboard to enable such functionality, but I cannot find any documentation if it is ...
spik3s's user avatar
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POST product with REST API doesn't save manufacturer attribute

I'm able to save a product with a POST request to my REST API endpoint. Now I would like to save manufacture attribute,too. I prepare this json structure { "product": { "sku": "code", ...
Claudio Pomo's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Get list of all Catalog Price rules using API in Magento 2

I want API endpoints that give me all available catalog price rules in Magento 2.
Divyarajsinh Dodiya's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

where to find Magento 2 API docs?

Finally I found out the magento 2 api endpoint for all products as below rest/V1/products?searchCriteria[pageSize]=20 but I need more detailed docs about api endpoints which I coudn't find out yet. ...
Ramesh KR's user avatar
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How to solve REST API with oAuth 1.0 Return 404 error in Magento

Workout: Version : Magento Created Rest oAuth Consumer oAuth 1.0 installed in Server Got the Token Key, Token secret using Consumer key & Consumer secret which created in step 1 Note : ...
zus's user avatar
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What is the correct way to create Mock input interface in Web-Api functional test?

I've already write successfully a Web-Api unit test for a Custom API. But I'm wondering if there is a way to automatically create a Mock for input data for the API? For example, AccountManagement ...
Federico Bollotta's user avatar
4 votes
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How can i add multiple shipping and billing addresses in Magento2

In magento REST API - I am getting only one shipping and billing addresses. but I want to add more than one shipping and billing addresses. Is there any way to do so? And I want to all the list of ...
Pratap Penmetsa's user avatar
4 votes
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Salesforce Magento integration

I'm implementing salesforce magento integration through REST API callout. I have successfully got the response from magento and saved it in salesforce database. But facing issue while using ...
SalesforceElearner's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to get pdf file in response for Magento 2 rest api?

Currently Magento 2 is providing JSON and XML response in web REST API I want to include a custom response format PDF. So if any third-party will call our API then we can sen them PDF in response.
Hitesh Agrawal's user avatar
4 votes
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Magento 2 add customer address attribute to REST APIs response?

I have created customer address attribute "city_id" with setup script. I am able to save the value. but want to display the city_id field to the below apis json response. how we can we add city_id in ...
Nagaraju Kasa's user avatar
4 votes
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Get Navigation Filters Programmatically

I am developing API to get the navigation filters in catalog and search results page. Using the below code I'm able to get the available filters for a category. I need apply any of the filters to the ...
SIBHI S's user avatar
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How to get filter options using rest api in magento 2?

I want to know how to get filter options using rest api in magento 2 in product list category
Raj Kumar's user avatar
4 votes
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Adding extension attributes to Order API Endpoint

EDIT: updated with more code. I'm looking to add some more data to /rest/VI/orders/{orderID} through the use of extension attributes. I have read through various ways of doing this, but they seem ...
BigDaddyL's user avatar
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Magento 2.1 Rest API - Adding to Extension Attributes for VI/Orders/?searchcriteria

I have some custom data that I gather on checkout. Using etc/extension_attributes.xml, I was able to add this data to the extension_attributes output on VI/Order/#id, but when I use VI/Order?...
Todd's user avatar
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Sign Up With Avatar REST API Validation Error : Magento 2

I have this code for image attribute (avatar). app/code/Ibnab/CustomerPut/Setup/InstallData.php : <?php namespace Ibnab\CustomerPut\Setup; use Magento\Framework\Module\Setup\Migration; use ...
Jsparo30's user avatar
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Magento - Create order using REST API

I need to create place order using REST API. I want to help someone to create API. If you have any reference URL for perfect code please let me know.
Kartik Asodariya's user avatar
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How can I remove a custom attribute from a product via REST?

I can add or change a custom attribute of a product, i.e. via curl -X PUT --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --header "Accept: application/json" \ --header "Authorization: Bearer MYTOKEN" -d ...
Tim Riemenschneider's user avatar
4 votes
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REST API, find sales search with SKU

I have necessity to search sales with SKU in REST API in magento 2.1. Example: return all orders that have products with sku equals AAA. Use REST API and PHP Thank you
Biagio Gino Zingales Al's user avatar
4 votes
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Magento2 - Additional_option not coming in Order REST api

I am creating additional_option so that i can add option in cart and order detail and it is working fine in both way but problem is that when i try to fetch order data using REST api it is not getting ...
Bhupendra Jadeja's user avatar

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