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2 votes
1 answer

Custom helper in shell script?

I can execute a shell script from a custom php script. I have no trouble including the abstract.php, log a string or calling let's say the product model. Playing around with including parameters from ...
Thomas Coucke's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Problems extending core review block helper

I'm trying to extend the review block helper located at /app/code/core/core/Mage/Review/Block/Helper.php. I've created a new module at /app/code/local/MyModule/Review/Block/Helper.php which includes ...
Simon Bennett's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to get all module's helpers?

I need to get all module's helpers, can you explain me, how can i do it? PS: I see only one way - scandir() Helper directory and no more ideas.
Rakshazi's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Extend multiple classes from single helper

I have installed two third-party modules and one local module. I want to rewrite/ extend the Helper/Data.php of both third-party modules. Currently, I'm trying to do this from my local module's Helper/...
Martin's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Get the Request from current URI and pass it to helper

I'm fairly new in Magento, what I'm trying to do is to get the request from URL and get the specific Parameter from it then pass it to Helper, in helper I need to check that specific parameter and run ...
Saghi Ghorbani's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to use 'catalog/image' helper class features and Magento cache for non product images?

I know image helper class in catalog module serves good features for image related options like aspectratio, resize, frame etc.. . My Question is i have images like customer profile image and store ...
Manikandan Arunachalam's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How to Edit/Change name of wishlist etc [duplicate]

How to change/edit names in the top menu "Wishlist, My Cart and Checkout"?
azerqote's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

why magento use complicated method?

<form action="<?php echo $this->getPostActionUrl() ?>" method="post" id="form-validate"> and <form action="<?php echo $this->getUrl('customer/account/createpost'); ?>" ...
Vaibhav Ahalpara's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

In this code what this customer parameter means

In this code what this customer parameter mean $this->helper('customer')->getRegisterPostUrl();
Vaibhav Ahalpara's user avatar
3 votes
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Fatal error: Class 'Mage_Files_Helper_Data' not found in /public_html/app/Mage.php on line 547 [duplicate]

I have been installing new modules, which by all accounts are functioning as they should. I don't have much experience with Magento and have encountered the following error; Fatal error: Class '...
DanHoward's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How can I explicitly get product image URLs which use the insecure media URL as their base?

Our default site configuration uses a CDN for our insecure media URLs and no CDN for our secure media URLs. This is how things should work the majority of the time, but we have a case that needs to ...
STW's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

How display success message after submit the form

How display success a message after submit the form. This is my site a link
Ykiat90's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Managing System Configuration data in helper class (DRY Principle)

Just wondering how you guys code helper class for managing system configuration data for your module. May be this is opinion based but it's worth sharing the way of coding. I generally create a ...
MagePsycho's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

Helper vs Model? Which should I use?

I am working with the Instagram API in magento. I am giving coupons to my instagram followers if they follow our store on Instagram. I am making the API calls to instagram in PHP using curl. ...
Alex Lacayo's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Floating box I can't get rid of!

I'm looking to get rid of the bottom right empty box on the footer of my site - There used to be a FB box, we deleted it but the box stayed and can't get rid. Any tips? ...
Caliu's user avatar
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7 votes
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Difference between $this->helper and Mage::helper

Is the following codes in the phtml $this->helper('catalog/category') and Mage::helper('catalog/category') returns the same object? What is the meaning of using $this->helper() and Mage::...
Manikandan Arunachalam's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What's your take on using a custom helper in templates? [closed]

I'm faced with a problem where I can either make a helper in my extension to do some simple task or override multiple block class functions. This is a utility function, so I would typically make a ...
laketuna's user avatar
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2 answers

how to use '$this' outside of magento directory scope

I am using $smallUrl = $this->helper('catalog/image')->init($_newProduct,'image')->resize(200); this code to dynamically fetch images using ajax at root directory of Magento. but I think i ...
HungryDB's user avatar
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Why Is This Custom Module Helper Returning the Same Value In A Loop In A Template?

I have a custom module, called JLS_Composers, which is used to input a "composer." Each product can have one or more Composers associated with it (which is accomplished in the Product edit page). I ...
KevinD's user avatar
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Pages in different languages not updating [closed]

I have created an homepage for the 2 languages (es/en) my site is built in, however, despite the Page Information /content/ design etc being identical, the en version will simply not display the same ...
Caliu's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Use a helper in a layout

I want to call a helper in the main layout of my website. I added this within the part of the layout : <action method="addLink" translate="label title"> <label>About us</label&...
Laila's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

Rewrite catalog/image helper function for all pages but subcategory_listing

I am using a third party module which is rewriting catalog/image helper function for product images. <global> <models> <pio> <class>...
Simon K.'s user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

Fatal error: Class 'Mage_Rms_Helper_Data' not found in C:\wamp\www\app\Mage.php on line 546

I realize there are questions just like this one, but none of the answers apply to me so far. I am building a custom module that works, except the helper class won't load. I'm calling it with Mage::...
Pete Michaud's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Mage::getUrl returns admin url instead of frontend url

I have create an extension which used frontend as well as admin end. My config code is below. <frontend> <routers> <testimonial> <use>standard</use&...
Franc's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Mandatory Helper class for module admin panel settings

Why its mandatory to define a helper class for adding configuration to the admin panel ? i.e: I want to add some admin panel configuration to my module, So that when a user installed my module he/she ...
Michel Gokan Khan's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Where helper aliases of some of core modules defined?

This confuses me a bit. I wonder why I didn't notice it before. When I look for helper definition of Mage_Sales core module, it surprised me that, I couldn't find helper defintion there. This confuses ...
Rajeev K Tomy's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Dynamic rewrite of the payment/data helper

I'm currently going through the Magento Developer Certification Preparation Study Group Guide and doing the exercises. I've come across the following question and I have no idea what to do with it: ...
hammygoonan's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Mage::helper('catalog/category'); not displaying all categories

This was already asked in this thread but didn't get a correct response. I also did the two answers in the previous thread. I need Mage::helper('catalog/category'); to display all categories, not ...
user2772219's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Access input field values from form template in helper/controller classes

In a Magento checkout template there is a html tag for payment form: <ul class="form-list" id="payment_form_testmethod" style="display:none;"> <li> <input class="checkbox" ...
Qwerty's user avatar
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2 answers

require_once fails, but using a non-requested path, when including file from Helper class file

I have this helper class file (currently reachable): <?php require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/securimage/securimage.php'; class Milyuncarros_Mobile_Helper_Captcha extends Mage_Core_Helper_Abstract ...
Luis Masuelli's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Full Class Names in Magento's Factory Methods

In Magento 1, if I use the full Magento class name in a factory method, I'm able to instantiate an object //trying full class name instead of catalog/product $object = Mage::getModel('...
Alana Storm's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Frequently used functions in model or helper

I made a curl function so that I can make an api call. Now the function I created is in helper and I call it with Mage::helper('xyz')->curlGet($url). This works but I am not sure whether this is the ...
user's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Want to rewrite core Helper class (Mage::helper('core'))

i want rewrite magento helper core class Mage_Core_Helper_Data. I have try below code, but it is not working <?xml version="1.0" ?> <config> <global> ... &...
Amit Bera's user avatar
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Get store configuration variable for addLink in local.xml

I'm am using the addLink method of Mage_Page_Block_Template_Links in my local.xml, which uses links.phtml as a template. Is there some way of passing links.phtml the store email/phone addresses which ...
blisstdev's user avatar
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0 answers

Can only get simple product's thumbail or small_image but not both in helper function [duplicate]

I have a function to retrieve the URLs of a configurable product's simple product images in the product listing. The problem is, I am not able to retrieve both, but only small image OR thumbnail of ...
Socrates's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Fatal error: Class 'Mage_Framework_Helper_Data' not found in app/Mage.php When creating User Roles

I encountered a "Fatal error: Class 'Mage_Framework_Helper_Data' not found in /var/www/latest/app/Mage.php on line 547" when I clicked on create user roles. Please I need your help on how to solve ...
Korede Lawrence Oluwafemi's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Translation in a block class

I have a question about translation in block classes. In phtml files, $this->__() (A) is used to translate (or at least most commonly that I've seen). In Mage block classes, Mage::helper('...
laketuna's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Weird issue using addFieldToFilter via a helper method

I've got a really strange situation ! I'm new to magento, but this is looking really weird, hope anyone can help me with that ! Here is the controller action I have : public function ...
Mageek's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

use of <file> tag in layout?

<file> tag in layout file. I have use one third party extension. In their layout file they have use the below code. <action method="addJs"> <file helper="rewardssocial/...
MeenakshiSundaram R's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Mage_Catalog - missing <helpers> config node

In the Mage_Catalog module etc/config.xml there is no config node. However, catalog helpers can obviously still be loaded via Mage::helper. How is this possible?
Marty Wallace's user avatar
0 votes
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Where does images go after user uploads? - Magento 1.7

I'm having an issue with the Upload feature (Magento 1.7) on Magento custom options. I'm not able to find images after customer uploads. It's nowhere to be found when I check Magento backend and my ...
Sony's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Multiple Helpers in module

I know that if I add a helper to my module I need to declare it in config.xml using: <helpers> <module> <class>Namespace_Module_Helper</class> </module> &...
fuumind's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How can i use code from other pages into current page?

a question what can be useful to know is how to use code from other pages into the current page you are working on? e.g. I want to echo the total product count of the search query on list.phtml ...
E van O's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Referencing a helper class

I am trying to write a helper class for my module. The helper class will provide two methods with various functionality. Can I put this helper class beside the other helper class in my .../Helper/Data....
fuumind's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Rewrite Helper Class that implements interface

What I want to do is removing the price from the options in the bundled products in the cart. I made a folder Mage/Bundle/Helper/Catalog/Product/Configuration.php in my local folder and i copy/paste ...
vbak's user avatar
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What methods to replace in helper for Compare Products

I am trying to replace the helper that provides the compare box with the list of products added to it. My helper is going to get the product ids from a cookie instead of from Magentos session. My ...
fuumind's user avatar
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1 answer

File Name for custom helper

I am trying to replace the helper that provides the compare box with the list of products added to it. My helper is going to get the product ids from a cookie instead of from Magentos session. As I ...
fuumind's user avatar
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2 answers

Call helper method from cms template

Is it possible to call a helper method to output a variable in a cms template? Similar in fashion to the way helpers can be called in layout files such as: <node helper="myhelper/myhelpermethod" /...
Marty Wallace's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Running php files for dev and test purposes

When people are making changes to or adding new php files such as helpers what is the standard way of testing these. Should they be ran like a shell script first or through a browser.
develophper's user avatar
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1 answer

Helper methods and properties not present, class seems instantiated

NOTE: This appears to be compiler related. Disabling and clearing compiler code appears to have worked to get this doing what it was supposed to. So this one is a bit odd. I'm sure it's old hat to ...
Joe Mills's user avatar
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