Just wondering how you guys code helper class for managing system configuration data for your module.
May be this is opinion based but it's worth sharing the way of coding.
I generally create a Config.php helper class which extends from Data.php.
Dummy code looks like
class MagePsycho_Somemodule_Helper_Config extends MagePsycho_Somemodule_Helper_Data
/* here define all the system configuration fields without section name i.e. group/field */
const XML_PATH_ACTIVE = 'option/active';
const XML_PATH_ENABLE_LOG = 'option/enable_log';
/* and so on ... */
/* here get config value using const */
public function isActive($storeId = null)
return $this->getConfigValue(self::XML_PATH_ACTIVE, $storeId);
public function isLogEnabled($storeId = null)
return $this->getConfigValue(self::XML_PATH_ENABLE_LOG, $storeId);
/* and so on ... */
class MagePsycho_Somemodule_Helper_Data extends Mage_Core_Helper_Abstract
const MODULE_NAMESPACE_ALIAS = 'magepsycho_somemodule'; //your helper module alias and system.xml section node
public function getConfig()
return Mage::helper(self::MODULE_NAMESPACE_ALIAS . '/config');
public function getConfigValue($xmlPath, $storeId = null)
return Mage::getStoreConfig(self::MODULE_NAMESPACE_ALIAS . '/' . $xmlPath, $storeId);
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<magepsycho_somemodule module="magepsycho_somemodule">
<label>Some Module Info</label>
<option translate="label">
<label>General Settings</label>
<active translate="label">
<label>Module Enabled</label>
<enable_log translate="label">
<label>Log Enabled</label>
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
$helper = Mage::helper('magepsycho_somemodule');
$isActive = $helper->getConfig()->isActive();
$isLogEnabled = $helper->getConfig()->isLogEnabled();
Using this approach:
- You can easily move the fields to any groups (by just editing Config.php const values)
- Looks more DRY
- Isolates system config data in one place
Any room for improvement?
Please share your idea!