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11 votes

Getting 404 - Page Not Found after upgrading to

My solution, go to file app/Mage.php on line 808, replace $file = empty($file) ? 'system.log' : basename($file); to $file = empty($file) ? 'system.log' : $file; and comment the following line /...
Ansyori's user avatar
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8 votes

Magento 2.4.2 Window10 localhost Xampp 404 not found

Step 1: - We need to set document root to pub, to do this go to file C:\xampp\apache\conf\extra\httpd-vhosts.conf <VirtualHost *:80> DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/magento24/pub" ...
Sonal- TheCoachSMB's user avatar
6 votes

Magento 2: "404 Not Found" when calling a controller

You need some little modification. Jurgis/Twilio/registration.php \Magento\Framework\Component\ComponentRegistrar::register( \Magento\Framework\Component\ComponentRegistrar::MODULE, '...
Sohel Rana's user avatar
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4 votes

Product Page Not Found Error after adding new or updating existing products

It seems like Magento is trying to load a store that doesn't exists, in Mage_Core_Model_App->getStore(5) it throws a Store Exception. Try to check if a store with ID 5 exists and is active.
Niels's user avatar
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4 votes

Following products with requested skus were not found:

Keeping this here in case someone else experiences the same problem from a Magento 1 migration. I've had a look at the file where the exception is triggered from (\vendor\magento\module-inventory-...
Chris's user avatar
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2 votes

Magento 1.8 - Class 'Mage_Helloworld_Helper_Data' not found

I had to change my code to this: <global> <helpers> <helloworld> <class>Webkochshop_HelloWorld_Helper</class> </helloworld> <...
Black's user avatar
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2 votes

Fatal error: Class Helper_Data' not found in app\Mage.php

There are two possibilities: 1) Either you declared your helper in the config.xml and you did not create it in the module NameSpace/NameModule/Helper/Data.php 2) Either you created it in the module ...
PЯINCƎ's user avatar
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2 votes

Magento 2.4.2 Window10 localhost Xampp 404 not found

This is not a Magento issue, most likely your question will be closed. This seems to be a XAMPP issue. You will have to set up a virtual host in your XAMPP. Learn how to setup Virtual Host in your ...
Adarsh Khatri's user avatar
1 vote

Magento 2.3 requirejs-config.js is empty on production mode

As your store is in production mode so you have to run deploy command for each language using this command : php bin/magento setup:upgrade && php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy en_US ...
Hiren Patel's user avatar
1 vote

Magento2 Requested store not found error while registration

It can be solved by modifying StoreManager.php (/vendor/magento/module-store/Model/StoreManager.php) If $storeId is not defined: It retrieve data from COOKIE first, otherwise return the default store ...
Pramod's user avatar
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1 vote

Class Dotdigitalgroup\Email\Model\ResourceModel\Catalog\CollectionFactory does not exist

First, make sure the module is enabled. php bin/magento module:status Second, make sure that you have run php bin/magento setup:upgrade If you are not in developer mode, runphp bin/magento setup:di:...
Shawn Abramson's user avatar
1 vote

Magento 1.8 - Class 'Mage_Helloworld_Helper_Data' not found

Try this: <global> <helpers> <Webkochshop_HelloWorld> <class>Webkochshop_HelloWorld_Helper</class> </Webkochshop_HelloWorld> &...
kunj's user avatar
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