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11 votes

Magento 2 : When adding 10 (or any number) products to cart with the same sku is there a way to not increment?

If every time want to add a separate product in cart, then you can pluginize representProduct method located in Magento\Quote\Model\Quote\Item Your [Vendor]/[Module]/etc/di.xml looks like below <?...
Murtuza Zabuawala's user avatar
4 votes

Magento 2 : When adding 10 (or any number) products to cart with the same sku is there a way to not increment?

You can list all the products with same sku in the same row by overriding quote item model's representProduct() function , which defines how the product will be represented in cart during the creation ...
Vivek Kumar's user avatar
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3 votes

How to check if user is a b2b user?

You can use below line in your phtml to get customer's group ID <?php $customerGroupId = $this->helper('Magento\Checkout\Helper\Cart')->getCart()->getCustomerSession()->...
Kishan Savaliya's user avatar
3 votes

Redirected automatically to a store view based on a user group (B2C & B2B) - M2

Yes, it will redirect to specific store view but when you click any page it will redirect to a default store page. because you set only redirect path not set store, so once go to another page it will ...
Chirag Patel's user avatar
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3 votes

Magento 2 How can I stop Google to index my product image and details?

In admin Go to: Content -> Design -> Configuration Edit Global settings In Search Engine Robots tab: Select Default Robots value to "Noindex, Nofollow" Flush cache. In addition You can also ...
Shoaib Munir's user avatar
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3 votes

Add a custom attribute to company in magento 2.2.2 for B2B

I am assuming that you have your custom column added in the database and custom field present on the admin company edit page in the General section. For reading the column value from the database ...
user1765811's user avatar
2 votes

Request a Quote for normal customer - Magento 2.2.2 EE

No Request a quote feature of Magento 2 EE B2B is only available for company account user. A company user/Business Account owner who want to purchased a huge amount of bulk products can do ...
Manthan Dave's user avatar
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After install B2B extension storefront not working properly - Magento 2.2.2 EE

Here's a snippet form the Magento For B2B Commerce User Guide: If Shared Catalog is enabled in the configuration, the original master catalog continues to be visible from the Admin, but only ...
Ethan Yehuda's user avatar
2 votes

where is B2B extension in Magento 2.2 EE?

First - you need to install B2B extension for Magento 2.2 EE Separately after installing your magento 2.2 EE. Below is the steps to install the B2B extensions : Change to your Magento installation ...
Manthan Dave's user avatar
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2 votes

Does Magento 2 Open Source (CE) supports B2B?

Here answer is simple no, Magento by default does not provide this features. For this purpose you can use Marketplace extension that converts your store to marketplace Here are some example ...
Murtuza Zabuawala's user avatar
2 votes

Europe VAT TAX problem

Although it might be that your problem is already solved, I want to add an answer. To solve "If I signup as a UK, DE, PT or any user or company in Europe Magento doesn't bill me the VAT": You need to ...
EssGee's user avatar
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2 votes

How to achieve customization for dealer functionality or extension

You can not get exactly same module that will fulfill your requirements, but you can customize magento functionality and add some relevant modules that are close to your requirements https://...
Shoaib Munir's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I remove b2b module links in the header?

Try with below code. Add default.xml file in below path. app/design/frontend/vendor/theme/Magento_Theme/layout/default.xml For remove Requisition Lists link add below code. <referenceBlock ...
Chirag Patel's user avatar
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2 votes

Add a custom attribute to company in magento 2.2.2 for B2B

This looks like an older thread, but the following worked for me. You can also add your own extension attribute with its own data model/table, and use the db_schema.xml file instead of an install/...
bencekiss's user avatar
2 votes

Redirected automatically to a store view based on a user group (B2C & B2B) - M2

Try to set store in cookie with specific store code by using below code protected $_storeRepository; protected $_storeCookieManager; protected $_storeManagerInterface; public ...
Ranganathan's user avatar
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2 votes

How to get customer and company data in a CSV file from MySQL?

You can use MySQL INNER JOIN to do it. This script is going to help you with it: SELECT customer_grid_flat.entity_id ,, customer_grid_flat.billing_company, company_erp.`...
Rafael Corrêa Gomes's user avatar
2 votes

How to change quotes expiration date on Magento B2B?

You can change it by accessing Stores > Configuration > Sales > Quotes > General > Default Expiration Period, as you can see in the image below, you'll find an option for it.
Rafael Corrêa Gomes's user avatar
1 vote

Observe requisition list add to cart event

I ended up having create a plugin for afterPlaceItemsInCart in \Magento\RequisitionList\Model\RequisitionListManagement. Below is the basics of what I used. <?php namespace Vendor\Module\Plugin\...
DiddleDot's user avatar
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1 vote

Magento 2.4 B2B - How to disable buy action and allow quotes?

You won't need custom code for it, you might be able to disable your checkout via the admin panel in the configuration below. Disabling checkout Admin > Stores > Settings > Configuration > ...
Rafael Corrêa Gomes's user avatar
1 vote

Magento2 Assign company name to customer while placing an order

Check Company User Roles and Permissions
Shivanand Chary's user avatar
1 vote

Magento 2 B2B feature of EE

We have used B2B of Webkul in one of our Website: This is very useful Plugin of B2B Market Place, Link : Click here Or if you want, you have some more option: One, two. Customer Quotation Module - ...
Oscprofessionals's user avatar
1 vote

2.2 B2B - Error when editing company

I finally had the time to return to this task and debug it properly using xDebug, and found the issue: A preference for the Save Controller had been created by a previous developer which was missing ...
Joseph Leedy's user avatar
1 vote

Magento 2 : When adding 10 (or any number) products to cart with the same sku is there a way to not increment?

Same sku/product in cart can vary by options (like a fake custom option). When the product is added to cart (Add to cart button), you need to send an unique parameter for each type of customer or ...
Daniel Ifrim's user avatar
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1 vote

Is magento 2 open source version support Business to Business ( B2B) and Business to Customer(B2C) system?

No - By default with Magento 2 (Open Source ) there is no functionality related to B2B system. Open source is only used for B2C kind of services where buyer can sell the products and customer can ...
Manthan Dave's user avatar
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1 vote

Does Magento 2 Open Source (CE) supports B2B?

I am agree with Martuza answers, but you are missing CedCommerce, " it's proving affordable pricing packages.... "
Pradeep's user avatar
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