I have made a child theme off Luma and am on 2.2.6. Company Structure, Requisition Lists, and Send Invitations are all links on the drop down in the header. I tried this- How to add or remove header.links in magento2? and it works for other links but not these b2b links. How can I find the name to remove or is there a different way?
1 Answer
Try with below code.
Add default.xml file in below path.
For remove Requisition Lists link add below code.
<referenceBlock name="requisition.list.link" remove="true"/>
For remove company Structure link add below code.
<referenceBlock name="company.link" remove="true"/>
For remove send Invitations link add below code.
<referenceBlock name="invitation_link_top" remove="true"/>
Then don't forgot to run below command.
php bin/magento c:c
php bin/magento c:f