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Magento 2: Custom emails display Admin URL instead of Store URL in the logo link

Email header logo link uses <a class="logo" href="{{store url=""}}"> Display instead of I am using same email header in all email ...
Arun Sharma's user avatar
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How can I check email template variable empty or not in mail template in Magento 2?

I want to check the mail template variable is empty or not in my custom mail template I do follow code in that {if $data.nature_of_business != ''}} <li><strong>{{trans "Nature of ...
Jay Parmar's user avatar
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Magento2- Email template not being translated

I have created a custom email template, all works well everything is shown, except when I use the trans dictionary to translate a string from English to German, the translation does not seem to work. ...
Petar Borisovski's user avatar
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Magento 2: How to translate %changes in email templates

There are some email templates that use variable %changes and I'm not able to translate the text (password) it outputs. How do I translate it? I have tried CSV file with no luck. Here is an example ...
Webninja's user avatar
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Email Template Error with spanish characters

I am sending a custom email, the custom template data is in Spanish. if the template is in the English language it's working perfectly. but in Spanish language, it shows me unknown error. it's not ...
Ashish Viradiya's user avatar
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Email not sending from admin in magento2

If I can place an order from the frontend, then the order email was sent successfully. But in the admin side, (Invoice, shipment, notify, send email) Email is not sending in live. But both side ...
Mahi M's user avatar
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Email templates - variables names get translated instead of showing the value

I'm using magento 2.2.6. My email templates are displaying the translation of the variable used and not their value. I have installed a translation pack for Romanian.
Cristi Daniliuc's user avatar
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Share wishlist email not being sent

Emails are being sent correctly (subsription, registration, etc...), but the share wishlist email is not being sent. Email is not present in admin panel system/tools/SMTPPro - Email Log. Where I ...
Alex's user avatar
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Change layout var date email

Inside a transactional email whe print a date attribute, using the following code: {{var quote.followup}} This only displays the date as 2017-12-11 00:00:00 How can I change that into Mondag 11 ...
JGeer's user avatar
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included translation inside block in email template

I'm wondering does it's possible to use translation inside the block that include in email template. It's my piece of code email template: {{block class='Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template' area=...
corey's user avatar
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Where is .cvs file for the email translation in Magento2

I want to change some styles and translation in: the body, the name that appear in "name from" of the inbox and subject of the mails of Magento is sending. Where are need to make the changes? I'm ...
Maggie Fortelli's user avatar
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Magento2: can't translate transactional email phrases

I'm trying to translate some custom transactional email templates but I have some problems. In the templates (mycustomtheme/Magento_Sales/email), strings are the same of the default luma ones. If I ...
Mirko's user avatar
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Magento 2: order email does not translate

I am working with Magento version 2.0.7. I set up the de_DE.csv file in my own theme and put all the translation text for email into this CSV file. However, when I try to create a new order and ...
Nguyễn Hồng Quang's user avatar
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Sending custom emails in Magento2.1

I am creating a new module for inquiry submission. After form is submitted my control comes on my post controller under my index sub-folder inside controller folder. I want to achieve two things in ...
Sourabh Modi's user avatar
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Translate order email

I want to translate the totals row in Magento 2 in the order e-mail. The strings are: Shipping & Handling / Grand Total. I edited both in the i18N file, but it doesn't change in the email. I have ...
RobinV91NL's user avatar
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How to send mail to customer and owner from custom tech support form?

How to send mail to customer and owner from custom tech support form ? my Template Content is Name: {{var}} E-mail: {{var}} Day: {{var}} Telephone: {{var data....
Vaibhav Ahalpara's user avatar
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Translating Currency Symbol in Transactional Emails

Is it possible to translate the currency symbol within transactional emails? For example I want to change USD to US.
Francis Kim's user avatar
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transactionnal email variable

I'm trying to change something in Magento's automatic email. The text of {{layout handle="sales_email_order_items" order=$order}} is this one : Subtotal : xx € Shipping & Handling : xx € (...) ...
Malerick's user avatar
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PHP (Translations) in email templates [duplicate]

I wrote a module which actions get triggered by a cronjob. The action says that I lookup the orders made between X days ago and NOW. With the information I want to send out an feedback mail to the ...
paskl's user avatar
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