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Questions tagged [billing-address]

Denotes questions about customer billing address which is used in checkout process

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2 answers

How to remove Billing Address from Onepage checkout Magento

I am trying to remove the Billing address step from the Onepage checkout page in Magento, but facing issues. Can anybody please suggest how to remove the step from checkout page in magento. I tried ...
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Is there a way to edit the pre stored address in the Onepage checkout page?

My issues, After launching the website I have made some of the street lines mandatory, which was not initially. So some of the customers already have address stored without the new mandatory street ...
ted's user avatar
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find the root to not handling new lines \n \n\n in addresses

I have been searching for a bit on why I'm getting \n in addresses. I have been searching in the templates, adding lines like <?php echo str_replace('\\n',' ', $this->getAddressHtml(Mage::...
Quantum's user avatar
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How can I load Billing address from sales_flat+order_address first then shipping after?

I've been trying for hours to load the billing address from the sales_flat_order_address table then I would like to get the shipping address but for some reason the shipping loads first. I'm using ...
user1704524's user avatar
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4 answers

Why the input element id's for one-page-checkout are in "type:elementname" format?

Why magento One-Page-Checkout page has the input fields with Id's that cannot be referred to any CSS attributes or by a javascript / jquery? Does this holds any security measures ? or it can be ...
Dev's user avatar
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Custom attribute on billing address not added

I would like to add a custom attribute on billing address module. Below are my Code: app/etc/modules/Ucs_BillAddress.xml <?xml version="1.0"?> <config> <modules> <...
Anto S's user avatar
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Ship to certain countries but allow any country in billing address

My company only ships to a few countries but we would like to allow billing addresses from additional countries we do not ship to. How can I change the countries available in the dropdowns for ...
Peter's user avatar
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changing default selection of ship to billing address to ship to different billing address

I would like to remove the Ship to this address from the onepage checkout and customer should type the billing address. When I browse solution for this I found few recommendation as below. Nagivate ...
Anto S's user avatar
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How to remove telephone number as required field in billing and shipping on admin side?

How to change telephone number to not being required on the admin side billing and shipping information? Could this be done with some SQL query?
Webjuice's user avatar
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2 answers

Problem while Placing orders

When some one places an order, few other strange products are also getting added along with the selected product. And the address of the customer ends up with some wierd symbols and characters. The ...
Trinadh venna's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Parsing Billing Address

I am having a little trouble with Magento's invoice PDF. Specifically, I want to change the address formatting. For example, currently Magento outputs names and addresses under the Billing Address ...
Ivan Alvarado's user avatar
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Magento change billing address sequence

On Magento orders and invoices the seguence is city, state, postal code. I'm living in Holland and I would like to change it on orders and invoices to postcal code, city, state Example L.A., ...
Peter's user avatar
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Add text to dropdown list of country options billing checkout form

I would like to display the shipping costs in my dropdown list of countries (shipping) options. Preferably through a php request, as follows: Guessing I need to add to/or modify this piece in my ...
magin's user avatar
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Change registered customer biliing email address on the time of checkout

I am trying to implement one functionality where logged in user can able to change the billing email address on the time of checkout. I have tried to do that but all the time it updates customer ...
monojit banik's user avatar
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Onepagecheckout -> Programmatically fill out shipping form with billing address (guest)

Onepagecheckout: If I jump back to shipping address (i.e. from step shipping method or payment method) then I do see an empty shipping address form. Since I "force" the customers to use billing ...
Stefan's user avatar
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1 answer

Limit billing countries while leaving all shipping countries

I have 3 Magento sites (not multiSite),, 1.8.1, and 1.9.1. I followed the instructions here > Allow multiple countries for billing but restrict for shipping I can't seem to limit the ...
docwho's user avatar
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How can I add the Company Name to the Billing Address information in a new order email?

How can I add the Company Name to the Billing Address information in a new order email? I would like to see the customer name, company name (which is a required field), and the rest of the address. ...
Jay's user avatar
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2 answers

Customer billing and shipping address with abbreviated state drop down for USA

With magento 1.9CE i want to display drop down for states abbreviations instead of full state names on the billing and shipping address on the checkout page Is there is a quick and easy way i could ...
Amit Vig's user avatar
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How can I create and retrieve default billing address programatically?

Our site imports customers from external data sources. Part of this import is creating a default billing address from external data if none exists. I have followed advice from other questions, as ...
Jon Surrell's user avatar
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How to delete empty select option value in magento

In the checkout process of magento, customers are allowed to select countries. In administration in magento administrator is allowed to restricted shipping only to selected or one country, in my case ...
user15151's user avatar
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billing and shipping address should have different address

If i changed the "billing address" by clicking "change billing address" automatically both "billing and shipping address" are changing.... I want " if we change billing address, only billing address ...
Baby in Magento's user avatar
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How to validate shipping address per product by city and restrict user [closed]

I am using Magento 1.9 . I want to create product and make available in only specific cities. And also I want to restrict users on checkout when they select product to ship in the city where the ...
Ahsan Horani's user avatar
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Billing address not being saved to quote

I have a problem with Onepage checkout not saving customer billing address to the quote. When I add a new address then refresh the page the address is removed. If I var_dump the current checkout/...
user1704524's user avatar
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Received order from a "blocked" country

since the magentocommerce board isn't available for new topics I give it a try on StackExchange. Today we received an order from a "blocked" country (not allowed via country options). Our customer ...
TobiasJ's user avatar
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Check if it is new address on Payment method step

Is there any way to check via PHP, whether user selected new address in billing step? Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session')->getQuote()->getBillingAddress()->getCustomerAddressId(); ...
SOlearner's user avatar
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3 answers

How to remove street city field from billing address in checkout?

Is it possible to remove the address street city field from billing information in checkout page in magento? As already try in abstract page but it's not done, then to try in database to change ...
Sunil Kumar Nayak's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

how to remove street address country city from billing information in magento

how to remove street address country city from billing information in checkout page.i want to remove these above compulsory fields at the time of checkout i tried it in abstract page but it ...
Sunil Kumar Nayak's user avatar
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1 answer

Disable billing address edit

is there a way to prevent Billing Address modification by all users? After entering billing address in registration i don't want to let users modificate it. Thank you very much.
Mario Villani's user avatar
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Displaying a selectable list in Onepage Checkout and adding the selected item to an order [closed]

All, This question is an extension to my previous post: I need to override an Account email address with a Billing email address when Placing the Order which I could not get working, or figure out ...
Eyeful Of Life's user avatar
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I need to override an Account email address with a Billing email address when Placing the Order

I have looked at various ways of doing this, but is there a simple way to simply capture the email address entered on the Billing Information form and overriding the Account Email address when ...
Eyeful Of Life's user avatar
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Custom field for new order new customer [duplicate]

I want to add 'Business name' field to billing and shipping address form in creating new customer while creating new order from admin. How can I do that?
user9748's user avatar
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When is an address saved to the customer?

When is an address saved in the customer? I mean, is it in the checkout process when saveBilling is called? Or is in the conversion from quote to order when saveOrder is called? In this question, ...
mbalparda's user avatar
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Different Payment Method based on billing Country

I am migrating an e-commerce site to Magento. I need to use different payment methods depending on the billing country. Default site currency is USD. Any orders with a non-Canadian billing address ...
Jesse Wilson's user avatar
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Change shipping and billing address from order programmatically

How can i change shipping and billing adress from order programmatically? I tried this but don't work. $shippingAddress = Mage::getModel('sales/order_address') ->setFirstname("value") ->...
aceveve's user avatar
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1 answer

Using different address template for billing and shipping

One of my customer need to have on the invoice two different address template. We need to "remove" from billing the "lastname name" like the following example Billing to: company name address ...
Giuseppe's user avatar
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Onepage checkout - Load last used billing address

On checkout, I'd like the Billing section to load - by default - the last (saved) address that the customer checked out with by default, as opposed to the primary billing address. I looked at app/...
Moose's user avatar
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