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9 votes

Magento2 : How to call Newsletter in PWA

This code is to add newsletter in the footer, the code is based on venia concept package. change as per your need. Here you have to create REST Api module for newsletter in Magento, there is free ...
Ashish Viradiya's user avatar
2 votes

React with Magento 2

As an alternative, you can take a look at GraphCommerce. A Reactjs storefront for Magento 2 and Adobe Commerce. It's built with Reactjs, Nextjs, Typescript, Mui and it is open source. It seems to meet ...
Erwin Otten's user avatar
2 votes

How to use magento 2 rest api in react js

In your React component call a fetch request like below: import React from "react"; function App() { fetch("http://localhost/magento2/rest/V1/categories") .then((response) => response.json()) ...
S N Sakib's user avatar
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2 votes

Magento 2 PWA custom router

Found Documentation and I've manage to add custom route. ref:
Juliano Vargas's user avatar
2 votes

Want to call magento2 rest api from react js

I go the solution Go to your site config file for example nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/ and add Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*" as below <VirtualHost *:80&...
Hitesh Agrawal's user avatar
2 votes

How to develop frontend using React js Magento 2.4.4

You can check the following: 1] - It is a talk on Integrating a ReactJS frontend in Magento 2 2] - This is a simple ...
Vishal Beriya's user avatar
2 votes

How to Implement React.Js in Magento 2?

You can start with PWA studio, since their documentation is quite extensive. PWA studio repository You can also learn from third party Magento 2 React.js PWA storefronts: Deity falcon. Built with ...
Erwin Otten's user avatar
2 votes

How to Implement React.Js in Magento 2?

You can use Progressive Web App (PWA) in Magento 2. It uses react js. PWA official tutorial link Minimum Requirements: Basic knowledge of React NodeJS >=10.14.1 LTS Yarn >=1.13.0
Dipak Prajapati's user avatar
2 votes

How to Implement React.Js in Magento 2?

You can check following: - It is a talk on Integrating a ReactJS frontend in Magento 2 - This is a simple module ...
Anshu Mishra's user avatar
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2 votes

Magento PWA Studio: Where's my React At?

(Your question was partially answered by the PWA Studio team via twitter already, but here we go anyway.) Is there a straight forward answer to this? No, there is not. The official stand of the PWA ...
Jisse Reitsma's user avatar
1 vote

Include jquery library in PWA Venia setup

I have checked your FierWork.js file please add the external js code like this into the file, here do not import another file for only one js script. please replace your FierWork.js file code with ...
Rohit Gohel's user avatar
1 vote

Display Text only in PDP Page

I have one solution for your issue, I have solved this issue using the CSS method not any conditional and logical method below I have added steps to solve this issue if you are okay with going with ...
Rohit Gohel's user avatar
1 vote

Add custom button below wishlist button in PDP

Here I have added a button code placed after WishlistButton button code line no. 984 into your file <button className="custom-button" style={{ background: linear-gradient(...
Rohit Gohel's user avatar
1 vote

Buy Now button not clickable in PLP Page

Please replace your const addButton code with this code. this is your code const addButton = customOptions && customOptions.length > 0 ? ( <a id=&...
Rohit Gohel's user avatar
1 vote

Magento 2 PWA Update <title> in custom component

To update <title> tag in custom component: import { Meta, Title } from 'location-to-head-component/lib/components/Head'; Then return: return ( <> <Title>you-title-...
Juliano Vargas's user avatar
1 vote

Magento2 - Magento Headless

Instead of "headless" think of it as "faceless"--in that the backend still exists, but the content is displayed via API (or similar) elsewhere, instead of necessarily on a dedicated, Magento website. ...
gnicko's user avatar
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1 vote

React with Magento 2

The pwa-studio project is doing exactly what you are looking to do, only it's using graphQL where possible (m2 is still working on full graphQL support, so where there are gaps the pwa-studio project ...
circlesix's user avatar
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1 vote

Magento 2 : How to create simple example of React JS Module?

Magento PWA GraphCommerce features a react Magento 2 example project, components, and it's simple to set up.
Erwin Otten's user avatar
1 vote

Magento 2 : How to create simple example of React JS Module?

ReactJs has been seen at some places related to frontend but I haven't done it by myself yet. Here is a link to a Magento module from Git which can assist you to make a demo for yourself. https://...
Waseem Aslam's user avatar

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