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9 votes

What are the top useful Phpstorm plugins for Magento 2 development?

1) PHPStorm with XDebug: PHPStorm is my favorite IDE. It is an advanced IDE for PHP developers. Many developers still use only var_dump and die to debug the system. From my experience, these ...
Khoa TruongDinh's user avatar
5 votes

Xdebug PhpStorm: Explain about the step into and step out

This isn't really a Magento-related question but I am happy to answer it. Step Into means that you will follow the code execution into the next function to fire. Step Out is exactly the opposite. ...
Shawn Abramson's user avatar
5 votes

What are the top useful Phpstorm plugins for Magento 2 development?

Magicento help for development (printscreen).
St3phan's user avatar
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5 votes

magento dev:urn-catalog:generate command fails to detect secret file

Try to create the .idea folder before run the bin/magento dev:urn-catalog:generate .idea/misc.xml If running Linux, from magento root folder: mkdir .idea && bin/magento dev:urn-catalog:...
Jorge Henrique's user avatar
4 votes

How to enable GraphQL schema intelligence?

I used this following article. There are still some errors, so I think there may be other config settings needed. Select the GraphQL tab in the bottom frame Click + sign, choose a base directory, and ...
ptrollins's user avatar
3 votes

Unkown directive in JS GraphQL

After some trials, I found the way to solve this tedious problem. I report here my solution, hoping it would be useful for others encountering such issue. First, you need to properly setup the config ...
Pasquale's user avatar
  • 218
3 votes

Fatal error: Class 'Codeception\Platform\Extension' not found. Issue occurred after magento 2.3.0 upgrade to 2.3.1

BackGround: Problem occurred after using the cli upgrade method method mentioned here. First enable the maintenance mode so that website becomes inaccessible. bin/magento maintenance:enable For ...
PhantomS's user avatar
  • 503
2 votes

What are the top useful Phpstorm plugins for Magento 2 development?

for code standard, use PHPMD & PHPCS
Ansyori's user avatar
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2 votes

Which Magento 2 directories can I exclude in PhpStorm?

All listed directories are okay there. But instead of few sub directories of var folder, you can exclude entire var folder. Like pub folder.
Kishan Patadia's user avatar
2 votes

default.xml showing error "Cannot resolve symbol 'string'" in PHP Storm IDE

As you can see in the first line phpStorm does not know the XSD schemas. You can either add this manually (open settings and search for DTS) or run: bin/magento dev:urn-catalog:generate .idea/misc....
sv3n's user avatar
  • 11.7k
2 votes

Magento 2 UI component- Element argument is not allowed here

Other than the solution which install Magento2 Plugin in PhpStorm, we could also use the Magento official CLI command: bin/magento dev:urn-catalog:generate .idea/misc.xml It will generate the urn ...
Key Shang's user avatar
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2 votes

Magento 2 UI component- Element argument is not allowed here

Go to File > Setting > Plugins > search text ('Magento2'); install this plugin after that click regenerated urn map and reindex in Magento2 Plugin config . Good luck!
xanka's user avatar
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2 votes

How to setup permissions for Bitnami Virtual Machine and PhpStorm?

I kind of solved this, but remember not to use this solution when you are on a production machine! By default, the bitnami VM is configured with the correct permissions and with a one-user approach. ...
szabkel's user avatar
  • 143
2 votes

Is there a good way to ignore comment-only changes in Magento version upgrades?

Ever since Magento version 2.2.0, Magento no longer incorporates the current year in their copyright notices. Magento backported this into version 2.1.13 as well.
Jason Carter's user avatar
2 votes

Waiting for incoming connection with ide key 'xxxxx'

Please follow these steps: from the official documentation. Also, as far as I know Xdebug’s default debugging ...
Diana's user avatar
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2 votes

Is it possible for PHPStorm to follow Magento syntax module/template declaration in XML files?

There is an official plugin for PHPStorm - It should help P.S. It's required to enable plugin in settings
Vladyslav Sikailo's user avatar
1 vote

How to write integration test for below condition?

I havent tested it but it should look something like this: <?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace CustomWeb\FrontendStop\Test\Controller\Index; use CustomWeb\FrontendStop\Controller\Index\...
Ahmad's user avatar
  • 618
1 vote

Add magento 2 module in ubuntu error

Add below line on /var/www/myshop/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php(434) echo "Class: ".$file."\n"; After adding please run php bin/magento setup:di:compile command. and check the ...
Charmi Patel's user avatar
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1 vote

What function do I use to replace the depreciated escapeJs()?

In the block has $escaper already, you need to use that. Here is the example: <?php /** * @var \Magento\Framework\Escaper $escaper */ ?> Now you can use: $escaper->escapeJs()
Sohel Rana's user avatar
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1 vote

How to deal with API integrations and deployment when developing locally for magento?

I have limited experience with containers. But I have developed Magento APIs in a local environment. I am personally a fan of PHPStorm. It has a few plugins for symfony and Magento that are quite ...
Hunter's user avatar
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1 vote

How to debug Magento 2.3 queue's consumers with Xdebug?

First verify XDebug is enabled for CLI PHP: php -i | grep xdebug Set these environment variables in the (SSH) shell of the Magento instance, you may need to change the port and host: export ...
Jeroen Vermeulen's user avatar
1 vote

Fatal error: Class 'Codeception\Platform\Extension' not found. Issue occurred after magento 2.3.0 upgrade to 2.3.1

composer require magento/magento2-functional-testing-framework:"2.3.13" allure-framework/allure-codeception:"1.3.0" allure-framework/allure-phpunit:"1.2.3" --dev This is the smallest composer update ...
Oleksii Nalivkin's user avatar
1 vote

What are the top useful Phpstorm plugins for Magento 2 development?

I love PHP Inspections, probably the best plugin out there for PHPStorm. Here are my top 5 plugins for PHPStorm: PHP Inspections (EA Extended) Framework Support Plugin (Symfony) Key Promoter X ...
ganchclub's user avatar
1 vote

Making PHPStorm recognize magic getter

It’s not a perfect solution, but there is a workaround that is good enough for me. Essentially, you can make PHPStorm downgrade the warning by toggling this option.
fantasticrice's user avatar

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