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6 votes

Dotmailer connector API endpoint cannot be empty

I've created a github issue to look at this: We've identified a cron job that is attempting to initialise the api without ...
simon-letch's user avatar
6 votes

You need to choose options for your item even if option is chosen - Magento 2

You need to check what parameters we are sending in post data.when we select color and size so it select their option id and these option id sent in post data.So you need to check Post data in ...
Shubham Khandelwal's user avatar
5 votes

503 Error Area Code Is Not Set

I believe this issue can be resolved by increasing your redis max_concurrency value in app/etc/env.php, try stepping it above what you have now a little. Don't use 999999 ;) 'session' => array(...
Luke Rodgers's user avatar
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4 votes

Installed Magento 2, tried to go to the Magento Frontend/Admin in Chrome, but only get "This site can’t be reached"

Please try to run below commands sudo a2ensite magento2.conf sudo systemctl restart apache2 And also add your URL in /etc/hosts sudo nano /etc/hosts If on windows remember to ...
Kishan Savaliya's user avatar
3 votes

Magento 2 changing from production to developer I get error Element 'remove': This element is not expected

Find "<remove" this sting in your app folder. you will find like below code: <remove name=""/> remove this, its alternative, you need to add remove="true" attribute in ...
Prashant Valanda's user avatar
3 votes

Magento 2.3.1 is not working in Xampp

Try editing the Validator file from vendor folder with namespace Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template\File At around line 138 replace code with this one $realPath = str_replace('\\', '/',$this-...
fmsthird's user avatar
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3 votes

After installation, I have problems with Magento 2

The issue is occur because after install magento 2 you haven't deploy its static content. So magento 2 unable to find your css and js. To resolve this issue run below commands in the root directory ...
Manthan Dave's user avatar
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3 votes

Exception #0 (Magento\Framework\Config\Dom\ValidationException): Element 'css': This element is not expected

It sounds as if there's a layout file which has a <css> node where it shouldn't be. If you're using bash/zsh, run the grep command below and it should point you in the right direction as to ...
Rhys - SproutDesk's user avatar
3 votes

TypeError: require.config is not a function in Magento 2

Please check mod_rewrite enabled in your server and also check the directory symlinks like this in your server. Open /etc/apache2/apache2.conf <Directory /var/www/> Options Indexes ...
Jeeva Chezhiyan's user avatar
3 votes

Reset password not working in magento 2.4.5

I have managed to fix this issue with Porto theme. I renamed the below two files, and clear caches and it starts working again. app/design/frontend/Smartwave/porto/Magento_Customer/templates/form/...
Sandeep Nair's user avatar
3 votes

How do I disable Two-Factor Authentication properly?

Please run the following command, and the site will be up. The website is broken because you have not deployed static content. php -d memory_limit=-1 bin/magento module:disable Magento_TwoFactorAuth ...
Msquare's user avatar
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2 votes

404 error in custom module frontname

The extension requires to be configured from the backend first before you start using it for the frontend. There are many settings, without which the extension will not work. The controller's ...
Mohit Kumar Arora's user avatar
2 votes

Magento2 : Getting error in console customer-data.js:86

It turns out that customer-data.js uses the localStorage to store a variety of stuff (probably for caching purposes). This means that when a module (or Magento) updates, you'd better make sure to ...
Amit Naraniwal's user avatar
2 votes

Magento2: Customer name is not showing on product page

You need to add this below line in your header.phtm file : <span data-bind="text: customer().fullname ? $t('Welcome, %1!').replace('%1', customer().fullname) : '<?=$block->escapeHtml($...
Rohan Hapani's user avatar
  • 17.5k
2 votes

Magento 2.3.0 How to add store filter in searchCriteriaBuilder

If you want to pass multiple storeId to Filter You can use in for multi-store select. So your code looks like below : $searchCriteria = $this->searchCriteriaBuilder ->...
Himanshu's user avatar
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2 votes

TypeError: require.config is not a function in Magento 2

please check it pub/static/ inside htaccess exits or not same path pub/media/ inside check it after all command apply it
Rv Singh's user avatar
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2 votes

TypeError: require.config is not a function in Magento 2

I solved this problem by running: php bin/magento setup:upgrade php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Kowsigan Atsayam's user avatar
2 votes

Magento 2: Unable to unserialize value. Error: Control character error, possibly incorrectly encoded

I solve this issue by flushing my Redis Cache from by running following commands redis-cli flushall I hope this works. EDIT try this
ASQ's user avatar
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2 votes

Error Exception message: The product's required option(s) weren't entered. Make sure the options are entered and try again. Magento 2

The correct params format is like below: $params = [ 'form_key' => <form_key>, 'product' => <product_id>, 'qty' => <quantity>, 'options' => [ <...
Rendy Eko Prastiyo's user avatar
2 votes

Uncaught TypeError: utils.formatPriceLocale is not a function

I faced the same issue when I upgraded one of the website from Magento2.4.4 to Magento2.4.5-p2. After investing lots of hours I debugged the issue so I thought to share my findings here so that It may ...
Praveen Tyagi's user avatar
1 vote

How to enable Error Messages $this->_messageManager->addError(__('Error')); in Custom Checkout Module Magento 2?

This code worked for me app\code\Vendor\Module\view\frontend\layout\checkout_index_index.xml <referenceBlock name="content"> <block class="Magento\Framework\View\Element\...
Hitesh Balpande's user avatar
1 vote

Magento 2.3.0 How to add store filter in searchCriteriaBuilder

Replace ->addFilter('store_id', $this->followUpEmailHelper->getStore(), 'eq') with ->addFilter('store_id', $this->followUpEmailHelper->getStore()->getId(), 'eq')
Marius's user avatar
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1 vote

Why data bind template is not working on 2.2 or greater?

I just came across this same exact issue while following Alan Storm's KnockoutJs integration article. I saw the following on another one of his articles (
T_K's user avatar
  • 48
1 vote

Magento2 staging getting error in my custom module

Please try with below code : if (is_array($hash) && array_key_exists($hash_key, $hash)) { //...magic stuff here } hope its work for you
Anas Mansuri's user avatar
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1 vote

Magento2: Customer name is not showing on product page

Use below code. <?php /** * Copyright © 2013-2017 Magento, Inc. All rights reserved. * See COPYING.txt for license details. */ // @codingStandardsIgnoreFile /** * @var \Magento\Theme\Block\...
Kishan Patadia's user avatar
1 vote

Magento2: HTML tag is not working in custom email template

You can take a look on this file: vendor/magento/module-sales/view/frontend/email/shipment_update.html <p>{{trans 'You can check the status of your order by <a href="%account_url">...
DavidVR's user avatar
  • 166
1 vote

M2: after add to cart showing error message

Here is way you can solved your issue by just checking the real error. vendor/magento/module-checkout/Controller/Cart/Add.php Go to the message and check the error message :- try{ // Your code ...
Manish Goswami's user avatar
1 vote

404 Not Found - category-selector.css file

The file can be found here Between release 2.0 and 2.1 the file ...
Rian's user avatar
  • 841
1 vote

Enabling Use Flat Catalog Products Results In Frontend Pages Not Loading

Use Flat Catalog Product tells Magento to use the flat database table for the catalog/product model. This is a flattened database table that has every attribute this model uses, which makes it faster ...
Mikel Bitson's user avatar
1 vote

Exception error - What exactly to correct. Magento 2.2 on localhost was fine

You have to remove the after and before attributes from referenceContainer in your .xml, clean the cache then refresh, it should work. If you want to reorder your container, use the move attribute ...
PЯINCƎ's user avatar
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