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27 votes

Magento 2 Checkout post code (zip code) is not a required filed

I found my problem... Magento 2 has a built in feature that allows the user to specify countries for optional post code. In that feature, you can remove validation for selected countries. ...
Greg's user avatar
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13 votes

Load Custom CSS After style-l.css For Home Page

Here is the short answer: Magento load all css assets into asset groups. Asset groups are created based on the css properties and which is what stands crucial for the rendering order of css assets. ...
Rajeev K Tomy's user avatar
9 votes

Magento 2.3: main.ERROR: Unable to resolve the source file issue

I have resolved my issue to set value 0 in 'theme' table in db for type column.
Balwant Singh's user avatar
6 votes

Magento 2: changes to default.xml in custom theme aren't loaded

It is possible that the type of your theme is changed to virtual. You can check the same in table theme. The value in type column has to be 0. 0: Physical 1: Virtual 2: Staging
Sejal Shah's user avatar
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6 votes

Custom theme - styles-m.css failed to open stream: No such file or directory

I was facing the same problem after creating a custom theme. Whenever I tried to deploy the static content using command: php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f I was facing an error saying:...
Usman Yousaf's user avatar
6 votes

how to add quantity increment and decreament (+ and - button) in minicart magento 2?

app/design/frontend/Module/theme/Magento_Checkout/web/template/minicart/item/default.html <div class="product-item-pricing"> <!-- ko if: canApplyMsrp --> ...
Hitesh Balpande's user avatar
5 votes

Magento2: How to set product wise different layout

Yes you can achieve this thing by writing small code What you can do is add add layout via event layout_load_before, you can use this event to add your dynamic layout. Here is sample code for you, ...
Murtuza Zabuawala's user avatar
5 votes

Custom theme - styles-m.css failed to open stream: No such file or directory

EDIT: This describes why it was failing and a way to work around it, but JNDPNT/Altravista has the right answer so I updated. Trouble is, we want to run setup:upgrade as late in the deploy process as ...
jay's user avatar
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5 votes

Magento2 : How to Create custom theme in PWA Studio

We are creating a custom theme based on pwa-studio with this repo
Jordan's user avatar
  • 125
5 votes

how to remove Open Sans font in magento 2

In addition to Sourav's answer, from what I can tell under Magento 2.3.3 you also need to override the vendor/magento/theme-frontend-luma/Magento_Theme/layout/default_head_blocks.xml file in your ...
gibbotronic's user avatar
5 votes

Magento2 - Admin keeps on loading

Hope this three commands will solve your problem php bin/magento se:up php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f php bin/magento s:d:c also enable the cache php bin/magento cache:enable or ...
Sathya's user avatar
  • 518
5 votes

Magento 2.3: main.ERROR: Unable to resolve the source file issue

Just in case someone else runs in to this still: For us, the parent_id:s of our custom themes were all kinds of messed up, showing up all as parent_id=1; Fixing the parent_id's from "theme"-...
user3289197's user avatar
4 votes

Custom theme - styles-m.css failed to open stream: No such file or directory

when you create a new theme you need to run bin/magento setup:upgrade before deploy
Altravista's user avatar
4 votes

Magento 2.2.x : Custom Theme

You should first start by understanding basic structure of Magento if you are a beginner, for that you can read from devdocs. Check here, you can take some help of basics of frontend development. I ...
Ruhani's user avatar
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4 votes

How to override checkout cart page in custom theme magento 2?

Create below path in your custom theme: app/design/frontend/{{your package}}/{{your theme}}/Magento_Checkout/ Copy the required template, layout or web files to be modified from vendor/magento/...
Himmat Paliwal's user avatar
4 votes

csp_whitelist.xml for themes

Unless one may come up with a better solution, this is my workaround: As it looks, we can just extend the theme's registration.php to register as a theme and as module (?!) to something like this: <...
Christoph Farnleitner's user avatar
3 votes

Exception Error when container having space in htmlId?

The value of the htmlId attribute must be matched by the regular expression [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z\d-_:]. [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z\d-_:] means Start with a letter (uppercase or lowercase) rest of the characters ...
Marius's user avatar
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3 votes

Removal of component in an XML listing from custom theme

Ok, it seems you can use the displayArea rather than trying to remove the component. Setting; displayArea="nothing" seems to have removed it
Anthony's user avatar
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3 votes

Magento2 : How to Create custom theme in PWA Studio

I have created new theme under pwa-studio/packages/custom and copy all files from venia-concept I have changed in below files : Added below code in pwa-studio/lerna.json "packages/custom" and ...
Hitesh Koshti's user avatar
3 votes

How to use PWA Studio in magento 2.1.X or 2.2 versions?

Magento 2.2 and 2.1 does not have feature for support the pwa. One of most import component of PWA that is GraphQl that does not exit Magento 2.1 and magento 2.2. If you want to use pwa then use ...
Amit Bera's user avatar
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3 votes

Changing favicon for admin side theme only - Magento 2.3

First of all, If you've set favicon from Design Config, you need to remove that icon if you want to display different favicon for front-end and back-end. So please remove favicon icon from here and ...
Kishan Savaliya's user avatar
3 votes

What does "catalog_category_view_type_default_without_children.xml" do exactly?

The catalog_category_view_type_default_without_children.xml file is used for those category which does not have any children category and has disabled the Anchor. I hope given information will be ...
Vikram Kumar's user avatar
3 votes

Specific deploy magento view files

Most probably, your theme is based on Luma, which means Luma will be deployed as well and since Luma is implemented on top of Blank, Blank theme is deployed also. This is a normal behavior related to ...
Diana's user avatar
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3 votes

Magento 2.4.4: What is the theme that Magento admin uses?

A new admin theme for the adobe changes called magento/spectrum
Bradley B's user avatar
2 votes

Load Custom CSS After style-l.css For Home Page

Use as below... <css src="Magento_Theme::css/home/slider.css" media="all" /> instead of <css src="Magento_Theme::css/home/slider.css" />
Kishan Patadia's user avatar
2 votes

Magento 2.2.2 - Adding Product to Wishlist doesn't work when user is not logged in

I have patch for this issue. You need to override these two files. vendor/magento/module-wishlist/Helper/Data.php vendor/magento/module-wishlist/Observer/CustomerLogin.php Override Data.php and ...
Prince Patel's user avatar
  • 22.9k
2 votes

How to build custom theme with page and static blocks in Magento2?

This is too broad question but i tried sum up for you. You can create the basic theme with currently provided link. But for creating theme data import you need to create module's for importing data. ...
Qaisar Satti's user avatar
  • 32.5k
2 votes

How to remove container from homepage only

You can remove class by this way: Go to your admin panel > cms home page. There is one tab DESIGN and in this tab add your XML code in Layout Update XML area. <referenceContainer name="...
Nikunj Vadariya's user avatar
2 votes

How to override html for a module within custom theme?

The correct path is: app/design/frontend/MJ/theme/Magento_Braintree/web/template/form.html Delete all the other files and make sure you’ve deployed static content. Depending on the version of Magento ...
hungersoft's user avatar
2 votes

Magento 2.2.5: Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by [custom_theme registration.php]

Just check registration.php file on UTF-8 BOM elements. This a symbol on the start of file what can be seen without special mode in editors.
Serge Yudin's user avatar

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