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Less is an open-source stylesheet preprocessor that extends CSS with dynamic behavior such as variables, mixins, operations and functions. For the UNIX command, use [less-unix].

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1 answer

Magento 2 LESS - Unable to resolve the source file for ..., after deleting source file

I deleted a less file which I don't need anymore. I also removed the entry from default_head_blocks.xml so that it does not load anymore. I searched my whole theme for main.css and removed all ...
Black's user avatar
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Magento 2 - Find LESS version

How can I figure out the version of LESS used by Magento 2? I need it for a bug report.
Black's user avatar
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1 answer

How to use .abs- (from abstract) from UI library LESS?

Magento Documentation for UI Library has said to use "Extend class names should have prefix .abs- (from abstract)" There is no other explanation for the usage in the documentation How should we use ...
Haerriz's user avatar
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Magento 2 - How to override LESS code from _extends.less?

I try to remove the box-shadow of a button in the customer area. I found the code in vendor\magento\theme-frontend-luma\web\css\source\_extends.less: // // Secondary button // -------------------...
Black's user avatar
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2 answers

Magento 2 - Where to find LESS Mixin definition?

In the file vendor\magento\theme-frontend-luma\web\css\source_breadcrumbs.less there is this code getting called: & when (@media-common = true) { .breadcrumbs { .lib-breadcrumbs(); ...
Black's user avatar
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2 answers

Magento 2 - Change font-size of element with LESS

I try to change the font-size of the element with class box-content in the customer area from 1.6rem to 1rem. As you can see it shows that this is defined in _module.less Line #406 : // // Desktop //...
Black's user avatar
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Magento 2 - Grunt watch not detecting changes of _extend.less

I have these files: THEME = app\design\frontend\company\base THEME\web\css\source\lib\extend\variables\_typography.less THEME\web\css\source\lib\extend\variables\_colors.less THEME\web\css\source\...
Black's user avatar
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Magento 2 - LiveReload is connected, but changes are only visible after manual reload

I try to use grunt watch in combination with livereload. But there is almost no documentation on the topic. I installed livereload like this: npm install -g livereload Then I added the following ...
Black's user avatar
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4 answers

Magento 2 - css source maps not working

I created a new theme which extends from magento luma. I try to develope with less instead of css. I need to enable CSS Source maps, so that I can debug my less, it helps to see in which less files ...
Black's user avatar
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3 answers

Magento 2 - Why is less so painfull to use compared to css? (css vs. less)

I started to learn .less but it brings more difficulties than benefits. In css, I can just edit files in the browsers developer tool after I activated "Enable Local Overrides", and see the result ...
Black's user avatar
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4 answers

Magento 2 - Change primary button color by using .less files

I try to learn how to use .less by reading the official documentation. There is a very simple example which shows how we can change the color of a button from blue to orange. So I created a fresh ...
Black's user avatar
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2 answers

Magento 2 - How to know which .less file I have to change and what I have to change

I want to change the background color of a certain button in the customer area. It is the "Compare Product" Button at the left sidebar. How do I know which .less file I have to change? The ...
Black's user avatar
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1 answer

Magento 2 - Is it allowed to override styles-m.css / styles-l.css?

I read that these files are generated from .less files. So it is even allowed to override them?
Black's user avatar
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Magento2 - Change position of wishlist on catalog-category view page

I want to change the position of Wishlist icon on the top of image . Do I have to achieve this through xml or through css? I tried through xml but I couldn't move it over the image. Here is the ...
Haerriz's user avatar
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3 answers

Custom .less files not compiling at all

I have found that the less files are not compiling in my custom theme. at all. originally I discovered the problem when I made changes to my _extend. less file and no changes occurred, but now I have ...
Max Porteous's user avatar
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How to change number of items in a row Magento 2

I've been through topics like this: Magento 2 change number of items per row All of them claims, that if I wanna change my items row to display 4 instead of 5, then I would have to change in a file ...
Jannick's user avatar
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2 answers

Admin is returning a 404 on styles.css and theme.js on Magento 2.3.3

The backend of my Magento installation is not loading CSS/JS. I have reached a point where I just cannot work out why this is happening and hoping that someone might have an idea. This is what I am ...
Paul Blundell's user avatar
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Variable @button__shadow-active is undefined while running deploy static content in Magento 2

I am getting this error whenever running php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy. It showing variable @button__shadow-active is undefined in file en_US/css/source/_extends.less in _extends.less. ...
Kowsigan Atsayam's user avatar
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CSS and LESS files are ignored in custom theme

I'm trying to customize this component: As I read from the documentation, in order to override the style of this search bar you need to create a folder called Magento_Search and add an _extend.less ...
Matteo Paoli's user avatar
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Magento 2 + media query syntax

I have found there is syntax for desktop devices is .media-width(@extremum, @break) when (@extremum = 'max') and (@break = @screen__m) { } But i need media query for 768px to 1240px desktop ...
Mage2 Developer's user avatar
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Which LESS files do you compile in a child theme?

I'm trying to create a theme based on Pixtron. I'm using Gulp rather than Grunt, but everything I've read about compiling LESS files has the same instructions: you have point to the source file(s) (e....
NikkiBdraws's user avatar
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My checkout got a width of 1500%, how do UI library grid make sense here?

After upgrading to Magento 2.3.2 and using the latest Magento, the <div class=".opc_wrapper"> in our checkout got a width of 1500% making it ugly. We are actually using
Alex's user avatar
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Magento2 less modification command

Might this is basic query. I am using "Pedona magento theme" for my website, now I need very small modification in style.less /app/design/frontend/pedona/pedona_default/web/css/style.less do have to ...
faisaljanjua's user avatar
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Operation on an invalid type in _typography.less in _utilities.less in _listings.less

Updated to Magento 2.3.2 yesterday and have noticed that the CSS for css/styles-m.css is failing to generate with the below error: Operation on an invalid type in _typography.less in _utilities.less ...
harri's user avatar
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Magento 2 Component less/css editing best practices

Please help to understand below 2: 1. How to override component css using less files? 2. Is anyone can provide some of examples to write css in _extend.less file.
Kamlesh Yaduwanshi's user avatar
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How to edit .less or css files

I like to change some styles in my website, so i edited .less and CSS files for example: app/design/frontend/Templatemonster/theme/web/css/styles-l.less I used "flush Magento cache" from backend ...
Priya's user avatar
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Which css format is best for Magento 2 theme?

I am aware that Magento 2 uses Less CSS Format, I have just one daught what if I am use Sass CSS? Can anyone please answer below questions. What if I am using a simple CSS format? What are the ...
Sanjay Gohil's user avatar
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How magento decides order of all _module.less file imported through @magento_import directive?

I am trying to add module specific less file named _module.less inside my custom module Mynamespace_Mymodule in M2. For that I have created module.xml file with below sequence. <module name="...
Shashank Bhatt's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Magento 2: How to override theme LESS styles within custom module

I am running Magento 2.3 on Ubuntu 18.04 server with Apache 2.4, MariaDB and PHP 7.2. Magento is running in developer mode. I have created a custom theme which inherits from the Magento/blank theme. ...
Muckee's user avatar
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2 answers

Create less file for custom Theme

How to create new *.less file in Magento 2.3 project ? Here is my existing Theme: Here is my existing less file that DOES NOT work: Nothing is work here: My question is how to add custom less code/...
Yusuf Ibrahim's user avatar
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How to edit responsive.less file in theme magento 2?

I setup unero theme which has responsive.less file in the dire web/css/responsive.less. I need to edit this file. first I took a copy of that file and past it to my theme dire which is app/design/...
nashwa ghazy's user avatar
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Magento 2.3 Client Side less compilation static files not found

if I enable the Client side less compilation and flush the static file cache I will get 404 Errors for all files in the media and pub/static direction. I'm using nginx. If I compile the files manual ...
henning's user avatar
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Magento2 CSS groups in styles-m.css in wrong order

my themes "_extend.less" file looks like this: //common & when (@media-common = true) { ... } //mobile .media-width(@extremum, @break) when (@extremum = 'max') and (@break = @screen__m) { ... } //...
mukki182's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Magento 2 Theme Development - grunt watch not detecting changes of custom LESS file

We are running Magento 2 in version 2.3.1, but the error occurred in version 2.3.0 also. The situation is the following: we've created a custom theme which has Magento/luma theme as parent. according ...
TurnJoke's user avatar
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How to add custom less file for particular page (product listing page)

I am building a custom theme in Magento and Luma theme is my parent theme. I am trying to customize the product listing page with my own style. Here is what I did I copied list.phtml from module ...
GeorgeM's user avatar
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2 answers

Magento 2 image not found

I'm writing a callback module and when i try to insert image like following: a#popup-button{ display: block; width: 50px; height: 50px; background: url("../...
Duddy Woody's user avatar
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Keep getting <style> for css file and not actual file - trying to use Gulp sourcemaps

So I have updated the default_head_blocks.xml file with my css file like so and the theme loads the CSS. <css src="css/master.css" /> This is my gulpfile. const gulp = require("gulp"); const ...
saulable's user avatar
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Magento 2 Load _extend.less last

I am using a custom theme and then a child theme for the custom theme. I believe the easiest way to overide the themes css is to use _extend.less in the <MYCOMPANY>/<MYTHEME>/web/css/...
Pragman's user avatar
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Magento 2 change colours

I am trying to change the colours from the standard Magento 2 blank theme via the _theme.less file. I currently have the following file structure /public_html/app/design/frontend/GladiatorFitness/...
Boss Nass's user avatar
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Show "View as" in toolbar before grid and list modes

I want to show "View as" in toolbar just before grid and list modes. I found its already exist in template file but is hidden: vendor/magento/module-catalog/view/frontend/templates/product/list/...
BartZalas's user avatar
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CSS are compiled but not called in frontend

I added css on my website. One is bootstrap and one is a custom css. I addedd it on my Magento_Theme folder (inside layout/default_head_block.xml) <css src="css/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css" order="...
Francesco's user avatar
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change the default magento image background white color to diffrent color

Am attaching the screenshot , want to change image background color.
Priya's user avatar
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custom less not working in magento 2 production mode

I've a less file inside app/design/frontend//web/css/source/_test.less and included in default.xml like <head> <css src="css/source/_test.css" /> </head> It's working perfectly ...
Amjad M's user avatar
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5 answers

Magento 2 less compilation error while setup:static-content:deploy

After updating to Magento 2.1.16 on my staging server with nginx server and php7.0 I am facing issue in compiling less and css files. The files styles-l.css and styles-m.css are missing - not ...
Abid Malik's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Grunt compile of LESS fails with Error compiling lib/web/css/docs/source/docs.less

I'm hoping to get some advice. I pulled a project that I haven't touched in some time and in developer mode I ran 'grunt exec' followed by 'grunt less' and once running 'grunt less' I receive the ...
Rob's user avatar
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1 answer

Magento 2.2.5 styles-m.css and styles-l.css not load

I'm working with new project and editing front-end css (working with less files), everything goes well but suddenly styles-m.css and styles-l.css in front-end not loading. Any ideas why this happened ...
Romienas's user avatar
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Magento 2: Cannot change less variables

I have a problem with a custom theme in Magento. I am trying to change some variables for less. But nothing that i change has any effect on the output css. I followed
patman's user avatar
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Magento 2 - Custom style _listings.less not working

We are using Porto theme. We have our product list with the style: <div class="product details product-item-details"> code </div> We checked the porto .less which corresponds to: app\...
Raül's user avatar
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1 answer

How to include LESS in specific page layout

I have created my custom page_layout in magento 2 and now I want to add some less only in my page_layout. I don't want to load those less file in other layouts. How I can achieve it?
Gaurav Agrawal's user avatar
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Magento2 : How to create custom less file in magento 2 for particular store?

In Magento2, how to create custom.less file for a particular store ? i created custom themes like theme1, theme2 and theme3 in magento2 and also i created custom.less file only in theme but when i ...
Deepak Bhatt's user avatar