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Magento 2 compiling SCSS using Gulp

Currently, our development build uses gulp styles to compile stylesheets for the theme, I've installed it a dozen times but after I attempted to install it today I keep getting stuck on the message ...
fuziion_dev's user avatar
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Which css format is best for Magento 2 theme?

I am aware that Magento 2 uses Less CSS Format, I have just one daught what if I am use Sass CSS? Can anyone please answer below questions. What if I am using a simple CSS format? What are the ...
Sanjay Gohil's user avatar
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Magento 2 Generate static files without gulp

Has anyone tried to generate static sass files without gulp? I want to do the same as when I execute the following commands... gulp deploy --theme Namespace/Theme gulp sass --theme Namespace/Theme ...
Miguel Angel Espinosa García's user avatar
3 votes
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Magento 2.0 - SASS and Bootstrap

Is anybody aware of a Magento 2 theme based on SASS and Bootstrap 3 or 4? I found this SASS based theme , but it's using LESS. How much ...
Nick's user avatar
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"Unable to find deploy strategy for module: no known mapping" / when Snowdog SASS theme / or updating any dependency

I have installed the "snowdog/theme-blank-sass": "^0.10.1" Now I am trying to replace it with our fork, versioned 0.110.1 (just added 100) "repositories": [ { "type": "composer", ...
Alex's user avatar
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Modify CSS in magento 2

I am quite new to magento 2 and am trying to get my head around less and scss (new to this too). At the moment I just want to change the orange border at the bottom of the active Magento navigation ...
harri's user avatar
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How to use SASS in Magento 2?

very generic question. I am super confused on how to use SASS in Magento 2, I can't seem to find an easy guide on explaining step by step how to do so... any help is appreciated. Thanks!
Kara's user avatar
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Child theme not loading parent theme styles | SnowdogApps blank-sass

SOLVED (Answer below) I had to add this to themes.json that took styles.scss and print.scss from Snowdog/blank and compiled it to my Training/default: "default-blank": { "src": "vendor/snowdog/...
rits's user avatar
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Magento 2 SASS for modules on child themes

I want to change some styles in single module. I create own child theme for Snowdog and everything it's compiled by frontools. Have you got some suggestion how i can do it? Thanks.
Dominik's user avatar
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Combine all css into two files

How to combine and minify all loaded css into two files: critical.css and remainder.css? Critical.css should be loaded in the header, remainder.css should be included in the end of the page.
Natalia's user avatar
5 votes
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Swapping Less for Sass / Removing an argument previously added to type via di.xml in Magento2

So I am investigating Ben Mark's claim that is really easy to switch out the PHP Less pre-processor for a Sass one. (I don't buy it) I have ...
James Anelay - TheExtensionLab's user avatar
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Convert Compass to Bourbon

I would love to be able to convert magento's compass to using bourbon. so that i can use libsass to do faster scss compile. Also I just like bourbon better. How can this be accomplished? I was ...
Austin Peterson's user avatar
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Rwd and slow compass

Anybody try to use something instead compass for compiling sass in rwd theme? Compass is painfully slow!
user642523's user avatar
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Magento CE 1.9.1 permission to access scss files denied (dev environment using MAMP) [closed]

I'be been trying to solve this for hours, to no avail :( I would like to inspect (in the browser) the RWD sass rules based on the generated map files, but access is denied to all files in the scss ...
szabesz's user avatar
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Required changes to be made to the config.rb file paths for a custom theme

This is my first experience with sass and my novice steps into learning magento 1.9 theme development. I have followed the following guide to create the base for my custom theme- http://www....
user12084's user avatar
4 votes
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SASS in 1.9 - LESS in 2 - Why?

As I familiarize myself with Magento's implementation of SASS, I recalled this bit from the Magento 2 wiki:
pspahn's user avatar
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Magento 1.9 Sass Fallback Structure

I am trying to get the Sass fallbacks to work with Magento 1.9. I have created my own theme as skin/frontend/rwd/mytheme. I have followed the instructions here:
Adam Moss's user avatar
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