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The "oauth/consumer/enable_integration_as_bearer" path doesn't exist

I am trying to reset API but when I going to the path Stores > Configuration > Services > OAuth > Consumer Settings > Allow OAuth Access Tokens to be used as standalone Bearer tokens I ...
Haider Mohammed's user avatar
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Magento 2: How To Create Product Progamatically Using Custom Rest API

I need to create a product using a custom Rest API. (this is my first time working on API). So to check API whether it's working or not I wrote the code below, API is working, now I need to give ...
Partab Saifuddin Zakir's user avatar
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2 answers

Do a action before insert products by endpoint magento 2

I wanna make a verification before inserting products on my Magento 2.3 in the default endpoint. Here is a sample: I post a product on rest/default/V1/products endpoint, but I want to check if this ...
Raphael Cordeiro's user avatar
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Getting 400 bad request with GuzzleHTTP when trying to POST new product

I'm trying to use the /product endpoint but keep getting `400 Bad Request` response: {"message":"\"%fieldName\" is required. Enter and try again.","parameters":{...
Dave Hon's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Add a comment to an order [API REST]

I want to add a comment to a magento order. When i try to do this with postman it works properly: But when i do this with my php code, the request return an error: //GET TOKEN $url = '***/rest/V1/...
IvannVerano's user avatar
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Magento 2 rest API returns false when trying to get a token

I am trying to create a web app that gets data from a Magento 2 website thanks to the API, following this tutorial but it returns bool(false) when I do var_dump($token) I have read other threads on ...
Tokipudi's user avatar
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Move HTTP GET request into a JSON array in Magento 2 REST API (V1/customers/search)

Is it possible to put the content of this rest api in a json array to put in GET parameters instead ? And if yes, what should the code look like ? curl_init("
DevonDahon's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

How to get Custom HTTP header in Magento2 controller?

I'm accessing my controller via postman tool (Postman) I've passed custom header as shown in image and trying to access it in controller through this code: $this->_response->getHeader('APP_ID'...
Manish Joy's user avatar
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14 votes
5 answers

Receive Post Parameters In Magento 2 Controller

I am calling HTTP request for controller, I am getting get parameters, but I am not able to receive post parameters in Controller. Basically I want to call Magento 2 APIs and send customized response ...
Anand's user avatar
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1 answer

Magento REST API Example Errors

I'm trying to get a Magento REST API example working (Create a simple product as an Admin user with OAuth authentication) from the following link:
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2 votes
1 answer

Magento 2 search using REST APIs

I'm getting crazy with PHP curl and query string against Magento 2 REST Api. I have the following query: http://mystore/rest/V1/products?searchCriteria[filter_groups][0][filters][0][field]=...
salgua's user avatar
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6 votes
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Magento SOAP API call limit?

Is there a limit on API calls using Magento's SOAP API (V1)? The product page for a store I'm working on requires several calls to the "cataloginventory_stock_item.list" method, once for every "simple ...
jGaiser's user avatar
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How to create REST API in magento after configuring REST Roles , OAuth Consumers and Users with that role?

I am not that much aware of API. I have created REST Roles and OAuth Consumers. After that i have created New user and assign that role to that user. I know that I need to create one php or xml file. ...
Nikita Tailor's user avatar
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Curl based magento API creation

I am planning to create a URL Based api which enable me to fetch resources using curl. For example, If a client can request the resource by using the following url structure. curl -some-variable ...
Sundar's user avatar
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